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Agni Yoga's facets, 1967

*1967. 001. (Jan. 1). Decomposition of light, during the retreat from it, very painfully, but degraded not for the light, not of the consciousness, devoid of light.
002. (M. A. Y.). When beams self-proceeding are approved by spirit, force of impact on people becomes especially palpable. And then there is no indifferent relation to the carrier of arising beams. And as at the majority of people the darkness instead of Light in a fit of temper prevails, and reaction of people to contact with Light happens often negative, that is counteracting Light. From here and work among people turns into a feat because the constant contact of darkness very much depressing acts heart.
003. (Guru). Focus of Hierarchy one can concern as without itself the Lord, so and without the next to It. And then come out straight tie, or straight connection, because the Center Existing is Uniform turns out. Association goes on a link; chain any intermediate from which neither to pass, nor it is impossible to reject. The understanding of it and observance of hierarchical sequence do a way direct.
004. (January. 2). The main thing is to come off itself and everything that is so strong connected with the personality and her experiences. Anyhow goes at spaces to planet. I mean - egoism. Long ago it was told: "Be rejected from itself". "I" remain, but big, expanded, not occupied with Me, living interests of all mankind. Even the mankind isn't obligatory; endowing the personal conveniences and interests for the sake of collective – already on a right way. Interests can be directed on themselves, or – out of themselves, on others. In it all difference. It is necessary to be beaten out from a shell of own aura to concern the World Ocean. Well for a start thought to fly about a planet, helping those to whom heart wants. And it is good make it habitual and hobby.
005. (M. A. Y.). Treasure of knowledge of Communication with Heart Great we will store and protect as the most valuable those we can have on Earth and that we can take further, for Earth limits. Treasures of spirit are weightless and don't burden consciousness therefore they can be accumulated in any quantity. They don't burden spirit on a way to Boundlessness. It is necessary to be surprised only to that people with themselves instead of these treasures take. Also are bent heavy under a burden unreasonable, hardly moving feet, and even are motionless under burden of an excessive burden. Remnants and past heaps, dark and heavy, pig-iron is similar to kernels, chained by a chain to feet. But pure, light thought call winged. So, thoughts or wings at spirit rise, or become chains standing. That is why control over thoughts is so necessary. The thought can become the jailer, if from darkness. From all prisons the most terrible is a prison of spirit, prison self-approved, created by own hands. And the worst situation is when the person doesn't understand, doesn't realize all horror of these self-plunge bonds. Understanding is already a step to release. Who will voluntary want to put itself the hands into a dungeon.
006. (Guru). The person, who has been strong attached to Earth, is similar to the convict chained by a chain to four wheels. Each chain consists of links, and on each link it is possible to distinguish an accurate inscription, what exactly and as it connects the person. It is good to consider these inscriptions that the nobility than and as the spirit is connected and as what link it is required to break first of all. Whether there is enough slavery at the shortcomings which so strong have bound consciousness to Earth.
007. (January. 3). Bright evidence creates isolation illusion from Us and replaces with itself reality, forcing to forget words: "I with you always". It is possible to fight against it only the adoption of Hidden Presence contrary to visibility dense. Not feelings of the Thin World with all its opportunities serve as the reason of this oblivion. It was told: "I with you always, in all days, till the end of time". How it is even more convincing to introduce reality of Hidden Presence in consciousness? And, if feelings are silent, it is necessary to believe, believe all the heart, all understanding, belief all.
008. (M. A. Y.). If covers darken knowledge of spirit, it is necessary to moderate and allow silence to start their activity to sound. Let's learn to listen to silence. From silence of silence the Voice Silent Will begin to sound. But noise of vanity can muffle thin sounding of silence.
009. (Guru). Whether everything is equal what ways concern the World Teacher, if the touch took place? Everyone chooses to itself a way on of the heart. And heart is conducts. And a way through heart is the next. Why to wander, when the magnet of heart attracts so powerfully desirable opportunities. Let the way of achievements will pass through of the heart.
010. (M. A. Y.). The understanding of conditions of test doesn't exempt from its burden and conditions, but facilitates fight.
011. (Guru). Eighteen years I was compelled to suffer presence of the enemy before myself. Yes unless tests consisted only in this one? Much they were from the beginning and until the end of life. Not in them put, and in their successful overcoming. One will come to an end, others will begin. If only they came to the end with a victory, in it their sense.
012. (January. 5). Bases are unshakable. The consciousness seeks to evade from them, plunging into Maya illusions. Even in the Thin World people hide on back streets of illusive heaps if only to leave from Reality. The Maya of the Thin World is even denser, than Maya terrestrial, is brighter and colorful. Behind its ghost’s people, than even more chase Maya usual. But Bases – not Maya. Therefore, being approved on them, we are approved on reality. In due time I Told about the Stone of the Eternal Basis of Life. The fiery reality of the real is based upon it.
