Newton International and British Schools
Medium Term Planning
Subject : History - British Clothing
Term: 2B Year Group: 3 / Resources:
PPT Presentations, card, materials for different types of clothing, / Cross-curricular links:
English, Art. / Assessment Activities:
AfL Strategies.
Termly assessments.
Vocabulary Required:
Past, present, future, fashion, clothes, materials, styles, colour, design, Tudors, century, brocade, silk, velvet, Georgian, Victorian.
Duration / Topic / Objectives / Comment
19.02.17 / What are you wearing?
Explore the world of clothes and how we wear certain types of clothing. Examine how materials and styles have changed over time. / Consider why they like or choose certain clothes.
Understand that clothes, fashions and styles have changed considerably.
Think about what they already know about clothes and materials.
Raise questions about what they don’t yet know about changes to British styles and materials.
26.02.17 / Pointed hats and shoes
Study and examine different styles of clothing covering: the Middle Ages and the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries.
Rich and flowing
Explore the Tudors from the 16th Century and how their clothing was influenced by the time period. / ·  Understand what influenced the style, colour and clothing design choices during this period.
·  Know that knowledge of the past comes from a range of sources and some considered ‘guesses’.
·  Know what life was like in Britain at this time and what key social aspects had changed since the last era studied.
·  Understand what influenced the style, colour and clothing design choices during this period.
·  Give considered responses to questions about clothing from the Tudor period.
·  Pose for a Tudor-style photo.
05.03.17 / Brocade, silk and velvet fashion
Explore Georgian society in the
18th Century. Examine how Georgian high society dressed and acted at society balls.
A mourning monarch
Explore Victorian society in the
19th Century. Investigate how Queen Victoria affected British fashions. / ·  To know some of the key social aspects that had changed since the last era studied.
·  Research Captain James Cook and compare his clothing style to a famous Tudor explorer.
·  Use a range of practical skills to create a fan in the Georgian style.
·  Know what life was like in Britain at this time including the impact of the industrial revolution on clothing manufacture.
·  Understand that what people wore could also show how they were feeling or what they were going through, like Queen Victoria wearing black.
·  Design and make a brooch to show people how they are feeling, or to indicate that something big has happened to them.
·  Be part of a discussion about what people still wear today that shows how they are feeling, or that something has happened to them, and consider why this might be important to them.
12.03.17 / The War Years
Explore the early 20th Century and how the two world wars affected the way people dressed in a time when materials were scarce.
Modern clothes
Examine late 20th Century and how changes in attitudes and manufacturing techniques have enabled people to express themselves more freely. / ·  Know what life was like in Britain at this time and what key social aspects had changed since the last era studied.
·  Understand that the two world wars greatly influenced the style, colour and clothing design choices during this period.
·  Understand the idea of ‘make do and mend’.
·  Work with a partner to make a pair of ‘short trousers’ from a pair of outgrown trousers.
·  Know what life was like in Britain at this time and what key social aspects had changed since the last era studied.
·  Know that the influence on the clothing choices of the people of Britain had changed by the late 20th century.
·  Generate a design prototype for a class t-shirt motif and begin to understand how this develops to the final product.
19.03.17 / Present and future
Take a look at the 21st Century and beyond, then use your imagination to design a futuristic outfit. / ·  Consider some of the best and worst periods in history to have lived through and explain why.
·  Plan and design a futuristic outfit, thinking carefully about design features that will be useful for the wearer.
·  Understand that clothing design has changed so much because of many, many influences and the future of clothing design is limitless!

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