Course: / Word Processing / Course Number: / 6625
Textbook: / Microsoft Word 2007
Required Fee/Supplies: / $8.00 / Student Organization: / FBLA
Prerequisite: / Keyboarding
Dual Enrollment Credit: / Yes (10 – 12 grade)
Industry Certification: / Administrative Assisting Assessment (NOCTI)
IC3 Certification-applies to 36-week course only (Certiport)
Microsoft Office Specialist, MOS (Microsoft)
Virginia Workplace Readiness Assessment (NOCTI) and IC3 Certification (Certiport)
Students develop intermediate to advanced level word processing skills using a variety of software functions, including graphics, desktop publishing, and telecommunications. Students gain competence integrating other applications such as database and spreadsheet into word processing activities. Classroom experiences also provide for skill development in communication.
Task Area / DaysImplementing Virginia's CTE Course Requirements / 1
Addressing Elements of Student Life / 1
Workplace Readiness Skills / Ongoing
Handling Systems Operations Procedures / 3
Creating, Formatting, and Editing Documents / 46
Using Specialized Word Processing Features / 12
Using Desktop Publishing Features / 6
Communicating Electronically / 10
Identifying Ethical Issues Related to Computers and Computer Systems / 3
Developing Employability Skills / 5
Examining All Aspects of Industry / Ongoing
Business and Information Technology Course Project/Portfolio / 3
Total / 90
- Chapter Exercises
- Supplementary Activities
- Unit Review
- Tests/Quizzes
- Teacher Observations
- Student Demonstrations
Word Processing - Related Standards of Learning
10.1 / The student will participate in and report on small-group learning activities.a. Assume responsibility for specific group tasks.
b. Participate in the preparation of an outline or summary of the group activity.
c. Include all group members in oral presentation.
d. Use grammatically correct language including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose.
10.4 / The student will read and interpret informational materials.
a. Analyze and apply the information contained in warranties, contracts, job descriptions, technical descriptions, and other informational sources, such as labels, warnings, manuals, directions, applications, and forms to complete specific tasks.
b. Skim manuals or informational sources to locate information.
c. Compare and contrast product information contained in advertisements with instruction manuals and warranties.
10.8 / The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing.
a. Use a style manual, such as MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) to apply rules for punctuation and formatting of direct quotations.
b. Apply rules governing use of colon.
c. Distinguish between active and passive voice.
10.11 / The student will collect, evaluate, organize, and present information.
a. Organize information from a variety of sources.
b. Develop the central idea or focus.
c. Verify the accuracy and usefulness of information.
d. Credit sources for both quoted and paraphrased ideas.
e. Present information in an appropriate format, such as oral presentations, written reports, or visual products.
f. Use technology to access information, plan, and develop writing.
11.7 / The student will write in a variety of forms with an emphasis on persuasion.
a. Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing.
b. Develop a focus for writing
c. Evaluate and cite applicable information.
d. Organize ideas in a logical manner.
e. Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately.
f. Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation.
g. Revise writing for accuracy and depth of information.
h. Proofread final copy and prepare document for intended audience or purpose.
11.8 / The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and paragraphing.
a. Use a style manual, such as MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association for producing research projects.
b. Use verbals and verbal phrases to achieve sentence conciseness and variety.
c. Adjust sentence and paragraph structures for a variety of purposes and audiences.
11.9 / The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education.
a. Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas.
b. Organize information to support purpose and form of writing.
c. Present information in a logical manner.
d. Revise writing for clarity.
e. Use technology to access information, plan and develop writing.
12.4 / The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials, including electronic resources.
a. Identify formats common to new publications and information resources.
b. Recognize and apply specialized informational vocabulary.
c. Evaluate a product based on analysis of the accompanying warranty and instruction manual.
d. Evaluate the quality of informational and technical materials.
12.7 / The student will develop expository and informational writings.
a. Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.
b. Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing.
c. Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials.
d. Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately.
e. Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation.
f. Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
g. Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication submission.
