


Department of Applied Chemistry / LP: GE6163
Rev. No: 03
Date: 24/07/15
B.E/B.Tech/M.E/M.Tech : Common To All Branches Regulation: 2013
Sub. Code / Sub. Name : GE6163/Physics & Chemistry Laboratory-I
Session# No / List of Experiments
1,2 / (a) Determination of strength of given hydrochloric acid using pH meter.
3,4 / (b) Estimation of iron content of the water sample using spectrophotometer.
5,6 / (a) Determination of molecular weight of polyvinylalcohol using Oswald viscometer.
7,8 / (b) Conductometric titration of strong acid Vs strong base.
9,10 / (a)Determination of DO content of water sample by Winkler’s method.
11,12 / (b) *Determination of sulphate content of the given water sample by Nephaloturbidimeter.
*Content beyond syllabus.

# Session Duration: 100 minutes

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: GE6163/Physics and Chemistry Laboratory-I

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcome 1: The student will be able to acquaint the water quality parameters and corrosion measurement.
Course Outcome 2: The students will have hands on knowledge on qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of water.
Course Outcome 3: The students will be able to create an awareness on hygiene and potable water requirements to the social needs.

Programme Outcomes: [CH]

Programme Outcome 1: To apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals
Programme Outcome 2: To design and conduct experiments and interpret the experimental results.
Programme Outcome 3: To identify, formulate and solve chemical engineering problems.
Programme Outcome 4: To design the system component and the process conforming to safety, economical, energy efficient and environmental norms.
Programme Outcome 5: To have an understanding of the professional responsibilities and ethical values.
Programme Outcome 6: To apply engineering solutions in global, economic and societal context.
Programme Outcome 7: To recognize the need for and have the ability to engage in lifelong learning.
Programme Outcome 8: To communicate effectively.
Programme Outcome 9: To apply technical knowledge on contemporary issues.
Programme Outcome 10: To use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practices.

Mapping – CO – PO :

PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10
CO1 / A / A / B / C / B / B / B / B / A / B
CO2 / A / A / C / B / B / B / B / B / B / B
CO3 / A / A / A / B / B / B / B / B / B / B

A – Excellent; B – Good; C – Average

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: GE6163/Physics and Chemistry Laboratory-I

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcome 1: The student will be able to acquaint the water quality parameters and corrosion measurement.
Course Outcome 2: The students will have hands on knowledge on qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of water.
Course Outcome 3: The students will be able to create an awareness on hygiene and potable water requirements to the social needs.

Programme Outcomes: [CE]

Programme Outcome 1: Knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering.
Programme Outcome 2: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments, interpret and analyze data, and report results.
Programme Outcome 3: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to design of Civil Engineering systems or a process that meets desired specifications and requirements related to all fields of Civil Engineering
Programme Outcome 4: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to function on engineering and science laboratory teams, as well as on multidisciplinary design teams.
Programme Outcome 5: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to identify, formulate and solve Civil engineering problems.
Programme Outcome 6: Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of their professional and ethical Responsibilities.
Programme Outcome 7: Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in both verbal and written forms.
Programme Outcome 8: Graduates will have the confidence to apply engineering solutions in global and societal contexts.
Programme Outcome 9: Graduates should be capable of self-education and clearly understand the value of lifelong learning.
Programme Outcome 10: Graduates will be broadly educated and will have an understanding of the impact of engineering on society and demonstrate awareness of contemporary issues.
Programme Outcome 11: Graduates will be familiar with modern engineering software tools and equipment to Analyze Civil engineering problems.

Mapping – CO – PO :

PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10 / PO11
CO1 / A / A / B / A / B / B / B / B / A / A / C
CO2 / A / B / C / A / C / B / A / A / B / B / B
CO3 / A / A / B / A / B / B / B / A / A / A / B

A – Excellent; B – Good; C – Average

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: GE6163/Physics and Chemistry Laboratory-I

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcome 1: The student will be able to acquaint the water quality parameters and corrosion measurement.
Course Outcome 2: The students will have hands on knowledge on qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of water.
Course Outcome 3: The students will be able to create an awareness on hygiene and potable water requirements to the social needs.

Programme Outcomes: [CS]

Programme Outcome 1:An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
Programme Outcome 2: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
Programme Outcome 3: An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
Programme Outcome 4: An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
Programme Outcome 5: An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
Programme Outcome 6: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
Programme Outcome 7: An ability to communicate effectively
Programme Outcome 8: The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context
Programme Outcome 9: A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
Programme Outcome 10: A knowledge of contemporary issues
Programme Outcome 11: An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Mapping – CO – PO :

PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10 / PO11
CO1 / A / A / B / A / B / B / B / B / A / A / A
CO2 / A / A / A / C / C / A / A / A / B / B / B
CO3 / A / A / B / A / B / B / B / A / B / A / A

A – Excellent; B – Good; C – Average

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: GE6163/Physics and Chemistry Laboratory-I

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcome 1: The student will be able to acquaint the water quality parameters and corrosion measurement.
Course Outcome 2: The students will have hands on knowledge on qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of water.
Course Outcome 3: The students will be able to create an awareness on hygiene and potable water requirements to the social needs.

