Please submit one copy (photocopies are acceptable) of this form, and one copy of nominee’s resume, to AIAA Technical Committee Nominations, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191. Submissions may be faxed to 703.264.7551. Nominations may also be submitted via our Web site at, Inside AIAA, Technical Committees.
For additional information about AIAA Technical Committees, please visit
Name (Mr. / Ms. / Dr. / Prof.)
Are you applying for an associate membership? (Yes/No)
Associate membership is available only for members under 35 years of age.
Business Address
Telephone Fax
Home Address
Home telephone (to be used by TC chairman only – not published)
Preferred mailing address (This is the address to which your Aerospace America and technical journal subscriptions will be sent, and the address that will be published in the Technical Activities Roster.)
( ) Business ( ) Home
College or University
Degree Year
Major/Field of Study
Graduate degrees
College or University Year
AIAA Membership Grade and Number
You must be a current member of AIAA to join a Technical Committee.
Are you currently a member of any AIAA Technical Committee? Yes / No
If yes, what technical committee are you a member of, and when does your
term end?
Individuals should not apply for membership on more than two Technical Committees at the same time.
Individuals are not allowed to join two Technical Committees simultaneously. After you have been a member of a Technical Committee for at least one year, you may apply to join a second Technical Committee.
Please list the TC(s) you are interested in joining in priority order:
Please explain briefly why you would like to join these Technical Committees, any activities associated with these Technical Committees that you are currently supporting, and what you hope to accomplish as a Technical Committee member.
Please list activities you have been active in that are relevant to the Technical Committee charter
AIAA offices held
Membership in other societies, committees, boards, or other AIAA activities
Primary professional interest
Secondary professional interests
Positions held pertinent to above
Professional publications (attach additional pages if necessary)
Honors and/or awards
Please provide a brief description on what projects you have recently worked on or are currently working on
Nomination submitted by (if other than self)
Please feel free to attach separate sheets as needed. If you have any questions, please contact Technical Activities at 703.264.7573.
This form must be signed by the nominee’s supervisor to document the understanding of time and travel commitments.
I endorse the nomination of
for membership on the
Technical Committee.
I understand that he/she will be expected to commit time and travel
resources to support committee activities and meetings.