Agenda for CMSRUStrategic Planning Meeting

Meeting Date: Monday,October28th, 2013

Meeting Location: CMSRU Conference Room 522

Time: / Topic:
5:00 – 5:10 / Welcome, Strategic Plan assessment process review
5:10 – 5:20 / Linking to LCME: Academic Affairs
5:20 - 5:30 / Budgeting process
5:30 – 5:40 / Growth Opportunities
5:40 – 5:55 / Diversity and Community Affairs review
5:55 – 6:00 / Next steps

Participants: P. Katz, P. Vanston, C. Knowlton, C. Bekes, J. Mitchell-Williams, J. McGeehan, J. Carpenter, M. Goldberg, S. Mandayam, R. Harvey, C. Hasit , V. Weil, B. Kocher


1. P.Vanston reviewed the assessment process for strategic planning moving forward which follows:

Strategic Plan – Ongoing Review Process

  • The strategic plan will be reviewed annually by the entire Strategic Planning Committee to insure that the goals and objectives continue to be relevant and that adequate progress is being made to achieve planned outcomes.
  • Each section leader manages a subcommittee which corresponds to the sections of the LCME database. These subcommittees meet on an approximately bi-monthly basis to assess their section of the document for accuracy, progress updates and discussion around additions or alterations
  • Section leaders review the document with the dean once per quarter and provide a status update as it pertains to progress toward goals. The chair of the strategic planning committee participates in these sessions and if there are sufficient changes or updates to a section, the section will be reviewed at the next strategic planning meeting.
  • The Strategic Planning Committee also meets on a quarterly basis to ensure progress toward goals and on an as needed basis to address any relevant, pressing issues that might arise. This will be an opportunity for the committee to ask questions and to provide recommendations.
  • In addition to routine oversight and assessment of the strategic plan, a large scale five year strategic planning process which includes an environmental scan will take place.
  • In accordance with the CMSRU Bylaws, changes made to the Strategic Plan are approved by the Medical School Board.

2. The committee discussed how the strategic plan is integrated into the LCME database and that the section managers for each of the strategic plan sections align with the section leaders of the LCME database. This will insure that as CMSRU moves forward in both its planning and growth that it considers and complies with all of the LCME standards that are relevant to their section of the database.

3. Budgeting process: the topic of weaving the budget into the strategic plan was discussed at this meeting. At our next meeting V. Weil will review the current budget with the committee and we will consider how, as we move forward, we can project budget to align with planned projects.

4. Growth opportunities: P. Vanston discussed work that has been conducted on planning for additional educational programs. Included: Certificates of Graduate Studies, Post-Bacc program, joint degree programs with potential affiliates (Jefferson, USciences, etc.).

5. J. Mitchell-Williams reviewed her section of the strategic plan in depth; the first in the series of ongoing section review which will occur at each of our subsequent planning meetings.