Air Force IT Day Committee Meeting Minutes – Young AFCEANS’ Notes

September 15, 2009

Committee Members that dialed in: Rick Michael, Bob Black, Bruce Bohn, Tony Mitrione, Chris Mckee, Gen. Mike Peterson

-The panel will address requirements not so much acquisition

-Brig Gen Wendy Masiello will focus on acquisition

AF IT Day is officially on General Lord’s calendar

There will be three main parts to the AF IT Day:

  1. Vision
  2. Function/Operations
  3. Requirements/Acquisitions

-These three parts equate to a good value proposition to attract attendees as well as sponsors

Mr. William J. Lynn III, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, formerly of Raytheon

-Suggested as a potential vision speaker, but is not known as an IT guru

-He may be better used for a Combat Support IT Day

Gen. Mike Peterson suggested bringing in someone with better insight into the broader joint cyber vision, potentially someone from the NSA similar to Keith Alexander, someone from their CIO office or someone who could accurately represent the intel community. This person could potentially be Gen. Deptula who could cover ISR as well as growth and where money will be spent

-Our committee should reach out to STRATCOM or DISA and try and get a speaker who could headline with Gen. Ronnie Hawkins as support

Bruce Bohn-thinks we should reserve the others, outside of Air Force, for Combat Support IT Day

We are waiting on Jim Lauducci for information on Basla

Chuck is working on Gen. Breedlove + A3/A5 through Col. Riley Repco and Col. Toomer, they will be helping to organize the panel

Bruce: We need to get a response from Gen. Lord on our program draft, Bob Black has it in front of Gen. Lord but there hasn’t been any feedback good or bad thus far **Since the committee meeting Gen. Lord has approved the program and theme**

Program Planning:

-The plan is to use things the Air Force is already saying so the program should come together quickly and be an emphasis on Air Force goals and directives already in place

-The program needs to be treated like a sales pitch, we want people to attend so it needs to be attractive for potential attendees


-Martin sent each speaker a letter and in the letter is a list of other speakers as well as a list of topics, it is approximately 3.5 pgs in length and it also contains a program description as well as a complete summary of the day

-Those charged with recruiting speakers must FIRST check to see if the speaker’s calendar is clear and if it is then they can enter into Phase II of the recruiting process which is to attempt to get on the calendar

**Anyone recruiting a speaking must get the name, title, and e-mail of the speaker’s exec to Chuck and Martin so that they can then send them the letter

-We need to ensure that AFCEA NOVA is reaching out to each speaker with one voice and so the senior committee member and the YAFCEAN assigned as an escort to that speaker must coordinate their efforts, and that includes providing a phone number to the exec for the day of the event.

-Whoever is inviting the speaker will then become their escort at the event

*Josh Miller checked with Gen. Chandler and he has a clear calendar so an invite has been sent

*Jim Lauducci is working to recruit Gen. Kehler

*Gen. Basla is helping recruit Gen. Kehler

*Carey Bandler is working on Brig. Gen. Masiello, but he needs to get the contact info of the exec to Martin and Chuck so an official letter can be sent out

*Gen. Fraser is being strongly considered as an alternate, if Gen. Kehler or Gen. Chandler can’t be obtained

*Those recruiting speakers need to push for the speakers to confirm

Martin generally sends a letter to all of the speakers with the complete speakers list, the topics they will speak about and the detailed program description. This information is not included in the program on the day of the event.

DEADLINES: from Martin

9/18- Get a paragraph about AF IT Day on the web site as a call for sponsors

9/21- Full launch of web site complete with program details and speakers

-Sponsors want to know who will be there and what is going on at AF IT Day, as that will help them decide if they should sponsor the event

-In order to get something in front of potential attendees and sponsors the committee will at least get out a list of invited speakers as well as focal points of the IT Day

Bruce Bohn will convene a meeting with other AF IT Day committee members after AFC4 on 9/17 to write a summary of the program, some topics to include are the focus on cyber, CIO of AF, the acquisition panel, as well as incorporate the mission of the Air Force, Dave Sherrill will assist. Bruce has promised to deliver the program description buy 0800 18Sep09 and will include buzz words from the Chief in the program description.

At a minimum, we should communicate at the luncheon the theme of the event, that there will be a cyber flavor to the speaker topics, the date and sponsorship information. Martin would like to have the program description to help field calls from sponsors regarding the general plans for the event.

*Sharon Choi has re-joined the Program Committee

To recruitVIPs, the general procedure is to do a calendar check with the officer’s XO, then if they are available communicate that we would like to be put on the calendar and get the contact information (name, title, email and phone), and finally make sure they know that we will have someone contact them and send a formal letter and that they have a contact number in case of delay.

