Isra University Faculty of Pharmacy
Course Plan
Course No:- 501424
Course name: Pharmacognosy
Time Division: 3 Lectures
Instructor: Mohammad Yasin Mohammad
Office hours: 11:00-12:00 all days.
Lecture Time: 8:00-09:30 a.m. (Mon., Wed.)
Semester: First - Year: 2012 / 2013
Course Description:
(3 credit hours)
This course contains the study of drugs from natural origin, methods of their storage, adulteration. This study includes therapeutic uses of drugs, their active constituents and their side effects.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1- Advise on proper ways of collection and preparation of drugs for market
2- Advise on proper storage of drugs
3- Know the origin of drugs.
4- Understand methods of adulteration.
5- Learn the therapeutic activity and contraindication of individual herbal
Course outline:
Topic / Contact HoursI- Introduction, history and the future of pharmacognosy / 2 hours
II- Factors affecting secondary metabolites in plants e.g. cultivation,
collection, drying, adulteration, packing and evaluation of active
constituents. / 4 hours
III- Secondary plant metabolites e.g Alkaloids, glycosides…..etc. / 4 hours
IV- Study of Origin, Family, geographical source, macro and micro-
morphology, chemical constituents, uses and tests for identity of
drugs of different Organs.
1. Leaves e.g., Senna, Buchu, Digitalis, Tea, Solanaceous plants / 10 hours
2. Flowers e.g Clove, Chamomile, pyrethrum, Santonica….etc. / 4 hours
3. Seeds e.g. Linseed, Nux vomica, Strophanthus, Cardamom / 4 hours
4. Fruits: Ammi visnaga, Ammi majus, Fennel, Anise…..etc / 4 hours
5. Barks: e.g. Cinchona, Cascara, Frangula Cinnamon….etc / 4 hours
6. Subterranean organs e.g Rhubarb, Ipecacaunha, Liqurice,
Ginger / 3 hours
7. Herbs e.g. Lobelia, pipperment, Cannabis, ergot / 2 hours
V- Unorganized drugs, Animal drugs, hormones, waxes, / 1 hour
Text Books:
1- Evan and Trease" Text book of Pharmacognosy" 1989, 1997.2- Taylor et al " Text book of Pharmacognosy" 1989
3- Jean Bruneton " Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry, Medicinal Plants" 1997
First Exam 25 MarksSecond Exam 25 Marks
Activity 10 Marks
Final Exam 40 Marks
* Activities and assignment: students are expected to make reports on some plants. Instructor taught out the course will give the titles.