Jargon Buster

This is a plain English guide to explain the abbreviations and jargon used in Housing. If you come across any jargon not explained here, please let us know so we can include it.

AGM – Annual General Meeting

An annual meeting, at which an organisations committee reports on its work over the last year, presents the financial accounts to their members and reviews the constitution. A new committee is also elected at the AGM.


Anti Social Behaviour

ASBO – Anti Social Behaviour Order

This is an injunction taken out against an individual over 10 years of age who has been causing persistent acts of anti social behaviour. The ASBO might ban them from entering a particular area (such as an estate or district). Local authorities and police can issue an ASBO. Breaching the order carries a 5 year prison sentence.


This is an agreement between the landlord and tenant that a relative of the tenant can take over the tenancy

Audit commission

The independent public body responsible for ensuring that public money is spent economically, efficiently and effectively in local government.


Assessing an organisation’s performance by comparing it with that of other organisations of a similar size and purpose

BME – Black and Minority Ethnic

Capital Expenditure

Money that landlords spend on renovating or improving their assets such as houses

Capital Programme

A plan, usually over a year for improving the housing stock

C2C – Connect to Cardiff

Cardiff Council’s Information Call Centre

CMS – Community Maintenance Services

The direct workforce of the council which carries out repairs to council houses

Code of Conduct

This is a set of guidelines that describe how members of a group are expected to behave and carry out their duties when at meetings, or when acting on behalf of their associations


This is a group of people elected by members of an organisation to carry out the work of the organisation. Committees should always have a chair, secretary and treasurer. The Committee organises group meetings including the AGM and is responsible for carrying forward any decisions made at these meetings


A person who looks after a block of flats, the job usually involves the work of a caretaker and a receptionist.


A constitution is a document produced by a group that states its aims, objectives, membership and rules etc. A model constitution is available from the council that can be adapted by individual associations and groups.

Data Protection

Under the Data Protection act individuals have certain rights to access information that is being held about them by organisations. Organisations have a responsibility under the Act to store and use the data they hold in a responsible way.

Extraordinary/ Special General Meeting

An ‘emergency’ meeting that occurs outside of the normal meeting times. This might be called if new officers of a committee need to be elected, or if an urgent matter needs to be discussed. The constitution should state how such a meeting is called.

Feasibility Study

The study of a problem to see whether a suggested plan of action will work and what is required or needed to make it work

FOI - Freedom of Information

General Fund

The council account into which people’s council tax is paid and which funds local authority services such as Education, Social Services

Green Paper

A consultation paper issued by the Government prior to making something law.

HRA – Housing Revenue Account

The Local Authority account into which rents and any money from the government are paid. It pays for repairs, managing and maintaining the housing stock and repaying any money for past building and improvements. This is completely separate from the General Fund.

ICT – Information Computer Technology

Joint Tenancy

Where two or more people share a property and have equal rights to stay in the property

LSVT – Large Scale Voluntary Transfer

The process whereby a local authority transfers the ownership and management of its housing stock to a Housing Association or similar provider following a vote to see if tenants are in favour of it


A person who does not own the land their home is built on and pays a ground rent eg. Tenants who have bought their flats

Local Government Ombudsman

The LGO is responsible for investigating complaints made about local authorities after the individual’s complaint has gone through the local authority’s complaint procedure

Local Tenant Participation Strategy



A method of resolving disputes between two parties using a third, external party who must be neutral in the dispute. Mediation aims to bring the two opposing parties to an understanding of the issues including each other’s point of view, and reaching an agreed resolution to the dispute.

PI – Performance Indicators

The Government requires local authorities to publish Performance indicators to show how effectively it is performing

Planned Maintenance

A system of repairs and maintenance that has been decided in advance and accounted for in the yearly budget. Planned maintenance is often carried out on a cyclical basis eg every 10 years.


A policy is a statement, usually in writing about how an organisation will work

Professional Witness

Someone who gives evidence in a court of law as part of their job. Examples of professional witnesses could be police officers or housing staff. Professional witnesses can be used by local authorities if tenants do not want to give evidence about their neighbours.

Public Liability Insurance.

This insures associations against claims from the public for injury, loss or damage to a person or property. The cost of this insurance is covered by the council for all TRA’s.


The minimum number of members an organisation needs at any meeting to make any decision, as laid down in its constitution. This could be a set number or a percentage of the membership

RSL’s – Registered Social Landlord

A non profit making organisation that provides social housing for rent. Now called Registered Social Landlords or RSL’s

Responsive Repairs

Repairs carried out by the landlord in response to a tenant’s request. They are sometimes referred to as day to day or jobbing repairs

Service charge

The money tenants and leaseholders pay for services such as the maintenance of common parts.

SLA - Service Level Agreement

An arrangement covering the services that one department within an organisation will provide to another


Person interested in how a project or service is developed or delivered

Standing Orders

Standing orders are a set of rules and regulations which usually cover how meetings are run, how decisions are made, terms of reference for committees and other procedural matters. Standing orders should be used alongside a group’s constitution.

Tenants and Residents Association or TRA

A voluntary group of tenants and residents living in an area, street or block, who have got together to take up issues of common concern or have their say on local issues, improve their area or organise social events

Tenant Consultation

This is the arrangements for involving tenants in decisions on housing policy and practice. The legal definition, as stated in Section 105 of the 1985 Housing Act is “a council must inform tenants of its proposals, it must give tenants the right to comment, and it must give consideration to tenants’ comments before it takes a decision”.

TEG - Tenant Empowerment Grant

The Tenant Empowerment Grant is available from the Welsh assembly to local authority tenants to help them fund projects that allow tenants to get more involved with the management of their neighbourhood.

TPAS – Tenant Participation Advisory Service

A national not for profit organisation that works with tenants on a variety of tenant participation projects and which can provide advice, model documents and training


An empty house that is either waiting for repairs to be done or waiting for someone to move in.

Welsh Housing Quality Standard or WHQS