Royal Botanic GardensVictoria

Invitation to Supply

GMT House

Restoration Stage 1 – Rising Damp

CT 18/008


Response – Part D

Great Melbourne Telescope House

Restoration Stage 1 – Rising Damp

Reference Number: CT18/008

Tenders Due:5pm Friday 29 June 2018

Submission: email



Instructions to Invitees for completing this Offer template.

  1. All responses must be provided within the specified fields of Part D and must respond to the Specification (Part A.2) and Proposed contract (Part C) in accordance with the conditions as set out in about this invitation (Part A.1 and the Conditions of participation (Part B).
  2. Invitees must respond to all sections of this template and include their trading name, the invitation title and reference number in the footer of the template.

Invitees may provide supplementary material to support their offer. All supplementary material must be cross referenced to the relevant section of this template.

Issued: 9/06/2018

Table of Contents


Executive Summary


SCHEDULE 1 - Pricing Schedule

SCHEDULE 2 - Schedule of rates

SCHEDULE 3 - Compliance Statement

SCHEDULE 4 – Tender Program

SCHEDULE 5 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System

SCHEDULE 6 – Financial Viability

SCHEDULE 7 – Insurance

SCHEDULE 8 – Victorian Government Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry

SCHEDULE 9 - Conflict of Interest

SCHEDULE 10 - Performance Current and Previous Projects

(Invitee Name)


Royal Botanic GardensVictoria

Invitation to Supply

GMT House

Restoration Stage 1 – Rising Damp

CT 18/008


Trading name:
Registered name:
Australian Company Number: / Date of Issue:
Australian Business Number: / Date of Issue
Address of registered office:
Principal office in Victoria:
(if applicable)
Name of contact person:
Position title:
Postal address:
(if different to above)
Telephone number: / Mobile:

Signed for and on behalf of the invitee

I warrant that in submitting this offer, I have read and accept the conditions of the Invitation.

Signature of invitee’s authorised officer:
Date of execution:

Executive Summary

Provide an overview of the offer.


Is the invitee a Registered Building Contractor: / Yes/No
ID number:
Is the invitee registered for GST: / Yes/No
Listed on Heritage Victoria Consultants Directory: / Yes/No
Extensive Experience on Heritage Listed or Sensitive Sites: / Yes/No / Provide details in performance section

The invitee accepts the provisions contained in:

  1. Section A – Part 1 – About this invitation; and
  2. Part B – Conditions of participation,
  3. And offers to supply the goods/provide the services in accordance with Part A.2 – Specifications and Part C – Proposed Contract included in the invitation for the set amount set out in this offer.
  4. The Invitee warrants that they have a full understanding of the requirements set out in the invitation and that no actual or potential conflicts of interest in connection with this invitation exist.
  5. The Invitee warrants that they have checked any electronic files contained in their offer for viruses and that any and all offer files submitted are free from viruses. The Invitee undertakes to comply with any request of the Organisation for additional information to enable the Organisation to undertake a full assessment of the Invitee’s financial viability.

SCHEDULE 1 - Pricing Schedule

Tender Summary

A / Preliminaries
Site supervision
Other / $
B / Demolition
Site Preparation
Service Disconnection
Demolition / $
Asbestos Removal
Waste disposal / $
Rectification / $
Other / $
C / Construction
Site Preparation
Flooring Works
Masonry Works
Other / $
D / Civil Works
Site Preparation
Earth Works / $
Drainage Supply and Installation
Pits Supply and Installation / $
Spoon Drains Supply and Installation
Waste Disposal
Rectification / $
Other / $
E / Plumbing
Site Preparation / $
Roofing Supply and Installation
Roof Drainage Supply and Installation
Other / $
F / Electrical
Site Preparation / $
Other / $
G / Damp Treatment
Site Preparation
Chemical Damp Injection
Other / $

SCHEDULE 2 - Schedule of rates



Site foreman / $...... /hr
Carpenter / $...... /hr
Electrician / $...... /hr
Plumber / $...... /hr
Labourer / $...... /hr
Other / $...... /hr

SCHEDULE 3 - Compliance Statement

The tenderer is to signify whether or not its Tender conforms with the requirements of the Tender Documents:

  • Contract Conditions
  • Specification
  • Alternative solutions or variation not covered by the Tender documents

By striking out below ** that which is not applicable.

This Tender does / does not conform.

Should the Tender not conform with the requirements of the Tender Documents, the Tenderer shall list below all areas of non-conformance and the reason for such non-conformance and shall value * each such non-conformance so that in the event of the non-conformance being deemed unacceptable, the contract sum can be adjusted accordingly. If the non-conformances are not priced and are determined to be unacceptable. The tender may not be further considered.

Area of Non-Conformance and Reason
Description of Alternative Solutions / *Value of
(excluding GST)

SCHEDULE 4 – Tender Program

The tenderer shall complete the following table:

Item / Brief Description / Date
1 / Appointment Contractor / Assume
9 July 2018
2 / Mobilisation on site (assume 30 July subject to HV Permit)
3 / Completion of demolition
4 / Completion of construction/reinstatement
5 / Completion of civil
6 / Hand over

SCHEDULE 5 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System

Tenderers are required to demonstrate their capacity to undertake the works by providing the information on occupational health and safety.

