February23to 27, 2015
Medellin, Colombia / OEA/Ser.L/XVII.4.2
9 February 2015
Original: English
(Item on the Agenda: 3.1(SGT4))
(Document submitted by the delegation of Canada)
This contribution provides modifications to preliminary proposal submitted by Canada on Issue G “Clarification of bringing into use information provided under RR Nos. 11.44/11.44B” to reflect the outcome of the discussions at the December 2014 meeting of the ITU-R Special Committee.
The key proposed modifications are as follows:
1.Modifications to the title of the issue to reflect that the proposal under Issue Gis only providing the Bureau with the ability to seek clarification on information provided by the notifying administration under RR No. 11.44, as well as under RR No. 11.44B in the case of a space station in the geostationary satellite orbit.
2.Modifications to the Background section to replace the referenced to the Circular Letter CR/343 by the relevant Rule of Procedure (RoP) on RR No. 11.44adopted in 2013.
3.Modifications to the Regulatory and procedural considerations section to add a new footnote for both RR Nos. 11.44 and 11.44Band incorporate in the Radio Regulations the current Rules of Procedure that provide the Bureau with the ability to seek clarification on BIU information provided by notifying administrations.
The proposal is shown in the attached document.
Agenda item 7: to consider possible changes, and other options, in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, an advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC 07) to facilitate rational, efficient, and economical use of radio frequencies and any associated orbits, including the geostationary satellite orbit;
Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC 07): Implementation of Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference
ISSUE DG: Clarification of the capability of a space station when bringing into use information providedfrequency assignments under Nos. 11.44/11.44B of the Radio Regulations
WRC-12 introduced a new provision to better define the definition of Bringing into Use (BIU) of frequency assignments in terms of the capability of a space station to transmit and receive at a nominal orbital position for a continuous period of time (refer to RR No. 11.44B). In its implementation of this provision and to avoid possible misinterpretation of the BIU definition in RR No. 11.44B, the Bureau issued in Circular Letter CR/343 a list of possible types of information that may be submitted by an administration to validate the transmitting and receiving capabilities of a space station. There is no provision in Article 11 of the Radio Regulations (RR) that allows the Bureau to seek clarification regarding the information provided by the notifying administrations relating to the bringing into use of frequency assignments to a satellite network.
The current provisions in Article 11 do not allow the Bureau to verify the transmitting and receiving capabilities associated with the frequency assignments of a space station. In an attempt to define the meaning of capability in the BIU definition in RR No. 11.44B, the Bureau included in Circular Letter CR/343 a list of possible types of information that may be submitted by an administration to validate the transmitting and receiving capabilities of a space station. However, the principle of having new regulatory requirements defined in a Circular Letter was not supported. Nevertheless, administrations recognized that in some instances, it may be necessary for the Bureau to seek clarification of the transmitting and receiving capabilities of assignments to a space station especially since RR No. 13.6 only applies to recorded assignments..
At its 64th meeting, the RRB adopted a new Rule of Procedure on RR No. 11.44B to indicate , the Board considered possible means to ensure that information regarding the bringing into use of frequency assignments to a satellite network under RR Nos. 11.44/11.44B corresponds to the deployed space station, and in the case of a space station of the geostationary satellite orbit, with the capability of transmitting or receiving in the assigned frequencies. The Board concluded that whenever it appears from reliable information available that an assignment has not been BIU in accordance with RR Nos. 11.44/11.44B, the provisions of RR No. 13.6 shall apply[1]. The provisions of RR No. 13.6 that would apply are the consultation procedures and subsequent applicable course of action prescribed in RR No.13.6.
It is proposed to incorporate the Rules of Procedure on RR Nos. 11.44/11.44Binto the Radio Regulations.
11.44The notified date20, 21, ADD xx of bringing into use of any frequency assignment to a space station of a satellite network shall be not later than seven years following the date of receipt by the Bureau of the relevant complete information under No.9.1 or 9.2, as appropriate. Any frequency assignment not brought into use within the required period shall be cancelled by the Bureau after having informed the administration at least three months before the expiry of this period.(WRC1215)
Reasons: To add a new footnote to link the applicability of No. 11.44.3 to No.11.44.
11.44BA frequency assignment to a space station in the geostationary-satellite orbit shall be considered as having been brought into use when a space station in the geostationary-satellite orbit with the capability of transmitting or receiving that frequency assignment has been deployed and maintained at the notified orbital position for a continuous period of ninety days. The notifying administration shall so inform the Bureau within thirty days from the end of the ninety-day periodADD xx.(WRC1215)
Reasons: To add a new footnote to link the applicability of No. 11.44B.1to No.11.44B.
xx11.44.3 and 11.44B.1Upon receipt of this information and whenever it appears from reliable information available that annotified assignment has not been brought into use in accordance with Nos.11.44 and/or 11.44B, as the case may be, the consultation procedures and the subsequent applicable course of action prescribed in No. 13.6 shall apply, as appropriate. (WRC15)
Reasons: To add a regulatory provision to allow the Bureau to seek clarification from the notifying administration on information provided under RR No. 11.44, as well as under RR No. 11.44B in the case of a space station in the geostationary satellite orbit on the capability of a space station to transmit or receive on a frequency assignment.
[1]Refer to Document CR/355