
SALPN Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


SALPN Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TCU Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

  1. Call to order

Chairperson:Kim Kehrig, President called the 53rdSALPN Annual General Meeting to order at 1305 hrs

  1. Approval of Agenda

M/S Molsberry/Weyland that the agenda for the 53rd Annual General Meeting be approved as presented.


  1. Rules and Procedures

Kehrig introduced Merrilee Rasmussen as Parliamentarian.

Kehrig advised that Kerr & King Rules of Orderis the parliamentary authority.

  1. Appointment of Scrutineers

Kehrigintroduced the Scrutineers:

Chief Scrutineer – Marjorie Molsberry

Scrutineers: Bonnie Robinson, Tammy Williams, Michelle Lalonde

M/S Weyland/Mason that the scrutineers are accepted as presented.


  1. President’s Report

Kehrig presented report

  1. Executive Director’s Report

Hein presented report

  1. Approval of 2008 AGM minutes

Revision required – Remove “Sandy Weyland as guest representing Service Employees International Union” and input the name “Mary Thivierge as guest representing Service Employees International Union”.

M/S Mason/Hamm that the 2008 AGM minutes be approved as revised.


  1. Approval of 2009 AGM minutes

M/S Tremblay/Kosedy that the 2009 AGM minutes be approved as presented.


  1. Review and Approval of Audited Financial Statement

M/S Young/O’Connell that the 2009 Audited Financial Statement be approved as presented.


M/S Kosedy/Ward that the firm of Mintz and Wallace be appointed as auditors for the 2010 fiscal year.


  1. Review and Approval of Committee Reports

Delegates were referred to the Committee reports in the 2010 Edition 2 of the Hand-in-Hand newsletter.

M/S Ward/Kennedy that the 2009 standing Committee reports be accepted as presented.


  1. Rules to speaking about resolutions

Kehrig reviewed the rules

  1. Resolutions

Council Sponsored Administrative Bylaw amendment

The proposed Administrative Bylaw Amendment can be found on page 15 of the Hand-in-Hand. Please be advised that this amendment did come to the membership for vote at last years AGM however due to non compliance of submitting to the government it needs to be passed and submitted again.

M/S Kennedy/Masonthat the following resolution be adopted

Be it resolved that, section 45 of the SALPN Administrative Bylaws be amended to read:

Reinstatement fees

45(1) In this section, “licensing year” means the calendar year in respect of which the fee for an annual practicing license is required to be paid.

(2) If a person fails to pay the required licensing fees on or before December 1 in the year prior to the licensing year, the fee for reinstatement as a licensed practicing member:

(a) where the application for reinstatement is made prior to January 1 of the licensing year or at any time during the licensing year, is the fee for that licensing year plus a penalty of 50% of that fee.

(b) where the application for reinstatement is made in a licensing year subsequent to the one described in clause (a), is the fee and penalty described in clause (a) plus $50 for each such subsequent licensing year, to a maximum of five years.

Yea 89

Against 8


  1. SIAST Updates

SIAST Updates presented by Cindy Smith and Diane Harrison

  1. Council Elections

Kehrig announced that Pauline Mason was elected by acclamation to represent Zone 2, North as member at large and Erin Ward was elected by acclamation to represent Zone 4, Regina City as member at large.

  1. Closing Remarks

Kehrig thanked everyone for attending

  1. Adjournment

M/S Weland/Mason that the 53rd Annual Meeting of the SALPN be adjorned.