The information must be provided for a Tender to be further considered. This information and other data that may be requested of the Tenderer during the tender assessment period will be used as part of the tender evaluation process.

Details provided by the Tenderer shall be treated as confidential and no information contained herein shall be released without the prior consent of the Tenderer.

The objective of the questionnaire is to provide an overview of the status of the Tenderer’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system. Tenderers will be required to verify their responses noted in their questionnaire by providing evidence of their ability and capacity in relevant matters.

  1. Does the company have its own written Health and Safety policy?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the company regularly work under its own written Occupational Health and Safety Plan?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the company regularly work under other written Occupational Health and Safety Plans?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the invitee have persons(s) with relevant OHS qualifications engaged or employed to advise the Contractor on OHS matters?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the invitee havea trained OHS representative / officer or other means of assisting in the identification of OHS concerns, their consideration, response?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the invitee haveincident notification process, form(s) and instructions to staff for both internal and external notification?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the invitee maintain records of OHS induction and task specific training that has been provided to employees and subcontractors?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Does the invitee haveemergency response procedures and employee first aid training?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Job specific SWMS/JSA are required before works commence. Can these be provided?


Yes< Tick One >

  1. Other Information - Please provide any further OHS information that the Tenderer considers may be relevant to this tender process.

SCHEDULE 6 – Financial Viability

Tenderers are required to demonstrate that they have the financial capacity to provide, over the term of the contract, all the requirements specified in this ITS. In addition to the information required above, Tenderers are required to undertake to provide to the Board (or its nominated agent) upon request, all such information as the Board reasonably requires to satisfy itself that Tenderers are financially viable and have the financial capability to provide the Goods and/or Services for which they are tendering and to otherwise meet their obligations under the Proposed Contract.

If the answer to any of the following questions (a) to (h) inclusive is “yes”, provide an explanation.

(a)Are there any significant events, matters or circumstances which have arisen since the end of the last financial year which may significantly affect the operations of the Tenderer?
(b)Are there any mergers/acquisitions either recent (within the past 12 months) or which are imminent?
(c)Are there any proceedings, either actual or threatened, against the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities or any director of the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities or have there been any such proceedings within the past five years? If so, what (if any) remedial action has been taken in respect of such proceedings?
(d)Are there any bankruptcy actions against a director of the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities, or have there been within the past five years?
(e)Are there any de-registration actions against the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities on foot, or have there been any within the past five years?
(f)Are there any insolvency proceedings, actual or threatened (including voluntary administration, application to wind up, or other like action) against the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities on foot, or have there been any within the past five years?
(g)Is the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities currently in default of any agreement, contract, order or award that would or would be likely to adversely affect the financial capacity of the Tenderer to provide the Goods and/or Services contemplated by this ITS?
(h)Are there any other factors which could adversely impact on the financial ability of the Tenderer to successfully perform the obligations contemplated by this ITS?
(i)Is the Tenderer solvent and able to meet its debts as and when they fall due in the normal course of business?

SCHEDULE 7 – Insurance

Tenderers shall provide a schedule of relevant insurance information:

Public Liability
Name of Insurance provider
Policy number
Expiry date
Limit of liability (per item and in the aggregate)
Relevant exclusions
Work Cover
Name of Insurance provider
Policy number
Expiry date
Relevant exclusions
Contract-All-Risk (Works Insurance)
Name of Insurance provider
Policy number
Expiry date
Relevant exclusions

SCHEDULE 8 – Victorian Government Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry

Name of Tenderer: …………………………………………………………………….

Signed: …………………………………………………………..

In signing this schedule the Tenderer acknowledges that it will comply with all requirements of the Victorian Code of Practice for the Building and Construction Industry and in particular

  • The principles of the Code in relation to security of payments; and
  • The prohibition of the Code in relation to “bid shopping”; and
  • The Code’s revised Industrial Relations Principles (January 2003)

Failure to comply with the code may be taken into account by Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria when considering this or any subsequent tender and may result in this or any subsequent tender being passed over.

SCHEDULE 9 - Conflict of Interest

Name of Tenderer: …………………………………………………………………….

Signed: …………………………………………………………..

The parties to this submission have considered the implications of making this submission or of providing the services which are the subject of this Tender and have satisfied ourselves that no conflict of interest exists between this company, body, association or like organisation or any individual or group of individuals who might have an interest in the subject of this Tender, other than the following which might be considered as possible conflicts of interest:

(insert a statement of the potential conflicts should any exist)……………………………………………………………………………………..









Conflict of interest includes any relationship, matter, circumstance, interest or activity affecting the Tenderer

(which term includes the officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of the Tenderer) which may, or may appear to, impair the ability of the tenderer (if awarded the contract) to provide the requirements of the Contract diligently and independently.

In the event of such relationships arising in the course of preparing a submission or after having presented a submission, the Tenderer will immediately inform the Project Manager, who may take such action as necessary to ensure that the outcome of the tender process is not compromised.

SCHEDULE 10 - Performance Current and Previous Projects

Detail current or recently completed projects (minimum 4) directly related to the works.





Works Description

Principal’s NamePhone

Designer’s NamePhone





Works Description

Principal’s NamePhone

Designer’s NamePhone





Works Description

Principal’s NamePhone

Designer’s NamePhone





Works Description

Principal’s NamePhone

Designer’s NamePhone

Attach additional information if required.

(Invitee Name)
