Autism Strategy Meeting
Tuesday 5th July 2016 at 3pm
Invergordon Hospital


/ Neil McNamara
Note / Faith Wilson (Adult Autism Diagnostician)
Present / Rohan Van der Speck (Consultant Psychiatrist in Learning Disability)
Malcolm Hamilton (Consultant Dental Surgeon)
Allan Tubb (Autism Representative)
Linda Matthews (Carer Representative)
Item /


/ Action
1. / Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: Andrew Denovan (Autism Initiatives)
Val Watson (Hospital Liaison Nurse)
Dave Hughes (Accessible Information Officer)
2. / Introductions
The meeting started with introductions and hopes for progress. During introductions several key words and statements were noted including;
Prejudice, problems, acceptance of individuality, very little understanding, access to support – we see this as key elements to consider for future meetings.
3.5 / Operational Information
The meeting operational information document was discussed. This stimulated some early discussion around:
·  Data collection
·  Systems, e.g. flagging within the NHS
·  Training at front line level as well as in general
·  Referring to previous reports for comparison and progression e.g. Gill Newman’s mapping and Simon Webster’s report
Group Members
There was some discussion around involving others who may benefit the subgroup. It was agreed that it would be useful to have GP input and Neil is to contact GP in Gairloch, or Dr Evenett in Tain, or Dr Malcolm Gray who is the Learning Disability GP visiting New Craig’s. There was a suggestion that a retired GP may have more time to attend if the aforementioned are not available. Neil will also contact Boyd Peters to identify input. It was thought that the group would benefit from having a health and leisure representative.
Data Collection
There was discussion around the importance of data gathering to establish accurate numbers of prevalence for future planning, this would include diagnosed + waiting list for children, adults registered with Autism Initiatives, adult waiting list figures. It was acknowledged that there is always likely to be under representation.
Accessing Health Services
There was discussion around accessing health facilities, and improving attitudes towards Autism. The flagging system was discussed as a useful way of improving services but some challenges were identified as not all practitioners use this system. Training has similar challenges and it was thought that Autism training would improve attitudes and understanding if it became mandatory.
Improving Diagnostic Services
It was suggested that we look at the other areas to compare. It was also suggested that a first contact occurs within 12 weeks of being referred, there was some discussion about how this goal could be resourced.
It was discussed that the individual challenges facing people with Autism are likely to impact on their ability to access general leisure facilities. There was discussion around:
·  Self Directed Support
·  Loneliness and befriending
·  Improving interaction opportunities
A current government scheme was discussed which may offer funding to improve interaction opportunities for those isolated. Neil McNamara to contact Michael Pererra for further information.
4. / AOCB
The way forward – first steps
The group agreed that were several elements to A Healthy Life which need to be further broken down to:
·  The Assessment Service
·  Healthcare Services
·  Health, Wellbeing and Leisure
5. / Date of Next Meeting
16th August 2016 – 3pm at the Centre for Health Sciences, Raigmore, Inverness (venue to be confirmed)