013. (M. A. Y.). The external phenomena step on consciousness waves. And everyone should be met adequately. However many waves about the spirit rock fought, they can't break it even if Maya of evidence shows other. Understanding of a not-destroy and indestructibility of spirit should be carried by through life. It is useful further, very much it is useful. It is necessary for the statement of the phenomenon of uninterrupted consciousness. The spirit is immortal, but the person reaches immortality only when the current of his consciousness doesn't interrupt. Living strong in the covers and identifying itself with them, it dooms itself to death together with them.
014. (Guru). Life of thought differs from life of dense subjects. They live and die, but the thought is subject to action of other laws. The thought can be stretched far beyond body life. Immortality of spirit, conscious immortality, is forged by this way. Unconscious immortality of spirit all people, conscious – the very few possess.
015. (January. 6). The victory over external conditions consists not in change of these conditions, and in that they ceased to influence aura and to suppress its light full. While this condition of invulnerability isn't reached by external influences, it is impossible to speak about the power of spirit over its covers. The aura serves as the conductor of the vibrations sent by the Teacher. They can be apprehended only lightful aura. If it is saddened, changes and goes out under the influence of a direct environment, access to Beams is closed. The question of maintenance of aura is as it should be important extraordinary. It is possible to imagine that gets inside at irritation, despondency, rage, or discontent, or at other emotions when Light is replaced with darkness. To be constant on the guard, on protection of the radiations – a foremost duty of the one, who goes for Called.
016. (M. A. Y.). How many occasions it is possible to find to be saddened by that occur around? But all these occasions – self-deception, because any of them doesn't cost to close an entrance for the Beam. After all it is equivalent to disclosure of gate for darkness invasion. Each feeling, or the emotion sounding on the lowest scale, we open them to darkness influences. Whether it is admissible?
017. (Guru). The thought loaded with feeling, that is energy of heart, connects consciousness to spheres, conformable think. To observe thought will be a direct way of approach to the Teacher of Light.
018. (Guru). Each victory over, over that that is subject to overcoming, bears to spirit pleasure. Each aspiration causes forces counteracting. Each statement of sounding quality causes check of determination and sincerity it to hold. Movement on the way consists in continuous fight for the statement growing in Light.
019. (January. 9). Pearls of Intimate Knowledge gather and collect gradually, in process of growth and consciousness expansion. To give at once everything – means to destroy. Besides, each step demand fastening. The knowledge loose doesn't give crystals of deposits in the Bowl. That is approved on a formula "by a hand and a foot human" is integral. It is necessary to pass through everything for the statement of received Knowledge. The life, which has been carried out in wellbeing rest, gives nothing for accumulation. Usually people want to receive, without having paid, or – to have, without having earned by work. The fate of the debtor is unenviable. Giving receives lawfully. Nothing can prevent distribution of spiritual gifts. Distribution invisibly and thought is a high step of a donation. The radiations the benefit to the world bearing is the Attendant of Light. The requital comes always, but not in measures usual. And who from Attendants of Light thinks of an award. Beam of the Teacher and stay in It, not will be the highest award?
020. (M. A. Y.). Persistence and constancy of aspiration is one out of qualities of the recognized pupil. Even in usual conditions it is hard to show this quality. But what then to tell about difficulties of transitional time for sides of two eras? The way of an apprenticeship to this period is especially difficult. The burden of antagonistic spatial currents heavy lies down on heart. To keep balance it is equivalent to a feat. The consolation that "even it will pass" and New Era will come.
021. (Guru). The contact to Light sates consciousness with Light. Light of Hierarchy is great. It is a rescue anchor for mankind. Wishing Light has it. The law of a magneto is powerful.
022. (M. A. Y.). How explain even better that the Thin World reveals to the person exempted from a body, according to degree of a dilatability of his consciousness and readiness to Elevated stay. All general reasoning’s are relative. All individual impressions are various at each spirit. Everything is perceived through radiations of own aura and painted by it. The consciousness is broader; the perceptions are richer and more right. The full separation from all terrestrial and liberation from habits of terrestrial and terrestrial gravitations is necessary to perceive more, or less truly. And that there is absolutely inaccessible and is impossible for one, is easily achievable others. Liberates and releases thought. Connects and deprives of freedom thought, and everything is caused by thought.
023. (Guru). If anything terrestrial doesn't stop on a way to Us, anything elevated won't detain. It is necessary to pass through everything, without shortening a stride.
024. (January. 11). Cognition and improvement go by thinning of all covers and clarification from everything that disturbs. The consciousness can't contain moreover, than it is able to contain. The indigestion thanks to overflow and impossibility to assimilate spiritually is more than a capacity of consciousness – the phenomena, very similar one per another. Assimilation by consciousness of new receipts requires time. The spirit grows in a spiral of time. Everything will come in due time, if the aspiration doesn't run low.
