

Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at theBlackEarthMunicipalBuilding,1210 Mills St.

Call to Order the Village Board by Village President

Recitation of Pledge of Allegiance

1)Confirmation of Quorum and Roll Call of Members of the Village Board – Renee Bratton not present, excused.

2)Confirmation of Public Notice and Compliance with Open Meetings Laws

3)Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (Limit 3 minutes per person.)–None.

4)Discussion/action on Thank You Letter to the Black Earth Chamber of Commerce for the Village Welcome Signs – P. Troge talking with T. Parrell about the signs and how nice they are. Thanking the Chamber for the signs. T. Parrell thanking the Village for the joint effort. P. Frey asking if the lighting is too bright.

5)Discussion/action/presentation on Street Use Application for WisconsinHeights PTO Event – Motion to approve the street use application by B. Marty and seconded by P. Frey. Motion carries.

6)Discussion/action/presentation on 30 Foot Flag Pole and Ham Radio Antenna by Gordon Bazsali of 4005 Red Hawk – G. Bazsali giving a presentation on his project for a flag pole and HAM Radio antenna. Giving history and listing of what kinds of things HAM Radio does. Discussion of alternatives to an antenna by using a flagpole. Discussion of where the pole will be located on his property and how high the flagpole will be. Flagpole will not exceed 30feet. P.Frey discussing a memo of understanding that if the house should be sold that the flagpole be maintained or taken down if it is not going to be maintained. P. Troge asking if any special power needs for the HAM Radio will be required. G. Bazsali says there will be none.

Motion to approve the flagpole requested at 4005 Red Hawk Run as upon the condition there be a Memo of Understanding created that the flag and flagpole antenna will be kept up in good condition by P. Frey and seconded by B. Marty. Motion carries.

7)Discussion/action/presentation by Bartlett Durand of Black Earth Meats on Proposal for New Building Where the Premier Co-Op Building Currently Stands – B. Durand speaking on his business plan for BE Meats. He is the only processor doing what they are doing. New facility and the site is step one of a multi step process. Mr. Durand is looking to expand retail and sausage kitchen. He is going to need help via a state industrial revenue bond. He is trying to raise money and needs help for the take down of the PremierCo-OpBuilding and road access. He would appreciate comments regarding this project. P. Troge asking what a citizen has as his complaints regarding the process of the project and building. P. Troge discussing the steps of the process, environmental assessments, costs, big concerns regarding the project, re-zoning and complaints from neighbors. B. Durand discussion of the possible environmental hot spot, grant for the hot spot and a full inspection and environmental assessment from state funds. Discussion of the site for the project and keeping site noise and other issues hidden from direct view. P. Troge discussing the Planning and Zoning process to rezone the site. B. Durand discussing the economic development impact of the current business. P. Frey and B. Durand discussing the amount of traffic and type of traffic the project may create. P. Troge and T. Danz discussing the streets and traffic in Black Earth for a business like this and the environmental assessment. B. Marty talking about hearing good things about the business and wants the business to grow. However, she would like the other issues currently occurring to be addressed. P. Frey appreciates the business, does not want a processing plant in the downtown business district, wants to put the best face possible on the downtown. Mentioning that the business is in arrears on property taxes and electric bills. B. Durand says he is working on those two issues and that he would like the business to stay here but if it is too difficult the business will move. P. Frey saying that he doesn’t feel a processing plant in the Village is a place to be and doesn’t know of other places to locate to and hasn’t thought about it. J. Coyle is all for the business growing, what happens will depend on the environmental study. He feels that the Village should not take on the responsibility of the assessment and he does not want the Village to acquire the property. P. Troge discussing funding, state aid, TIF District that could be available for the project. T. Esser wants to help out, works in the dairy business, wants to help but struggles with the issues regarding slaughtering. Supports the project in regards to the Planning and Zoning Commission process.

8)Discussion/action on Signs Prohibiting Firearms in Village Owned Buildings – Discussion of the ordinance and sign design. Discussing the process of the ordinance and the timeline for the project completion. Discussion of making sure ordinance is published and have the public hearing at the June 5th Village Board meeting. Discussion of costs associated with the ordinance change.

9)Discussion/action on Waiver for Chamber of Commerce Food Vendors for Village Wide Garage Sale – non issue/no discussion

10)Discussion/action on Committee Reports

10.1Vanguard Commission (Pat Troge) – The guys are working on line clearance for a rebuild. Rebuilding rural single phase lines. Discussion on rental rate and Vanguard being charged. Next meeting April 17th at 6:30pm.

10.2Black Earth Fire District (Pat Troge) – No meeting. Next meeting May 3rd at 7pm. Pancake Breakfast coming up.

10.3Good Neighbor Committee (Pat Troge)–Did not receive notice for a meeting. Discussion of county policy on bike trails. Next meeting is April 18th at 7:30pm.

