‘ANGLO SAXON ENGLAND’led by Imogen Corrigan
Friday 2nd March 2018 at St Mary’s Priory Centre, Abergavenny
We were very fortunate to have Imogen Corrigan as a lecturer in July this year, delivering a fascinating, informative and well illustrated lecture on Fra Filippo Lippi. Imogen originally spent 20 years in the British Army but then changed career completely, by turning to a lifelong interest. She graduated with a First Class Honours Degree in medieval history from the University of Kent. She works as a freelance lecturer and has run a number of lecture/ study tours throughout the UK and England and often lectures on board ship.
The Day of Special Interest offers three lectures. The first lecture “The First Prize” gives an insight into the Glories of Anglo Saxon England and its treasures, before the Norman Conquest and why it was so appealing to migrants. The second “The Significance of the Ship-Burial at Sutton Hoo” features the discovery of the seventh century ship buried at Sutton Hoo and an insight into the extraordinarily rich treasure hoard discovered within the burial mound. The third “The Vikings are Coming” tells of the Viking Invasions and the havoc they wrought, as well as giving us a closer look at their trading and sea-faring skills and many of their artefacts which still survive.
This Day of Special Interest will be held in St. Mary’s Priory Centre on Friday 2nd March 2018. The day willstart at 10.30 am, with a coffee break at 11.30. After the second session, there will be a light buffet lunch and the day will end at approximately 3.15 pm.
The cost for the day will be £32 per person, including coffee and lunch. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Cheques should be sent with the proforma below to Hazel Buchanan (address below). Cheques will be presented just prior to the event and will only be returned if cancellation occurs one month before the event. Please make cheques payable to MDFAS, dated 2nd February 2018, and writeANGLO SAXON DAY on the back.
Please also enclose a STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE so that you can be sent final details of the event shortly before it takes place.
If you wish to attend, complete the proforma below and send it, with cheque and a stamped, addressed envelope, to Hazel Buchanan, Tawelfan, 21 Meadow Lane, Coed y Brain, Abergavenny, NP7 7AY from whom any further information may be obtained (01873 859192).
Name(s):Telephone number:
Number of places required:...... Cheque enclosed for: ...... SAE......
Please indicate here if you have any special dietary requirements:
MDFAS takes out no insurance to cover you for loss or injury. If you want this you should take out your own insurance. Please initial here to accept this fact:…………