Small Business Committee:

**There will be a conference call at 1:30pm on 9/16 and the dial in is: 888-236-9461, Guest Room Number: 960770

Updates from Bernie Corjay-

-She is working with Bill Donaldson of ESC-Hanscom in reference to the AF IT Day small business venue, Bill could be a speaker and potentially can run round tables in the afternoon. He wants to discuss some agenda items as well for the AF IT Day

-Riley Repko’s office agreed to support the AF IT Day: either Col. Repko or Col. Toomer will speak

Action Items for Team:

-To think of other potential people to engage, potentially reach out to Ron Poussard

-To think about the Round Table event, this will be discussed on the team conference call

Signal Magazine

-Chuck will arrange for a free ad for AF IT Day

Recruit Recruit Recruit!

-Each member of the committee that is attending the Gen. Lord AFCEA luncheon on 18Sep09 needs to recruit attendees and sponsors for the AF IT Day

-Col Zich will coordinate the Pentagon recruiting days, but everyone needs to do their best to get more suits in seats as there has been a noticeable decline in recent years, but that can be attributed to a variety of factors


-Need 2 for Breakfast, 3 for lunch and 2 for reception

-Linda Baldwin has set a goal of $150,000 in sponsorship

-Linda Baldwin and Regis Sullivan will be using the Friday, Gen. Lord luncheon to look for new sponsors. It is a good time to get in front of new members regarding sponsorship, and the last chance to get in front of the AF community before December.

-A formal Media Relations Committee will be put together soon.

-Martin said that the prices and benefits of sponsorship will be highlighted in the program and on the slides at the luncheon.

Logistics, Floor Operations & Volunteer Management Subcommittee

-There needs to be a focus on getting people in their seats, especially in the front of the room, there shouldn’t be anyone standing in the back

-Tom Catchudal will lead the team to help make this happen

Bob black is working on the color guard and Chuck is thinking of someone to do The Pledge

At the AF IT Day AFCEA will honor a WWII Veteran flyer, Fred Rainbow’s father and he will receive a golden eagle

Wounded Warrior Program

-Kristen Klein has received some more volunteers for the program and she is also receiving help from the YAFCEANS

-Helaine Cooper is going to help invite some of the warriors currently at Walter Reed to attend AF IT Day

VIP Invites Subcommittee

-Members of other service branches will be invited

*Nelson Lowe will try and recruit Gen. Deptula, however, the thought is still that he is speaking in New Mexico the day prior

Tentative Schedule:


8:15-9:00AMGen Chandler (Fraser as Alternate)

9:00-9:45AMLt Gen Deptula (Fraser as Alternate)


10:00-10:45AMLt Gen Lord

10:45-11:15AMMaj. Gen Webber


12:00-1:30PMLunch and Gen Kehler as lunch keynote speaker


2:00-4:00PMLt. Gen Breedlove A3/5 and Requirements Panel (4+Moderator)

Maj Gen Anderson - ACC/A8

Brig Gen Masiello – AFPEO

Brig Gen Desjardins - AMC/A5/8

SPC/A5A potential conflict to remember is that Webber works for Kehler and so the thought was that potential Webber could even be considered as a panel moderator, especially since he is comfortable with the A3 if Gen Breedlove is unavailable.

*Chuck is requesting help in finding a Military Chaplin for the event.

*Chuck will work on reserving parking spots for VIPs and speakers

*We will request that attendees submit their questions ahead of time.

*Someone needs to work out parking with the hotel, maybe use the McClean Bible Church parking lot and run a shuttle, who?

*Security must also be addressed and a cop needs to be there, who?

Exhibits Subcommittee:

-Only Air Force/Government exhibits will be allowed at AF IT Day, no exhibits from contractors will be allowed

-Gen. Lord will get out letter requesting exhibits from the Air Force

-Parking lot exhibits will be ok as long as there are government exhibits

-Contractors will not be allowed to rent rooms on the first floor of the Sheraton to give briefings, if anyone sees this kind of activity it should be reported to Chuck immediately

Subcommittee Additions:

*Helaine Cooper is the new Chairwoman of the Media Relations/PR Subcommittee

*Michelle Cornell will join the Media Relations/PR Subcommittee

* Geoff Stilley will join the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*Keith Scott will join the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*Connie Zhong will join the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*Nelson Lowes will join the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*Allen Shelton will join the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*YAFCEANS will assist the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*Nayereh Rassoulpour will join the Logistics/Ops/Volunteer Management Subcommittee

*Mike Carpenter will be there as the Photographer

*Tina Jordan will coordinate with Mike Carpenter

*Luke Howe will chair the VIP Invites Subcommittee

* Dave Sherrill will chair the Suits in Seats Subcommittee

*Gen. Beckwith will assist the Suits in Seats Subcommittee

Next Meeting is set for Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at the CACI Headquarters

Army IT Day will be in January

Naval It Day will be in March

Combat Support Day will be in May/June