Course: / Welding II / Course Number: / 8673
Textbook: / Welding Fundamentals
Required Fee/Supplies: / $10.00 / Student Organization: / SkillsUSA
Dual Enrollment Credit: / Yes
Industry Certification: / Core-Introductory Craft Skills, National Construction Career Test (NCCER)
SENSE Training Program Certification, Level 1-Entry-level Welder (American Welding Society)
Virginia Workplace Readiness Assessment (NOCTI) and IC3 Certification (Certiport)
Welding Assessment (NOCTI)
Welding, National Construction Career Test (NCCER)
Students learn to use gases and/or welding processes and to braze and solder metal parts according to diagrams, blueprints, or written specifications.
Task Area / DaysVirginia's CTE Course Requirements
Participating in the Student Organization
Applying Basic Construction Safety Standards (Core Safety)
Demonstrate General Welding Techniques
Interpreting Drawing and Welding Symbol Interpretation
Demonstrating Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
Demonstrating Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW, GMAW-S)
Demonstrating Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW-G)
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
Demonstrating Manual Oxyfuel Gas Cutting (OFC)
Demonstrating Visual Examination Principles and Practices
PCTC Course Project/Portfolio
Daily grade, participation, quizzes 20%
Test 20%
Shop/lab work and projects 60%
Welding II - Related Standards of Learning
10.4 / The student will read and interpret informational materials.a. Analyze and apply the information contained in warranties, contracts, job descriptions, technical descriptions, and other informational sources, such as labels, warnings, manuals, directions, applications, and forms to complete specific tasks.
b. Skim manuals or informational sources to locate information.
c. Compare and contrast product information contained in advertisements with instruction manuals and warranties.
11.4 / The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials.
a. Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts.
b. Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment.
c. Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task.
d. Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts.
e. Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions.
11.9 / The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education.
a. Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas.
b. Organize information to support purpose and form of writing.
c. Present information in a logical manner.
d. Revise writing for clarity.
e. Use technology to access information, plan and develop writing.
History and Social Science
GOVT.16 / The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of government in the Virginia and United States economies bya. analyzing the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the economy;
b. describing the creation of public goods and services;
c. examining environmental issues, property rights, contracts, consumer rights, labor-management relations, and competition in the marketplace.
G.2 / The student will use pictorial representations, including computer software, constructions, and coordinate methods, to solve problems involving symmetry and transformation. This will includea. investigating and using formulas for finding distance, midpoint, and slope;
b. investigating symmetry and determining whether a figure is symmetric with respect to a line or a point; and
c. determining whether a figure has been translated, reflected, or rotated.
G.12 / The student will make a model of a three-dimensional figure from a two-dimensional drawing and make a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. Models and representations will include scale drawings, perspective drawings, blueprints, or computer simulations.
BIO.1 / The student will plan and conduct investigations in whicha. observations of living organisms are recorded in the lab and in the field;
b. hypotheses are formulated based on direct observations and information from the scientific literature ;
c. variables are defined and investigations are designed to test hypotheses;
d. graphing and arithmetic calculations are used as tools in data analysis;
e. conclusions are formed based on recorded quantitative and qualitative data;
f. sources of error inherent in experimental design are identified and discussed;
g. validity of data is determined;
h. alternative explanations and models are recognized and analyzed;
i. appropriate technology, including computers, graphing calculators, and probeware, is used for gathering and analyzing data and communicating results;
j. research utilizes scientific literature;
k. differentiation is made between a scientific hypothesis and theory;
l. a scientific viewpoint is constructed and defended; and
m. chemicals and equipment are used in a safe manner.
CH.1 / The student will investigate and understand that experiments in which variables are measured, analyzed, and evaluated, produce observations and verifiable data. Key concepts include
a. designated laboratory techniques;
b. safe use of chemicals and equipment;
c. proper response to emergency situations;
d. manipulation of multiple variables with repeated trials;
e. accurate recording, organizing, and analysis of data through repeated trials;
f. mathematical and procedural error analysis;
g. mathematical manipulations (SI units, scientific notation, linear equations, graphing, ratio and proportion, significant digits, dimensional analysis, use of graphing calculator);
h. the use of appropriate technology including computers, graphing calculators, and probeware for gathering data and communicating results; and
i. construction and defense of a scientific viewpoint.
Welding II - SOL Correlation by Task
Science BIO.1, CH.1
English 11.4
009 / Explain safe working practices around electrical hazards. / History and Social Science GOVT.16
011 / Identify the types of fires and the methods used to extinguish them. / Science CH.1
English 11.4
017 / Report injuries. / English 11.9
018 / Report personal, environmental, and equipment safety violations to the appropriate authority. / English 11.9
023 / Fabricate simple parts from a drawing or sketch. / Mathematics G.2, G.12
English 10.4
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