January 8, 2007
AGRiP Survey for Board Compensation and Stipends
CEO Pumford conducted an email survey of both member and non-member pools on the question of Board compensation and stipends. In this context "stipend" is an amount paid per-day or per-meeting, in addition to travel expense reimbursement for attending or participating in authorized meetings and/or conducting other pool business. Further, AGRiP follows the dictionary definition for per diem. This survey gathered information on pool policies for expense reimbursements and stipend rates paid to governing board members.
133 Pools responded to the surveyas follows:
- 13% do not provide expense reimbursement or any form of compensation to Board members
- 78% provide only reimbursement of “reasonable expenses” e.g. actual expenses for travel at IRS rate and actual hotel bills
- 9% reported reimbursement at a per diem rate
Of the 104 pools that provide reimbursement of “reasonable expenses” 30 provided explanatory comments to as follows:
- 22 paystipendsto Board members ranging from $45 to $350*per Board meeting (*one national pool pays $2,200 per Board meeting)
- 8 pay stipends to Board members who attend committee meeting ranging from $25 to $200
- 5 pay stipends to Board members ranging from $75 to $100 to participate in telephonic meetings
- 8 pools pay the IRS rate or above for mileage
Of the 12 pools that report reimbursement at a per diem rate:
- 2 pools pay a stipend of $100 to Board member per meeting in addition to per diem payments for meals, lodging and travel
- 6 pools pay the IRS rate for mileage
- 4 pools pay a fixed amount less than the IRS rate for mileage
The survey questions were:
1.Our pool does not provide expense reimbursement or any form of compensation to Board members for their time or travel on official business on behalf of the pool.
2. Our pool reimburses Board members for “travel” expenses as follows:
reimbursement of “reasonable expenses”, or
reimbursement at a per diem rate of $______for meals and lodging and the rate of ($____) for
mode of travel.
- IN ADDITION to “travel expense”, our pool also provides a stipend orotherwise compensates board members for their service as follows:
Board meetings, at a rate of ($______), ( ) per-day or ( ) per-meeting, and
Board committee meetings, at a rate of ($______), ( ) per-day or ( ) per-meeting, and
Telephone conference call meetings, at a rate of ($ _____) per call, and/or.
[ ] OTHER - (please specify).
T:\AGRIP\ResourceCenter\Board Compensation and Expense\SummaryofSurvey 12007.doc