025. (M. A. Y.). The Teacher is connected by the rules traced for pupils a millennium ago. And the pupil is obliged to follow, in turn, of. These rules are inviolable, that is, only them executing, it is possible to reach. So, for example, in hands some strength isn't given before the consciousness won't be cleared. Danger that the consequences generated by abuse of these forces, it is impossible to avoid. And it can detain forever spirit advance. It is better not to know, than, knowing, to abuse knowledge.
026. (Guru). I will give an example of how illegally received knowledge can damage to the received. Imagine that the pupil got force of impact on mentality of another and used it for the mercenary purposes. He achieved desirable, but lost opportunity to develop this ability by means of the Teacher in the future; abuse of knowledge cuts off possibilities of spirit.
027. (January. 12). The thought doesn't die in space. The thought is immortal. The thought is the child of immortal spirit fire of the person. She lives under laws of the Extra dense World. The matter of spirit creator and matter of the thought created by it are close on essence of the structure. The brain is visible and of thinking, as well as all subjects terrestrial. But the thought created with the participation of a brain, is invisible and doesn't belong to subjects of the dense world. Without participation of the thinker spirit the thought can't be created. All works of hands human finally are derivative think. Creates thought even terrestrial subjects. The science about thought is a science of the future. Mastering by thought will lead to mastering by many secrets of the nature. The power of spirit is reached through mastering by thought.
028. (M.A. Y.). Mastering by isn't reached at once. The usual mistake is that the will rises at big affairs, without having ordered and without having seized the small. I won't be tired to repeat about advantage of small undertakings and small overcoming in myself, bringing in the end result to a victory and mastering by all covers. Small successes in this direction give confidence and force to move further and further to fight. Big and great and to achievement impossible it is possible to approach to achievement of affairs by small overcoming at the beginning.
029. (M. A. Y.). The thin World on consciousness and in the Thin World everything is created and moves thought. It is possible to imagine all variety of human consciousnesses and all infinity of variations, distinctions of representation of the Thin World. The thought moves aspiration. On aspirations and desires of the person his thoughts, and are determined by thoughts – a thin environment and its character. So, everyone is the creator of those conditions in which it appears in Elevated. That I wanted to what directed, you have around. Directing to Beauty on Earth and living it sang reap from beauty of the aspirations. Frequenters of beer, gambling and all other dens magneto will be involved in the corresponding layers of space. Everything that is on Earth exists in the world astral above, and to everyone there will be a place, precisely conformable to his desires and aspirations. The world Thin is very fair condition. Everyone receives on aspirations.
030. (Guru). Why we speak about World Hidden very much? We speak because it, it is closely connected with the world terrestrial, and the Worlds, dense and Thin, being connected, powerfully influence at each other. All terrestrial actions are immediately reflected in that world, and the phenomena of the Thin World precede the terrestrial. This interrelation should be realized. Brain visible, the thought is hidden, but the hidden thought can strongly influence a dense body of the person, and especially words. And the word is non-material. It can be heard, but neither to weigh, nor it is impossible to cut it. So the phenomena dense and the phenomena thin intertwined between themselves. Only people don't want to understand it.
031. (January. 14). On force of dreams it is possible to judge that, some impressions and influences of the Thin World are how strong. Not vagueness, but brightness, force and distinctness of thin conditions aggravate all perceptions. If they from Light, the benefit to spirit sounding on them. But if from darkness, fight is inevitable, and the victory is the obligation. To fall powerlessly under waves of dark influences – means the legend of darkness. On these soundings it is impossible to fight against a responsibility, if conformable to darkness elements still litter conductors. Therefore clarification from them is made on Earth. Tests for release from them happen so often that the self-deception is already impossible. Also the pupil that he from what it was necessary to be exempted didn't know can't tell. It is possible to destroy charm of allure the analysis of their essence, opening their hidden deception. And at times it is good to take a detached view to find unattractiveness of any seduction. Usually its charm is inflated the dark whispers. Wise will tell: "I know that under seeming attractive external form thorns, both prickles, and the poison poisoning a body and soul are hidden, and appearance not to enter Me into deception. I Know also the end if I give in". On the example of addicts, alcoholics it is possible to see all horror of consequences of allure.
032. (M. A. Y.). Each dark thought under the law of contrasts can be replaced light and dirty – pure. In it is pledge of prosperity. And the thought, the more powerful it an opposite pole is stronger. The transmutation occurs through related contrasts. The pole changes, but force remains. The Beauty will be an antipode of a disgrace. It is the right criterion of a faultlessness of thinking and a choice. "With it to tops we will pass where access isn't present". Savl transformation * was made by change of a polar of energy of his spirit.