SAAGH Goals: The Goals are provided in every agenda to constantly keep in front of us the desired results we are working to achieve.

  • Increase paid membership to 1,000 by 2015-2017

-Offer excellent, interesting events of good value that focus on socializing and appeal to a variety of interests

-Increase the percentage of members that renew

-Get at least 15% of New Retirees to register as paid members

  • Maintain a diverse, sustainable and renewable Board; keep membership at 16 – 20
  • Establish and maintain the relationship with Shell to inform future retirees about SAAGH in Retirement Planning Program sessions
  • Enhance our role as a “Facilitator” in connecting our members with Shell’s sponsored volunteer opportunities
  • Continue to improve our Board management processes


  1. Arrive/Social ~11:30 am
  2. Lunch 12:00pm
  3. Call to order: Randy Petty, President, called the meeting to order at 12:35 pm. In attendance were John Bowser, Val Brock, Ken Broussard, Jim Castles, Bill Chalmers, Carol Coleman, Linda Durant, Thor Hanson, Jimmie Isaac, Steve Paul, Randy Petty, Vaughn Phillips, Jose Solano, Rick Swain, and Bob Weiner.
  4. Agenda Review: Randy reviewed agenda and noted addition of a discussion on D&O insurance.
  5. Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2016 Board Meeting: MOTION, to approve Minutes of September 14, 2016 as presented, seconded and unanimously approved.
  6. Treasurer’s Report: Jim Castles presented the Treasurer’s Report as of October 31, 2016, including expected end of year balance of about $32,000, comparing it to 2015 EOY cash of about $25,000. Jim highlighted other income offset by expenses still nets about $2500, therefore he expects ending bank balance will still finish higher this year than last year despite providing an increased subsidy and some gift cards at the annual fall luncheon.
  7. Subsidy Policy for Events: Randy discussed efforts this year to reduce the cash reserve, and the Board agreed that greater efforts are needed since the reserve has continued to grow the past few years. The Board took note that having door prizes at the BBQ, and for the first time at the Annual Luncheon, was well received by members and works as one means to reduce reserves. Following a full discussion and consensus on the goals of running events at a breakeven basis and trying to gradually reduce the reserve in a manner that would benefit the most members, the Board agreed on the following general guidelines for event coordinators to work within in order to achieve these goals:subsidize the Spring Luncheon, BBQ, and Fall Luncheon in order to benefit the most members;generally hold prices level for the big events (rather than providing a deep discount that could raise member expectations but could not indefinitely continue); subsidize the big events by means such as the usual modest cost discount coupled with upgraded menus, free drink ticket, and/or door prizes and other give-aways; target smaller events for greater cost discounts; and let event coordinators decide how to subsidize their events within these guidelines.
  8. Director and Officers: Randy reminded the Board that the VP position, which is customarily the feeder position for President, is vacant for 2017. The Board discussed the need for a succession plan, and agreed to form a committee to make a recommendation on officer terms, director terms, committee roles and possible by-law amendments. Carol, Bill, Steve and Val agreed to serve on this committee.
  9. Shell Retirement Seminar Schedule: Randy reported the schedule for 2016 has been filled and thanked Board members who are making the SAAGH presentation.
  10. Membership Committee Report: John Bowser presented a written report covering the current status and discussed a schedule for mailing the 2017 registration letter. He plans to target sending the letter as early in January as possible, depending on receipt of mailing addresses from Shell, and including a letter from the SAAGH President. The Board discussed a second mailing inviting all area retirees to annual Fall Luncheon, noting this only netted a few additional paid memberships in the past, but it is provided for in the Bylaws.The Board decided to use the annual Fall Luncheon as a cut-off date for current year registrations so any dues received after that date will be applied to the dues for the next calendar year.
  11. Communications/Website VP Report: Thor presented a written report covering communication types and activities, and breakdowns on email and snail mail distribution information. He also discussed Q4 newsletter draft content and suggested including President’s Letter in Q1 newsletter to which Board agreed.
  12. Reports on Recent SAAGH Events:(Attendance, financial summary, good/bad)

Fall Luncheon October 6 Bruce Culpepper Linda Durant & Jose Solano: Linda reported on the event, including attendance of 220 with 19 additional paid no shows, and 194 using PayPal versus 171 last year. She expressed 3 lessons learned: list dress code on invitation, prepare worksheet for drink tickets, and bring more change. The Board joined Randy in expressing deep appreciations for the combined efforts of Linda, Jose, and John Kiappes in making arrangements and running the luncheon, with a special acknowledgement to Linda for her crucial role in putting on what the Board feels was an exemplary luncheon with an esteemed speaker.

NW Club Golf Tournament October 18 (Revised date) Cypresswood Tradition (See NW Club website): John Bowser reported on a record attendance of 90 people and plans for a spring tournament.

Wine and Food Event Nov 8Bob Weiner & Bill Chalmers: Bob reported 33 registrations and all attended. He described difficulties in working with the Houston Club, but other Board members who attended felt the problems were invisible to attendees. Bob took an informal poll for a May/June 2017 wine trip and at least 15 people expressed a strong interest so he will begin looking into arrangements. He recommends repeating this event in 2017 if a suitable venue can be found.

  1. Events for 2016

Degas Exhibit December 1: Vaughn reported 35 of 40 tickets have been sold. Thor advised more can be added if needed and he will include a reminder in Q4 newsletter.

Holiday Event w/NW Club Northgate CC Dec 13: Randy reported that he has communicated with the Board about the subsidy for this event, and the consensus is to match the NW Club subsidy amount with a cap on the number of tickets.

  1. 2017 Events. Randy led a discussion on possible events in 2017 including a Bordeaux tasting (no date available yet), Spring Luncheon (use Marriott, explore having Mayor Sylvester Turner as speaker, or possibly Houston HEB President Scott McClelland if Turner not available), health seminar, January cooking class, bus trip 3/4 to NASA/Galveston oil rig or Stark Museum and arboretum in Beaumont, golf tournament in April/May, BBQ in May, Queensbury or Stages Theater 3/31 or 5/5, Fall Luncheon with SOC President, and Tasting Room outing any month nothing else is planned.
  2. Volunteerism: John Bowserreported he will have Shell’s schedule soon so we can coordinate. He suggested putting a request in Q4 newsletter for any Super Bowl volunteers to notify him so they can be invited to a SAAGH get together.
  3. D&O Insurance: Randy reported prior quotes went into a black hole at the broker’s so he has asked for a new quote which is forthcoming. It will have a 60 day waiting period once accepted, and he will circulate it to Board for review upon receipt. Jim noted that in his experience pricing is not firm and there is room for negotiation.
  4. Next Board Meeting:

Jan 11, 2017(2nd Wed of odd months) at Marriott Energy Corridor

  1. Adjournment: MOTION to adjourn, seconded and unanimously approved at 3:13 pm.

Minutes reported and offered by Vaughn Phillips, Secretary.