AP Environmental Science Summer Homework: Diseases

Your last name will dictate what disease you are researching for Part One. See the chart below and write in the name of your disease in Part One.

Last Name:

A-F: Hepatitis A and BG-M: CholeraN-R: DysenteryS-Z: Pertussis

Part One Directions: For your assigned disease/disease category ______, create an8.5” x 11” card with the information (a sheet of notebook or copy paper is fine) described below:

Card format:

Write in large enough letters that someone can read from across the room.

  1. Write the name of the disease

2. Write the Global and U.S. numbers for Mortality and DALY(The disability-adjusted life year (DALY) is a measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health, disability or early death)in RATES/100,000(Use the Internet for Research). Add pictures!

THEN on the back side:

  1. Describe, briefly (googling is a good idea)
  2. The cause of your disease
  3. The regions of the world affected by your disease
  4. The population (old, young, men, women, ethnicities, etc.) more commonly affected by your disease. Add pictures!
  5. Suggest at least 2 methods of controlling or preventing your disease

Helpful websites for homework

World Health Organization

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

International Numbers The links are to the excel files needed.Choose the right tab (W for world) then solve for RATE/100,000 using the total population given at the top. (Ask if you’re not sure how to do this!)



The source website (if you’re curious) can be found here:

US Numbers:

Find your disease in this large excel file. Be sure to SCROLL over to the United States. As much as we love Afghanistan, we don’t want to use its data.Use the tabs at the bottom help you switch from “Death Rates” to “DALY Rates.”


Briefly investigate two of the following diseases that have been in the news in the U.S. over the last few years. Write down the cause(s), symptoms, seriousness, and what brought it increased attention. Lastly, what environmental process is causing the spread of this disease?

-Tuberculosis (multiple drug resistant)



-MRSA (community-associated)

-Avian influenza

-Lyme disease



-West Nile virus
