Updated 12/10/2009


Thank you for helping to ensure that KY beef and dairy producers supply a safe and wholesome beef product to consumers by conducting a BQA training!

As a KY-BQA Trainer, you have three options to certify producers in the Beef Quality Assurance Program – Video, Power Point, or Chute-side.

Trainer Certification:KY BQA Trainers mustalso be certified in order to certify producers in accordance with the National BQA Guidelines.

To be a Certified BQA Trainer, you must:

  • General
  • Candidate nominations will be reviewed and approved/denied by the State BQA Coordinator
  • Training
  • Attend a BQA Train the Trainer session to acquire a KY_BQA Trainer Number.
  • Examination
  • Successfully complete and pass an examination covering BQA program material including the National BQA Program Guidelines and BQA Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • The examination is open-book and the candidate must score 85% or greater.
  • Certification
  • BQA Trainer Certification is good for three years based on the training date
  • Successful candidates will be issued a Certificate/Card as a record of their successful program and exam completion
  • Trainer agrees to sign and follow the production agreement
  • Recertification
  • Trainers must retake the Trainer’s exam and sign the production agreement to follow National BQA Guidelinesevery three years based on date of signed production agreement (or as modified so that KY abides by National BQA Guidelines)
  • Chute-side Training
  • In order to utilize a KY BQA Chute-side Kit and conducta Chute-side BQA certification of producers, the trainer must have completed Chute-side training and be on file as having completed the training.

General Producer Certification:

Before hosting any KY-BQA training program you will need the following items:

  • A list of current BQA Certified producers in your county or area. You can obtain a list from KY Beef Council by calling 859-278-0899.
  • KY BQA Manuals (ID 140 – BLUE Cover). You can obtain copies from AG Distribution - 859-257-4402
  • Sign-in sheet
  • Pens or Pencils
  • Copies of the KY-BQA Pre-Test (preferred color of copies is White). You can obtain a copy from KY Beef Council or the UK IRM Website under the Agent Area (
  • Copies of the KY-BQA Post-Test (preferred color of copies is Blue). You can obtain a copy from KY Beef Council or the UK IRM Website under the Agent Area (
  • Copies of the BQA Production Agreement (preferred color of copies is Yellow).You can obtain a copy from KY Beef Council or the UK IRM Website under the Agent Area.
  • Copy(s) of the 10 KY-BQA Summary Slides. You can obtain a copy from KY Beef Council or the UK IRM Website under the Agent Area.
  • Copy of the KY-BQA Post-Test Answer Key. You can obtain a copy from KY Beef Council or the UK IRM Website under the Agent Area (
  • Other materials that you can make available to participants include (obtain from KY Beef Council 859-278-0899):
  • The Cattle Industry’s Guidelines for the Care and Handling of Cattle
  • Executive Summary of the 2007 National Market Cow and Bull Beef Quality Audit – Beef Cattle and Dairy Cattle Editions
  • “Recommended Maximum Number of Cattle for Trailers of Different Lengths” bumper sticker
  • Stock Trailer Transportation of Cattle brochure
  • Master Cattle Transporter Guide
  • It’s Your Product handout
  • Other resources for KY-BQA include:
  • – National BQA Program website
  • – Transportation BQA website
  • – KY Beef Council

KY-BQA Video Training:

  1. Obtain the KY-BQA Video (DAS-0095) from Ag Distribution -859-257-4402. As well as the other items mentioned above.
  2. To start the training, take 5-10 minutes and share the KY BQA Agent Introduction with attendees – please emphasize that the certification lasts 3 years.
  3. Distribute the KY BQA Manual and Pre-Test to each attendee. Allow them 10-15 minutes to complete the Pre-Test.
  4. Play the video.
  5. After the video is complete, go over the 10 KY-BQA Summary Slides.
  6. After reviewing the summary slides, distribute the KY-BQA Post-Test and Production Agreement.
  • Remind them that it is open-book and if they have any questions to ask them
  • Remind them to print neatly
  • Remind them that you are the BQA Trainer and give them your BQA number
  • Allow about 15 -20 minutes for attendees to complete the post-test
  • Check to make sure all information is readable and check to see that answers are correct using the key. The attendee must get an 85% (17 correct answers) on the test to complete the program.
  • Collect the post-test, production agreement, and $5 fee (if check, make payable to: KY Beef Network –PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE TO TEST OR AGREEMENT.
  1. Mail Post-Test, Production Agreement and $5 to