Programme Outcomes: [EE]

Programme Outcome 1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
Programme Outcome 2: An ability to identify, formulate and analyze, electrical and electronics engineering problems
Programme Outcome 3: An ability to design/develop solutions for complex problems related to electrical and electronics engineering applications
Programme Outcome 4: Ability to conduct investigations of complex engineering problems, be a part of novel research, and provide valid conclusions.
Programme Outcome 5: An ability to use the modern engineering techniques and tools to model complex engineering activities.
Programme Outcome 6: An ability to apply engineering expertise to approach and assess societal, health, safety issues and environmental needs.
Programme Outcome 7: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
Programme Outcome 8: Ability to work individually, and in multidisciplinary teams with the skill to organize and lead.
Programme Outcome 9: An ability to communicate effectively.
Programme Outcome 10: A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life - long learning.

Mapping – CO – PO :

PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10
CO1 / A / A / A / B / B / B / A / A / B / A
CO2 / A / B / C / B / A / B / B / A / A / B
CO3 / A / A / B / B / A / B / B / A / B / A

A – Excellent; B – Good; C – Average

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: GE6163/Physics and Chemistry Laboratory-I

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcome 1: The student will be able to acquaint the water quality parameters and corrosion measurement.
Course Outcome 2: The students will have hands on knowledge on qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of water.
Course Outcome 3: The students will be able to create an awareness on hygiene and potable water requirements to the social needs.

Programme Outcomes: [EC]

Programme Outcome 1: To impart fundamental knowledge of mathematics, applied science and concepts of Electronics & Communication engineering for modeling and solving engineering problems.
Programme Outcome 2: To inculcate an ability to analyze Electronics and Communications Engineering problems by applying the knowledge of mathematics and core engineering subjects.
Programme Outcome 3: To design Electronics & Communication systems with specifications based on societal and environmental considerations.
Programme Outcome 4: impart an ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret data in the areas of Computer hardware, Digital signal processing, VLSI and Communication systems.
Programme Outcome 5: To teach the use of modern engineering tools, techniques, equipments, software and programming language skills necessary for designing and testing Electronics and Communication Engineering systems.
Programme Outcome 6: To make the students understand the impact of the engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.
Programme Outcome 7: To impart an Awareness of innovativeness, entrepreneurship and sustainable development.
Programme Outcome 8: To inculcate an ability to understand professional and ethical responsibilities.
Programme Outcome 9: To create an ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
Programme Outcome 10: To improve oral and written communication skills
Programme Outcome 11: To impart management principles for applying in own work, team work and to manage projects.
Programme Outcome 12: To impart an ability to engage in life-long learning and to keep abreast with current developments in the field of Electronics and Communication engineering.

Mapping – CO – PO :

PO1 / PO2 / PO3 / PO4 / PO5 / PO6 / PO7 / PO8 / PO9 / PO10
CO1 / A / A / B / A / B / B / A / B / A / A
CO2 / A / A / C / A / C / B / A / B / B / B
CO3 / A / A / A / A / B / B / B / A / B / A

A – Excellent; B – Good; C – Average

Sub. Code / Sub. Name: GE6163/Physics and Chemistry Laboratory-I

Course Outcomes:

Course Outcome 1: The student will be able to acquaint the water quality parameters and corrosion measurement.
Course Outcome 2: The students will have hands on knowledge on qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of water.
Course Outcome 3: The students will be able to create an awareness on hygiene and potable water requirements to the social needs.

Programme Outcomes: [IT]

Programme Outcome 1: Apply Engineering knowledge to solve problems in different areas of Information Technology.
Programme Outcome 2: Identify, hypothesize and construct software Requirement Specification using various concepts and techniques in the field of IT.
Programme Outcome 3: Design and develop solutions for complex systems to meet the needs of society and IT industry.
Programme Outcome 4: Ability to conduct research in diversified field of Mobile Communication, Web technology Data Mining, Cryptography, Network Security etc to obtain valid conclusions for challenging problems.
Programme Outcome 5: Develop programming skills to use sophisticated and advanced software tools of IT.
Programme Outcome 6: Develop ability to perform best engineering and technical practices that benefit the corporate society and industry.
Programme Outcome 7: Develop projects using software tools for satisfying the needs of end users.
Programme Outcome 8: Learn and follow the ethical principles involved in IT research and industrial practices.
Programme Outcome 9: Ability to work as an individual based on interest and also in multidisciplinary team of Information Technology.
Programme Outcome 10: Develop effective communication and technical writing in IT research and industrial practices.
Programme Outcome 11: Develop management skills to work in IT industry and also to become an entrepreneur in the field of Information Technology.
Programme Outcome 12: Engage in lifelong learning process by updating the knowledge of individual with the upcoming software tools and techniques.

Mapping – CO – PO :