1. Present: Jo Swain (HRC), Roger Slater (ASSC), Joe Torres (Ch), Colin Fell (PS), Andy Reeve (ASSC), Faith Frankel (HRC). Vikki Flaum (GP), Sue Gillett (Hod), Richard Fellows (GP), Robert Plumb (Cheshunt), Paul Plumb (Cheshunt), Steve Hooker (ASSC), Tony Cutbush (Cheshunt).
2. Apologies for Absence: Colin Bullworthy, Derek Miles, Chris Day.
3. Minutes 2016: These were approvedNem. Com.
4. Matters Arising: RS asked if AR had identified the missing payment referred to in his report last year. One team had been identified (ASSC) and payment has been received.
5. Chairman’s Report: See Appendix 1
6. Treasurer’s Report: See Appendix 2. AR explained that some moneys are still outstanding and some expenditure still pending. A final account will be submitted to the Committee when all is completed. There was discussion about the cost of hiring Cheshunt’s hall for tournaments and this led to the unanimous agreement that from next year the cost of entering each tournament will be £2 for adults and £1 for students.
7. Match Secretary’s Report: In the absence of CB this was read by JS. The main matter of concern was the continued failure of teams to complete their matches. There was considerable discussion around this. The idea of penalising the defaulting team if the match is not completed within a set time, was considered impracticable as it is not always clear which team is ultimately responsible. It was agreed that league matches can be played with only two members present from each team. If one team has two players and the other three, then the short team will lose 3 points for the matches not played. There was a majority in favour of the idea that if a match cannot be played on the specified date then it must be played within four weeks. If it is not, then the match is defaulted and referred for arbitration as to how the points should be awarded. The Committee was asked to consider whether arbitration should be by the Match Secretary or a sub-committee.
8. Election of Officers: All current members of the committee were re-elected en-bloc. Vikki Flaum was also elected to the committee and welcomed by the chairman.
9. AOB. (a) FF advised the meeting that HRC are moving to Bushby Hall, Wharf Rd. EN10 6HX. There is only enough space for two tables; HRC can only afford to rent the hall for 7 weeks; Club night is moving from Monday to Wednesday, 19:30 – 22:30; It is likely that HRC will have to drop one team next season.
(b) TC reported that Cheshunt TTC have their AGM next week, when they will consider whether they can maintain three teams or will have to drop to two. Three years ago they had 29 players, now they only have 21.
(c)SG reported that it is not yet certain whether Hoddesdon will enter one or two teams next season.
(d)RS expressed concern that few matches seem to start on time. A number of members pointed out that they work in London and it is sometimes difficult to be ready for 19:30. The point was made that a team does not have to be complete for the match to start, those present can start on time with latecomers being scheduled to play later.
(e) VF advised the meeting that she is a Bribar agent and may be able to obtain a discount for members on some items.
8. Awards: The Chairman handed out the certificates for this season’s competitions.
The Pine Trophy was awarded to Vikki Flaum.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 2122.
R. Slater
Hon Sec.
11/6/17 .
Thankyou for coming this evening. It has been a difficult year for me
personally due to a back problem I have and the fact that I now have
to have back surgery so that hopefully I will be able to play next season.
I would like to thank all the committee for their hard work this season:
Colin B for his support in all the news letters, tournaments and basically without Colin there wouldn't be a Hertford league.
Colin F for the handbooks
Andy Reeve for being treasurer
Roger S for being secretary and all the minutes and attending the meetings even though Barbie has been so unwell.
Derek Miles, Joe Torres and Chris Day for their continuing support.
A special thankyou to Faith Frankel for doing the refreshments at the tournaments and the certificates.
I apologise that there will be no presentation of cups tonight as I have not received them all as yet and I have an excuse in that my daughter gave birth on Monday to a healthy 91b 5oz girl Emily Rose after a difficult pregnancy that has been a real worry but thankfully all is well.
I look forward to the coming season and seeing you all on the table.