Al teaching lesson 6 on "how to play NT"

bilmanager (Lobby): => Club:


Good morning everybody.

xx1943 (al) just opened a teaching table in the BIL.

"How to play a NT-contract"

He prepared 8 nice hands for you to play.


cashbox: hi

kkirby: may I join you?

nzakosek: hi al...are you invisible?

xx1943: good morning everbody

xx1943: here I am

bankasor: hi

strusler: How do I get in to this class?

nzakosek: i meant your bbo profile...

lwhite2: can't find you or the lesson ???? help

strusler: I C

strusler: Now do I just play and you teach?

xx1943: yes

nzakosek: i was watching for your name to appear in the lobby...but it didn't...

strusler: Hi Louise

xx1943->Kibitzers: mistake in the forst trick without making the plan

lwhite2: hi did i miss a lot

strusler: No we just started

cashbox: i think no plan

strusler: I C I just lost an entry to the nboard on the 1st trick

xx1943: correct

xx1943: st||md|3SAKJ4HQ3DAQ43CAJ9,SQ65H654DK5CK6543,S32HKJT92DT2CQT82,ST987HA87DJ9876C7|nt||sv|0|mb|-|mb|p|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|mb|-|mb|-|mb|-|pg||pc|C4|pc|C2|pc|C7|nt|Don't be the 'miserly housewife'. Create a sure entry to table to reach the later established @hs|pg||pc|CA|pg||









nt|Execute finally a nice endplay for an overtrick|pg||mc|10|mb|pp2Np3Dp3Hp3Nppp|

Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Dec 12 08:12:35 2006

Bridge Base Online Mail message from hope received at: Tue Dec 12 08:12:35 2006

hope left you a message on 2006-12-12 00:58:54

!H:) cant see you???

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Bridge Base Online Mail message from hope received at: Tue Dec 12 08:12:39 2006

hope left you a message on 2006-12-12 01:00:50

Miksa and I will play if you have space

To reply, type in a message and click OK, or simply click OK for the next message

Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Dec 12 08:15:50 2006

hope: welcome back Al

xx1943->Club: rehi

mojila: hi

bankasor: hi again

lwhite2: hi 1943

xx1943: ok I hope server likes me now

strusler: Here we are again

kino: hi AL

strusler: I can't bid

xx1943: try once more

strusler: There is no bid box

lwhite2: i hope it's my turn but i can't bid either

strusler: I see the ? mark but no place to mbid

lwhite2: no box

hope: try to leave the table and come back

xx1943: lol

strusler: There it is

xx1943->Kibitzers: better xfer to !H and later 3NT

xx1943: same mistake

xx1943: you destroy your entry to the established !hs

strusler: Same hand as I had right xx1943

xx1943: yes #1 we didn't finish the discussion

xx1943: you must take the A

strusler: That's it

strusler: Now you must setup !Hs

xx1943: now you have a sure entry with Q10 after you established your !H

strusler: Neat :>))

xx1943: ?????????????????

xx1943: you blocked yourself

xx1943: Q first and continue !hs from table

->lwhite2: and please change your profile to beginner

strusler: that's it :-))

strusler: way to go P

strusler: No now take K!S

strusler: WD P

lwhite2->Club: Al you made me nervous !

xx1943: always the same issue

xx1943: sry if I made you nervous

lwhite2: tks P

strusler: Neat lesson Al

xx1943: think and make your playn b4 you touch the first card from dummy

lwhite2: ok and tks

strusler: The thinking part always gets me

xx1943->Kibitzers: this is never a2!C opening

gerd123->Kibitzers: 1!d

xx1943: sure

strusler: Should I have bid my !Hs

xx1943: clap clap you got it

xx1943: You had to unblock the !D9

strusler: I'm not sure I wouold have had this not been a class

xx1943: 1. never open this one 2!C

xx1943: 2!C shows 23+ HCP or 9 playing tricks in major or 10 playing tricks in minor

lwhite2: what would you open all 2H singleton?

xx1943: 2. if South plays 3NT and West leads !SJ, East must play his Q and South must hold up (rule of7)

xx1943: ok 2 new volunteers pls

xx1943: I recommend you play 2 hands always

xx1943: please free your seats

strusler: What's rule of 7?

strusler: Do U mean the rule of 11

->Miksa: can you search the link on my site please for rule of 7

Miksa: ok

xx1943: no

gerd123: may i sit?

strusler: explain rule of 7, pls

xx1943: Miksa will look up the link from my site

lwhite2: can you tell me what you would of open Al?

xx1943: please free your seat

xx1943: 1!D waht else

strusler: May I kibitz

xx1943: 1!D 1!H 1!S 2!D 3!N

mojila: may I

->strusler: please kib

lwhite2: i am

strusler: Thx

Miksa: Rule of 7:

xx1943: Rule of 7:

xx1943: ty Mihailo

Miksa: yw

xx1943: why 2!C without majors?

xx1943: Where do you want to go?

strusler: Thx for info on rule of 7

xx1943: 3NT

xx1943: so bid that at once

mojila: ty

xx1943->Kibitzers: pd showed me his !S with 9, so I can discard a !S without qualm

gerd123: i shld make a D finesse first?