9.4 / The student will read and analyze a variety of informational (manuals, textbooks, business letters, newspapers, brochures, reports, catalogs) and nonfiction materials including journals, essays, speeches, biographies, and autobiographies.
a. Identify a position/argument to be confirmed, disproved, or modified.
b. Evaluate clarity and accuracy of information.
c. Synthesize information from sources and apply it in written and oral presentations.
d. Identify questions not answered by a selected text.
e. Extend general and specialized vocabulary through speaking, reading, and writing.
f. Read and follow instructions to complete an assigned project or task.
9.6 / The student will develop narrative, expository, and informational writings to inform, explain, analyze, or entertain.
a. Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing.
b. Plan and organize writing to address a specific audience and purpose.
c. Communicate clearly the purpose of the writing.
d. Write clear, varied sentences.
e. Use specific vocabulary and information.
f. Arrange paragraphs into a logical progression.
g. Revise writing for clarity.
h. Proofread and prepare final product for intended audience and purpose.
9.7 / The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing.
a. Use and apply rules for the parts of a sentence.
b. Use parallel structures across sentences and paragraphs.
c. Use appositives, and main and subordinate clauses.
d. Use commas and semicolons to distinguish and divide main and subordinate clauses.
9.9 / The student will use print, electronic databases, and online resources to access information.
a. Identify key terms specific to research tools and processes.
b. Narrow the focus of a search.
c. Scan and select resources.
d. Distinguish between reliable and questionable Internet sources and apply responsible use of technology.
History and Social Science
GOVT.17 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal character traits that facilitate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life bya. practicing trustworthiness and honesty;
b. practicing courtesy and respect for the rights of others;
c. practicing responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance;
d. practicing respect for the law;
e. practicing patriotism.
VUS.14 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of economic, social, cultural, and political developments in the contemporary United States by
a. analyzing the effects of increased participation of women in the labor force;
b. analyzing how changing patterns of immigration affect the diversity of the United States population, the reasons new immigrants choose to come to this country, and their contributions to contemporary America;
c. explaining the media influence on contemporary American culture and how scientific and technological advances affect the workplace, health care, and education.
COM.8 / The student will design and implement computer graphics, which will include topics appropriate for the available programming environment as well as student background. Students will use graphics as an end in itself, as an enhancement to other output, and as a vehicle for reinforcing programming techniques.COM.17 / The student will test a program, using an appropriate set of data. The set of test data should be appropriate and complete for the type of program being tested.
Word Processing - SOL Correlation by Task
011 / Compose documents, such as letters, reports, tables, and memos representing a variety of formats and incorporating English writing process steps. / English 10.8, 10.11, 11.8, 12.7, 9.6, 9.7, 9.9012 / Produce complex business documents (e.g., text with tables, columns, graphs, graphics, and/or documented material). / Mathematics COM.8
013 / Proofread copy using software tools and manual techniques. / English 12.4, 9.6
014 / Edit copy (e.g., using software tools and manual techniques). / English 10.8, 11.8, 9.7
018 / Produce specialized documents (e.g., legal, medical, and government documents). / English 10.11, 9.4, 9.9
021 / Sort data in ascending and descending order. / Mathematics COM.17
022 / Sort data in multiple fields. / Mathematics COM.17
041 / Explain concepts of security, integrity, courtesy, and confidentiality related to information and communication systems. / History and Social Science GOVT.17, VUS.14
English 10.1, 10.4
042 / Explain concepts related to copyright, public domain, copy protection, and licensing agreements. / History and Social Science VUS.14
English 10.1, 10.4
043 / Explore career options. / English 9.9
044 / Investigate sources of potential employment (e.g., Internet, newspaper). / English 9.9
045 / Compose a letter of application. / English 10.8, 10.11, 11.7, 11.8, 12.7, 9.6, 9.7
046 / Create or update a résumé. / English 10.8, 10.11, 11.7, 11.8, 12.7, 9.6, 9.7
049 / Compose an interview follow-up letter. / English 10.8, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 9.6, 9.7
051 / Create or update a portfolio containing representative samples of student work, including résumé format suitable for online posting. / English 10.8, 10.11, 11.8, 12.7, 9.6, 9.7
052 / Identify potential employment barriers for nontraditional groups and ways to overcome the barriers. / History and Social Science VUS.14
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