Agriculture and Technology Department
Rules and Procedures Sheet
Students participating in Agricultural Mechanics and Technology Department courses will be subjected to the rules and procedures described in this agreement. Not following these rules and procedures may result in bodily harm of the students and / or the instructor.
Student Name: ______Date: ______
Course: ______
Profanity: / The F--- Word /- Anecdotal note sent home, loss of daily participation points, and 30 min. detention before school.
- Discipline referral and loss of daily participation points.
Other Swear Words /
- Loss of daily participation points and 15 min. detention before school.
- Loss of daily participation points and 30 min. detention before school with cleaning duty.
- Discipline referral and anecdotal note sent home.
Talking: / Without Permission /
- Verbal Warning
- Loss of 50% daily participation points
- Loss of daily participation points and 30 min. detention before school
- Discipline referral and anecdotal note sent home.
During Demonstrations /
- 30 min. detention with cleaning duty (No Warning)
- Discipline referral and anecdotal note sent home.
Safety Glasses:
Each student will not be furnished with a pair of safety glasses. Students’ will be required to have a pair of Z87 rated safety glasses. They may be purchased from the NCWHS technology department for $______. You may also purchase safety glasses outside of class.
Safety glasses are to be worn whenever anyone is working in the lab. Students without safety glasses will not be allowed to work in the lab. Failure to wear safety glasses will result in loss of points, loss of lab time, and before school detention.
GO TO THE RESTROOM BEFORE CLASS! No students will be permitted to leave during class.
Theft: / Lab Tools / If an item is missing during class time the entire class will contribute to buy a new item. If the item is not replaced within three class days the class will not work in the lab until it has been replaced. If the person is identified, they will be responsible for the replacement.
Student Work / Each student is responsible for his / her own work and should lock it up properly.
Tool Abuse:
The student responsible for damaging the tool and / or tools will pay for the cost of repairs. They will also receive an anecdotal and a referral.
Classroom Fixture Abuse:
Don’t mark on the benches, machines, desk, or any other classroom fixtures. The consequences will be anecdotal and a referral with no warning or detentions.
Everyone will be responsible for cleaning up his or her own mess. At the clean-up warning each student will be responsible for their own clean-up job. Failure to do the assigned clean-up jobs will result in the loss of 50% daily participation points and 15 min. before school detention. The last 8 min. of the class period will be designated for clean-up.
Lab Fee:
A $______lab fee is required to participate in the technology department courses. This fee will pay for the expenses of the supplies used in the course. This fee does not include the price of lumber that is used for the M.A.P., Manufacturing, and Cabinet Making courses. A project fee will be issued for the lumber.
I ______have read the rules and procedures and will abide by them. Failure to follow these rules and procedures will follow with appropriate consequences.
Student Signature: ______
Parent or Guardian Signature: ______
Permission Slip
Name: ______Date: ______
Street Address: ______
City: ______
Machines are safeguarded as much as possible. General safety and safe classroom practices are emphasized. However, bodily injury can occur through accidental, carelessness, or misuse of equipment.
I give my permission to have (the above student) use the stationary machines, portable power tools, and non-power hand tools in the NCWHS Ag Mechanics / Technology facilities. They are covered by the school’s insurance or by other accidental insurance.
Parent or Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Guardian Phone #: ______
Family Doctor: ______
Doctor Phone #: ______
*All students must have this form completed. No students will be allowed to work until this form has been turned in to the instructor.