->gerd123: sure

gerd123: sorry wrong played

xx1943: 1S+2H+2D+4!C=8 you need 1 more trick from !D and must MUST play !D b4 !C

xx1943: WHY?

Miksa: East is dangerous

flamma: entry

gerd123: because i have KJ H

xx1943: yes EAST is dangerous

Miksa: West can take !d

xx1943: no entry problem

xx1943: and the defense is helpless

xx1943: another example for counting and thinking about dangerous opp

xx1943: but that all is very easy while you are kibbing

Miksa: yes :)

xx1943: it is a great proble, sitting at table

gerd123: i tried to play too fast

xx1943: yesterday evening ftf I made a big mistake like this one gr......

gerd123: lol

xx1943: to play fast is one of my flaws toooooooooooooo

Miksa: that's why I like playing online better

xx1943: there is a typo must be !C instead of !S

Miksa: (you are forgiven if play slow)

xx1943: #4

xx1943->Kibitzers: 1NT what else?

chicken: hehe

strusler: right

Miksa: Doesn't want to play the hand,it seems :)

lwhite2: yep

strusler: 2!Cs does it too I guess

xx1943: 2!C shows an unbalnced hand

strusler: right

xx1943: 12-14 balanced rebids 1NT

mojila: doent 2!C denies.. 4 card in !S..

strusler: Right

xx1943: 1Nt as 2!C denies a !S 4-carder

nzakosek: on the first trick

xx1943: nic please explain what went wrong

xx1943: a typical situation

nzakosek: i thought should play the ace !d on first trick...becase

xx1943: rule of 11 tells you, that West has 1 card higher than the 7

->nzakosek: tell it in public please

nzakosek: east doesn't have a solid sequence in !d's

xx1943: with KQJxx he would open an honour

nzakosek: so must play west for an honor

nzakosek: so play ace !d on first trick

xx1943: and so it is very probable, that WEST has Hx, if !Ds are 52 no problem 4 u if they are 43

nzakosek: thereby blocking the suit

xx1943: remember this technique going up with the A holding Ax opposite 10xxx

nzakosek: if west leads the queen of !d east will have to over take and create another stop in diamonds

xx1943: bets idea is to unblock the Q, but that gives declare a sure 2. stopper

xx1943: If I cash my !Ds now I give decalrer an overtrick

Miksa: now the only hope is that W doesn't have !HA, or small !d from West would be fatal, right?

xx1943: not with 109

xx1943: would be fatal without the 9

Miksa: oh, yes, sorry, didn't noticed that... ty

mojila->Club: ty

gerd123->Club: thx Al thx p

xx1943: next players please

xx1943: #5

xx1943: come in

xx1943: hi Renate

Miksa: so the combination is Ax vs 10 9 xxx

ellen22: hi altogether

gerd123: is that only about 1st lead or always?

xx1943: it is Ax opposite 10xxx too and hope RHO will not get the lead

->gerd123: always

peterb370c: hi ellen

gerd123: thank you

xx1943: hi Peter

Miksa: ty Al

mojila: thank you Al very much

peterb370c: hi al

xx1943->Kibitzers: 3NT what else

strusler: right

xx1943->Kibitzers: another 1. trick problem lol

strusler: right save entries to boards ;ong suit

strusler: good lesson

ellen22: tstststss

strusler: right

xx1943: rite

xx1943: nope

strusler: not now set up !Cs 1st

xx1943: first establish !C then create !S entry

ellen22: hm

strusler: I've been there :>))

xx1943: clap clap

strusler: Yah Rah

xx1943: wd Renate

xx1943: 2 points

peterb370c: wd p

ellen22: ;-))

xx1943: 1. create entry in trick

xx1943: 2. apply rule of 7 in !Ds later

strusler: WD Ellen

strusler: Nice bidding

xx1943: correct bidding

ellen22: wer ist mein Lehrer? Sandy oder du????

->ellen22: lol

ellen22: can see all the hands

Miksa: as dummy, yes

ellen22: ahaa

lwhite2: it's a lot eissier to play that lol

strusler: WD Peter

xx1943: clap clap Peter you found the solution

xx1943: if you take the !D in the first or second round you are down

peterb370c: there's a first time for everything

Miksa: :)

strusler: there's always a last time too:-))

xx1943: now 3NT+1 is made with 2S+3H+1D+4C

flamma: yep

strusler: Very nice Peter

ellen22: so proud of you , p ;-)

peterb370c: ty all

xx1943: West must hold up

strusler: now U'r screwed

xx1943: and loses 3 tricks

strusler: E gets !C K and leads thru Ur !D K

xx1943: now take the 1. one

hope: u have a new assistant Strusker :)

->hope: lol

strusler: must hold up two times

xx1943: and curtains

strusler: Rule of 7

hope: just told him to make comments to Kibs not to table

strusler: U have 5 cards Ie 2 holdups to preserve the suit

xx1943: clap clap clap Peter

bennyzl: why not play harts first?

xx1943: you need the !C tricks

peterb370c: !hs will be 3-3 or not all hand no rush

xx1943: to play !hs first doesn't help the !D dilemma

xx1943: ok last 2 hand 2 new players pls

xx1943: #7

ellen22: thy

->ellen22: bitte sähr

xx1943: come on

bennyzl: i dont understand this is still -1 no?

strusler: Hope Ur turn to play

chicken: kannst du mir die hände mal schicken? oder sozusagen geistiges eigentum?

