- Weather of previous week:
Year: 2017 / Bulletin Period: 30 December to 03 January 2018 / Day: Friday / Dated:29.12.2017
On the basis of observations recorded at College of Agriculture, Indore the average max. Temperature recorded was 25.5°C and min. mean temperature was 7°C Average rainfall from 1-6-2017 was 861.3 mm. Relative humidity was 87.1%. Average evaporation was 2.6mm.
- Weather forecast Summary:
On the basis of forecast received from India MeteorologicalDepartment, Bhopal, the weather conditions during the next five days (w.e.f.29December, 2017) for Indore district0mm rainfall will occur during this period.Maximum temperature will be 27.0 to28.0°C and minimum temperature will be 9.0 to 10.0oCrespectively. Wind will be blow North-East direction with 9-12kmph.
Medium Range Weather Forecast for Indore District of Madhya Pradesh for next 5 days
District / Date / Rainfall(mm) / Temp Max
(deg C) / Temp Min
(deg C) / Cloud Cover
(%0) / Rh Max (%) / Rh Min
(%) / Wind Speed
(kmph) / Wind Direction
INDORE / 30/12/2017 / 0 / 28 / 10 / 12.5 / 75 / 30 / 10 / N-E
INDORE / 31/12/2017 / 0 / 28 / 10 / 12.5 / 77 / 32 / 12 / N-E
INDORE / 01/01/2018 / 0 / 27 / 10 / 0 / 74 / 29 / 9 / N-E
INDORE / 02/01/2018 / 0 / 27 / 9 / 0 / 71 / 25 / 10 / N-E
INDORE / 03/01/2018 / 0 / 27 / 9 / 0 / 68 / 21 / 9 / N-E
Agro-Meteorological Advisories for Farmers of Indore District
Crops / Phonological Stage / AdviceWheat / Field preparation of Wheat crop
(Late Sowing) /
- Farmers are advised to procure good quality seeds of wheat. Seed rate: - 100 kg seed per hectare. Recommended cultivars: -Amrita (HI-1500), Harsita (Hi-1531) and Pusa Bhar (H.D.-2987). Application of Chlorpyriphos (20 EC) @ 5 litres per hectare with pre-irrigation water is recommended before sowing in the fields having perennial problem of termite infestation. Before sowing seeds should be treated with Bavistin or Thiram @ 2-2.5 g per kilogram of seed. Recommended dose of fertilizer for N: P: K is 120, 50 and 40 kg / hectare.
Field crop
Chickpea / Gram / Vegetative growth stage /
- Apply the control measure of gram cut worm. Apply chlorpyriphos dust or Melathion dust @ 20 kg/ha.
Fruit crops / Mango / Around Mango trunk should be done for preventing climbing of young mealy bugs. Apply grease to seal any cracks.
Vegetables and Spices
potato, pea, chill, tomato/garlic / Nursery development for winter season vegetables cop /
- Intercultural operations in vegetables are advised to remove the weeds.
- Farmers are advised to start earthling-up in potato if crop has attained a height of 15-22 cm. If so required, the practice may be repeated after 15 days.
- Farmers are advised for transplantation of onion seedling in this week. Seedling should not be older than six weeks. Transplanting should be done in small beds. Deep transplanting should be avoided. Apply 20 ton well decomposed FYM, 10-15 day before transplanting with 20 kg nitrogen, 60-70 kg phosphorus and 80-100 kg potash at the time of last ploughing.
Animal husbandry
Berseem (Cattle Feed) /
- Keeping in view of suitable weather, sowing of barseem for fodder purpose can be done. Cultivars for for barseem – Vardan, Buland Barseem-1, J.B-3. Seed rate: - barseem -25-30 kilogram per hectare.
Cattle /
- Protect cattle from cold at night.Use littre in cattle shed and keep cattle in sunlight at day time.
- Cattle should be keep in shade and provide clean and fresh water two times in a day.
- Cowshed with be whitewashed with lime and cows/ buffaloes should be prevented from Haemorrhagic Septicaemia (HS) and black quarter disease through vaccination.
- Provide green fodder by cutting of chaff cutter and use mangers,
- To control ecto parasite use Butox and also deworming to cattle.
- Animalsmust be fed 50-60 grams of salt mixed with water.
Poultry /
- Vaccinate the chicks at 7 days (F1) and at 6 weeks with R2B.
- Vaccinate the poultry birds to prevent Ranikhet disease. (first F-1in age of 7 days & second R2B in age of 8 weeks )
- To prevent Rani khet disease vaccinate the poultry.
- Provide mineral mixture and fresh and clean water to birds.
Goat /
- Goat should be keep in shade and provide clean and fresh water three times in a day.
- Vaccinate the goat to control PPR disease.
- Keep goat in dry and shaded place and provide green fodder, fresh and clean water three times in a day. Apply control measures forendo andecto parasite.
By: Nodal officer& Technical officer “Weather Forecast Based KrishiMausamSewa Project” RVSKVV, College of Agriculture, Indore M.P.Ph: +919893946434, email