10.4Dane-Iowa Wastewater Commission (Pat Frey) – Investment options for funds, no other options on CDs. No violations on facility report, purchased new loader, Cardinal Solar and Commission are working on a schedule for flows and sampling. Next meeting April 19th at 6:30pm.

10.5 EMS Committee Report (Beth Marty) – No meeting.

10.6Police Committee Report (Pat Troge) – Discussing Operator’s License and amount of information on background check. Great turnout for the Spring Break Programs. Police Department is doing presentations on various issues affecting municipalities and residents. Next meeting is May 22nd at 6pm.

10.7 Library Committee Report (James Coyle) – Approved minutes and bills, book case is in that was ordered. Next meeting is April 17th at 7pm.

10.8Public Works Committee Report (Troy Esser) – General meeting, getting updates, experimenting with light bulbs. Running out of parts for decorative lights, ballasts going bad. Get savings, not a large investment, reduce charge and return on investment is less than a year and a half. Light mapping for Village. Next meeting is April 16th at 6:30pm.

10.9Plan Commission Report (Pat Frey) – No meeting.

10.10IT Committee Report (Pat Frey) – No meeting.

10.11Parks Committee Report (Beth Marty) – Discussing Youth Baseball Organization request, changes and updates and a new drop down fence. The new bench is up, bathroom floors are done, the color has washed out to a pink/rose color. Maintenance will be very easy. Slide at park in Red Hawk Subdivision has been recalled. Discussion of replacement, costs installation and removal. Next meeting April 25th.

11) Discussion/action on Invoices – Discussion of recreation book purchase, 4x4 wood went underneath the new bleachers. Attorney fees should be allocated.

Motion to approve invoices as presented in the packet by T. Esser and seconded by J. Coyle. Motion carries.

12) Discussion/action on Sidewalk Funds from the Previous Year Being Rolled Over Into This Year’s Sidewalk Line Item Fund – Discussion of transfer of funds from 2011 to 2012 so that the funds do not go into the General Fund.

Motion to approve resolution 11-04-01 which moves left over funds and maintenance by T. Esser and seconded by B. Marty. Motion carries.

13) Discussion/action on final 2011 budget/expense numbers – Discussion of timeline for the final numbers, most likely to occur in May for the Village Board meeting. Will have numbers at the May meeting and have resolutions written out on the agenda.

Motion to table agenda item #13 by P. Frey and seconded by P. Troge. Motion carries.

14) Discussion/action on Liquor License Applications/”Operator’s Licenses” for Renee D. Bratton, Larry Kahl and Leis M. Docken – Discussion of having two applications for an Operator’s License by Larry Kahl instead of just one for Black Earth Lanes and the concession stand. Need clarification.

Motion to approve Larry Kahl and Renee Bratton for the Home Talent Black Earth concession stand Operator’s License and Operator’s License to Leis M. Docken for Vintage Liquor and clarify if Larry Kahl requires an Operator’s License upgrade/update for Black Earth Lanes so that application may be made separately by P. Troge and seconded by B. Marty. Motion carries.

15) Discussion/action on Renewal of Alcohol Beverage License Application for Larry Kahl and the Black Earth Home Talent Baseball Booster Club – Motion to approve by P. Frey and seconded by T. Esser. Motion carries.

16) Discussion/action on Minutes from March 6, 2012 Village Board Meeting – Motion to approve the minutes from the March 6, 2012 Village Board meeting by P. Troge and seconded by T. Esser. Motion carries.

17) Discussion/action on Quarterly Report – Discussion of work orders, want work orders to be itemized and created to remove miscommunication.

18) Old or new business (to be discussed but not voted upon) – Discussion of Board of Appeals decision and process to the courts if there is an appeal.

19) Village Board Organizational Meeting April 18, 2012 – No comments.

20) NextVillage Board Meeting May 1, 2012 – No comments.

21) Adjournment of Village Board Meeting @ 8:30pm by B. Marty and seconded by T. Esser.

PROOF OF POSTING: A copy of the notice was delivered 4/9/2012to the following: faxed to the News Sickle Arrow, the official newspaper for the Village; posted at the BlackEarthMunicipalBuilding and Black Earth Post Office and faxed for posting to the State Bank of Cross Plains – Black Earth Branch.

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  • It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other government bodies of them municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice.
  • Please note that upon reasonable notice all reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities through appropriate aids and services. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Municipal Clerk at 608-767-2563, ext 224 or 1210 Mills Street., Black Earth, Wisconsin, or by fax at 608-767-2064.
  • This notice may be amended in order to comply with Wisconsin’s Open Meetings law. If this notice is amended, the final notice will be posted and provided to the media no later than 24 hours prior to the meeting or no later than 2 hours prior to the meeting, in the event of an emergency.

Village Board Members: Pat Troge (Village President), Renee Bratton, James Coyle, Troy Esser, Pat Frey and Beth Marty.