Agenda for the Icklesham Parish Council Meeting, Monday 10th March 2014 at

Rye Harbour Village Hall at 7:15pm

(Please note that proceedings will be recorded.)

1.  Welcome to the meeting by the Chairman.

2.  The Chairman will invite members of the public to comment or ask questions on any matters they wish relating to the business of the Council (15 minutes.)

3.  To receive reports and ask questions of Cllrs Keith Glazier, Nick Ramus and Paul Osborne concerning County Council and Rother District Council matters (10 minutes.)

4.  Formal opening of the meeting.

5.  Apologies for absence.

a.  To receive and record apologies for absence.

b.  To consider any requests for approval of reasons for absence, if any.

Members are also asked to complete and sign the circulated sheet.

6.  Disclosure of Interests - to receive any disclosure by members of personal interest required under the Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any written requests made by members for dispensation to allow them to participate in, and vote on, an agenda item for which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest. Members are reminded to repeat their declaration immediately prior to commencement of the item in question.

7.  To consider and approve the signing by the Chairman of the attached minutes of the Council meeting of 10th and 25th February 2014.

Matters requiring a decision by the Council.

8.  Financial Matters

a.  Receipts and payments report for February 2014. Enclosed.

b.  To approve items for payments for March 2014. A list of payments will be tabled at the meeting.

Members are invited to comment or ask questions on any of the above.

9.  Flooding at Winchelsea Beach. The Clerk and two councillors attended a meeting with East Sussex County Council (ESCC) Southern Water, the Environment Agency, Rother District Council (RDC) the Inland Area Drainage Board (IADB) and the local caravan park on 13th February. A verbal update will be given by the Clerk who seeks further instruction.

10.  Harbour Road. Following the very sad death of a motor cyclist on this road and other recent road accidents Councillors Mrs Lyward and Stanford have asked that the speed limit on this road is reduced to 30 mph. Recommended: The Clerk be authorised to lobby the East Sussex Highways Department to request that the speed limit on this road is reduced.

11.  Icklesham Play Area. The Clerk has received additional quotes to install artificial grass on the top of the play tunnel. Quotes attached. Recommended: (i)The Clerk be authorised to proceed with the preferred quote to a maximum of £2,446.00; (ii) Council to authorise funding from either 2205 Contingency or by virement from 2260 Grants (surplus BIFFA grant funds).

12.  2013/14 end of year financial audit. The Council’s auditor has recently retired however he has suggested another auditor who would be willing to undertake work for us. The person concerned is approved by SSALC. Recommended: The Clerk be authorised to engage the services of the recommended auditor and proceed with the end of year financial audit in April.

13.  Path from Monks Walk to Friars Road, Winchelsea. As instructed at the January meeting the Clerk has contacted Amicus Horizon about extending the pathway officially through to Friars Road (residents are currently using a gap in the hedge to cut through to Friars Road.) Amicus Horizon sees no problem with this in principle but would like to receive firm proposals. Members should note that this area is subject to ancient monument consent. Recommended: the Clerk is authorised to draw up plans for a gate through the hedge into the playground, to obtain quotes and formally approach Amicus Horizon.

14.  Icklesham Stoolball Club. The club has asked if they could hold their annual ladies and mixed tournaments on Sunday July 6th and Sunday August 3rd 2014 at Icklesham Recreation Ground. They have requested the use of the car park subject to the usual conditions. Recommended: The use of the recreation ground for the Stoolball Tournaments is approved.

15.  Results of Parish Risk Assessment. The annual report from the Council’s risk assessor has been received and a summary of recommended work is attached. A full copy of the report will be available at the meeting or can be emailed on request. Recommended: Members to authorise the Clerk to proceed with the assessor’s recommendations to an agreed priority.

16.  Parking Problems/Safety in Icklesham. Councillor Mrs Austen has proposed that we investigate what can be done about cars parking on the grass verge of the A259 near Watermill Lane opposite the Robin Hood Pub; visibility for cars turning out of the lane is limited and therefore dangerous. The Highways Agency is not empowered to take any action and have advised us to contact the police.Recommended: The Clerk be authorised to contact the police.

17.  Programme of Works for February. Enclosed. Council is asked to note progress and raise any issues it wishes to discuss.

18.  Draft Rye Harbour Car Park Lease - to be taken under Standing Order 1C Confidential Business.

19.  Registration of Parish Land - to be taken under Standing Order 1C Confidential Business.

Matters for Information or Noting

20.  Report back from Planning Committee. Minutes of 10th and 24th February 2014 are attached.

21.  Reports of Councillors and Officers on Outside Bodies or Attending Events.

(1)  Verbal report from the Sports and Recreation Committee.

22.  Bus Stop at the Robin Hood, Icklesham update. A verbal update by the Deputy Clerk.

23.  New Icklesham Bus Shelter. A verbal update will be given by the Deputy Clerk.

24.  Correspondence

a.  Recycling in Icklesham - An email has been received from a resident expressing concerns about the location of the bottle banks in Icklesham (copy attached.) Due to parked cars it is very difficult to get access to the banks.

b.  Dog fouling in Icklesham. An email (copy attached) has been received from a resident about dog fouling.

Date and venue for next meeting. The date of the next full council meeting is confirmed as Monday 14th April 2014 at the Winchelsea New Hall, commencing at 7:15pm.