KY Beef Quality Assurance Program

176 Pasadena Drive

Lexington, KY40503

KY-BQA Power Point Training:

  1. Obtain the KY-BQA Power Point fromUK Beef IRM Website under Agent Area ( as well as the other items mentioned above.
  1. To start the training, take 5-10 minutes and share the KY BQA Agent Introduction with attendees – please emphasize that the certification lasts 3 years.
  2. Distribute the KY BQA Manual and Pre-Test to each attendee. Allow them 10-15 minutes to complete the Pre-Test.
  3. Present the Power Point presentation
  4. After the presentation is complete, go over the 10 KY-BQA Summary Slides.
  5. After reviewing the summary slides, distribute the KY-BQA Post-Test and Production Agreement.
  • Remind them that it is open-book and if they have any questions to ask them
  • Remind them to print neatly
  • Remind them that you are the BQA Trainer and give them your BQA number
  • Allow about 15 -20 minutes for attendees to complete the post-test
  • Check to make sure all information is readable and check to see that answers are correct using the key. The attendee must get an 85% (17 correct out of 20 total questions) on the test to complete the program.
  • Collect the post-test, production agreement, and $5 fee (if check, make payable to: KY Beef Network –PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE TO TEST OR AGREEMENT.
  1. Mail Post-Test, Production Agreement and $5 to

KY Beef Quality Assurance Program

176 Pasadena Drive

Lexington, KY40503

KY-BQA Chute-side Training:
(Please note: Agent(s) hosting this type of training must have completed a Chute-side Train-the-Trainer session and be BQA certified)

  1. Identify a farm for the training
  2. Visit the farm and with the producer assess the facilities and cattle that are available for the training. Communicate with the producer how many cattle will be needed and how they will be handled.
  3. Obtain the KY-BQA Chute-side Kit from another Chute-side certified agent or contact KY Beef Council at 859-278-0899.As well as the other items mentioned above.
  4. To start the training, take 5-10 minutes and share the KY BQA Agent Introduction with attendees – please emphasize that the certification lasts 3 years.
  5. Distribute the KY BQA Manual and Pre-Test to each attendee. Allow them 10-15 minutes to complete the Pre-Test.
  6. Present the Chute-side Presentation utilizing the KY BQA Chute-side Outline and Instructions (to get the most updated copy contact KBC at 859-278-0899).
  7. After the presentation is complete, go over the 10 KY-BQA Summary Slides.
  8. After reviewing the summary slides, distribute the KY-BQA Post-Test and Production Agreement.
  • Remind them that it is open-book and if they have any questions to ask them
  • Remind them to print neatly
  • Remind them that you are the BQA Trainer and give them your BQA number
  • Allow about 15 -20 minutes for attendees to complete the post-test
  • Check to make sure all information is readable and answers are correct using the key. The attendee must get an 85% on the test to complete the program.
  1. Collect the post-test, production agreement, and $5 fee (if check, make payable to: KY Beef Network –PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE TO TEST OR AGREEMENT.
  2. Mail Post-Test, Production Agreement and $5 to

KY Beef Quality Assurance Program

176 Pasadena Drive

Lexington, KY40503

Any questions or concernsin regards to KY-BQA Training Program can be directed to Alison Smith, KY Beef Council (859-278-0899 or ), Donna Amaral-Phillips (859-257-7542 or ),or JeffLehmkuhler (859-257-2853 or ).