->bennyzl: no made after holding up !DS twice

hope: can not play have guests

sandy_1: can anyone join?

strusler: any one else?

->chicken: die sind alle uf meiner website

bennyzl: how?

chicken: oh tx, dann lad ich sie da runter

strusler: sandy Ur turn

bennyzl: gig shows -1

bennyzl: gib

sandy_1: hi

flamma: hi p


bwd1: Thank you Al...I gtg !H

xx1943: here you'll find all the movies later

->chicken: die Hände sind alle aus Büchern gekalut

mojila: thanks Al

xx1943->Kibitzers: No 2!C imho

ellen22: 1 p missing

->ellen22: 2

ellen22: I play from 23

->ellen22: correct

peterb370c: thank you these hands are an excellent learning experience

chicken (Lobby): das macht ja nix, :)

xx1943->Kibitzers: any idea how to create an entry to this nice !SS

Miksa->Kibitzers: small !c duck

xx1943: claim 4 tricks -1

nzakosek: j!c

peterb370c->Kibitzers: helicopter?

sandy_1: terrible hand

xx1943: now try the J of !cs

xx1943: now you have 1S 2H and 6C tricks

sandy_1: ok ty

xx1943: now you have 4!S + 2!H +5!C = 11 tricks

xx1943: but you must play the J at trick 2

bennyzl: why not 2cl opener?

sandy_1: yes see that now

xx1943: even A or K are deadly

xx1943: let us demonstarte why

ellen22: why? 9 as well good, no?

xx1943: Play A and J to 2. trick

chicken (Lobby): cool, stehen am ende alle 40 hände/einheiten auf der page?

xx1943: qand you have no entry to your !Cs or to the !SS

sandy_1: right

flamma: clear

->chicken: yes

flamma: 20/20

flamma: hindsight

xx1943: ok

chicken: dann schau ich demnächst mal öfter vorbei, bis ich alles zusammenhab. bisher hab ich nur so alle 5/6 wochen geschaut.

xx1943: remember these nice possibilities to create entries from nowhere

xx1943: lats hand

xx1943: last

xx1943: #8

->peterb370c: marked u as friend. Nice play. Would like to play with you some time. Look if I'm online

ellen22: zu leicht

xx1943->Kibitzers: typical 4NT

andreakis: hi

peterb370c: thnx i'd love to

->andreakis: hi andrea

ellen22: ach so

flamma: this is difficult

bennyzl: i think you need 33 pts with 2 balanced hands

finnigan1: hi folks

->bennyzl: I play 2NT 20-22

sandy_1: is that gerber

xx1943: yes

bennyzl: so no real 4 nt and no intermidiats i will be happy in 3nt

flamma: yes

bennyzl: me 20-21:-)

->bennyzl: 3 QT is very much, but you see the flaws

xx1943: Gerber for Ks

bennyzl: 3 qt?

bennyzl: oh quick tricks

->bennyzl: A=1 AK=2 K=0.5 etc

gerd123->Kibitzers: bye

xx1943: brave bidding

bennyzl: yes but in nt you want slow tricks with intermidiats here no 10 not even 9

flamma: too brave?

xx1943->Kibitzers: Another 1. trick problem, but not entries ......

andreakis: if she ducks you are later in squeeze

->andreakis: rite

xx1943: and loses last 2 tricks

flamma: with 11hcp and 4333 should I even be thinking slam

flamma: ?

->sandy_1: olease free your seat

djrr: Yes; otherwise this hand is too easy. :-)

Miksa: :)

flamma: :)

xx1943: Another 1. trick problem

xx1943: Count:

xx1943: 4s+3H+1D+3C=11 tricks

xx1943: you need 1 more

sandy_1: 11

sandy_1: no finnesses

xx1943: maybe !Hs are 33

xx1943: but that is only 33%

xx1943: but you have an additional chance, IF the guy with 4 !H has 4!Cs too.

xx1943: in that case you can squeeze him

xx1943: But you must prepare the squeeze by losing the first trick

xx1943: this is called "Rectify the count"

xx1943: We'll make a ccomplete session about squeezes in Jan or Feb

xx1943: grrrrrrrrrrrr

xx1943: !hs are NOT 33

sandy_1: lol

xx1943: but poor WEst is helpless, what is discards is wrong

strusler: but so what :>))

xx1943: he is really SQUEEZED

strusler: good lesson

lwhite2: WOW

jaf1935: yes great

xx1943: this hand only as appetizer to be interested to learn more about squeezes