Greater Glasgow NHS Board
Agenda for Change Project Steering Group
Minutes of a Meeting of the Agenda for Change Project Steering Group held on
Friday 16th September 2005 at 12 noon in Meeting Room B, Dalian House
PRESENT:Elizabeth Stow, Joint Chair, Full Time Officer, Society of Radiographers
Ian Reid, HR Director, NHSGG
Andy Carter, Acting HR Director, Primary Care Division
Ross McCulloch, Area Partnership Forum Representative
Caroline Fee, Area Partnership Forum Representative
Paul Watt, Job Evaluation Project Lead
Donald Sime, Area Partnership Forum Representative
Gordon Anderson, Area Partnership Forum Representative
Jakki Sheppard, KSF Co-Chair, Staff Partner
Gerry Slevin (representing Jim Cameron)
Les Jacobs, Corporate Analyst, GGHB
Stewart MacLennan, Area Partnership Forum Representative
Frances Lyall, Communications Co-Chair, Staff Partner
Anne MacPherson, HR Director, North Glasgow Division
France Millar (representing Juli McQueen)
Gavin Millar, Project Administrator (minutes)
1.Apologies: Juli McQueen, KSF Project Lead
Jonathan Best, Joint Chair, Chief Executive, Yorkhill Division
Rosslyn Crocket, Nurse Director, NHSGG
Janice Whitelaw, Terms and Conditions Project Lead
ES opened the meeting and introduced Frances Millar to the group.
An item was added to the agenda: 5e: Communication
2.Minutes of Meeting held on 19th August 2005.
5.3.2Sentence should read “…. the KSF group were looking for approval to take forward from the Area Partnership Forum regarding…”
The action should read “… Ian Reid and Donald Sime to raise with Area Partnership Forum.”
3.Matters Arising
D Sime raised the issue of filtering jobs (re 5.1.6 of the minutes) and stated that staff side representatives would have to see the JE Group paper before this could be agreed.
Point 5.1.5 of the minutes was discussed. Clarification was given on HR sending out information.
Decision: Divisional HR Departments to circulate information regarding backfill funding for staff side members who sit on job matching panels.
4.SPRIG Update
4.1Ian Reid reported that with regards to implementation the minister is looking for assimilation to have begun by the end of the year. He also confirmed that SPRIG think this is possible.
4.2IR briefed the group that SPRIG were applying pressure for the Grampian assimilation tool to be released as soon as possible.
4.3IR reported that Project Management needed to be re-established at GJNH due to increased pressure and expectation. The new project manager would hopefully be full time or at the very least could devote 3 days per week. A staff side partner was also requested who could commit to a similar amount of time.
Action:Staff side group to make a decision on a staff side partner in parallel with
4.4IR reported that that SPRIG would be releasing a letter regarding the deadline for assimilation of staff.
4.5IR stated that the GP learning pack had been approved and that it will be distributed in the near future.
4.6Elizabeth Stow updated the group on the T&Cs sub group of the HR forum:
- Payroll Officers claim. There is confusion due to two differing claims. An agreement was made to reach a conclusion by September.
- Reckonable service. Meeting rescheduled as the staff council has forwarded differing opinions.
- Midwives supervisory claim. This does not affect the job matching score.
- On-Call specific issues:
1. On-call staff less than 1:12 – pay per session equivalent to one hour pay (agreed).
2. Standby staff less than 1:12 – a paper is to be prepared.
3. Overtime payments should be rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes (agreed).
4. On-call payments during sick leave – management to reconsider.
5.Sub-group Feedback
5.1Job Matching / Evaluation Group
5.1.1Job matching training is to be held on 19th and 20th September with some more dates to follow in October. This is primarily to increase the number of staff side representatives available for panels.
5.1.2PW reported that remote job matching panels are being piloted at Yorkhill for 1 week (19th – 23rd September).
5.1.3PW reported that there would be an ‘open session’ for trained job matchers in September. This session would be for discussing any problems and passing on of information and experience gained since job matching began.
5.1.4PW briefed the group that due to the small amount of job descriptions being received, filtering / batching of jobs had not taken place. Therefore the paper on filtering of jobs, as discussed at the last PSG meeting, could not be produced.
5.1.5A paper was tabled regarding the consistency group. In summary, the consistency group are looking for approval to be able to change matching outcomes where an obvious error has been made.
Action:Consistency group paper to be circulated via email and a decision made
by end of September.
5.2Terms and Conditions Group
5.2.1Stewart MacLennan reported that the grievance raised by a branch of UNISON had been discussed by the T&Cs sub-group.
Action:Elizabeth Stow and Jonathan Best to respond to the grievance.
5.2.2SMcL briefed the group that the assimilation working group, which will be made up of members from the T&Cs and JE groups, will meet fortnightly on Mondays.
5.3Knowledge and Skills Framework
5.3.1Frances Millar informed the group that there had probably been more KSF activity than shown in the minimum data set, due to a lack of information from some divisions. FM also reported that there would be a PAN Glasgow network event happening in the near future.
5.3.2A list of UK outlines has been cascaded to divisions. FM stressed that it was only a list of outlines that were available and that the actual outlines would be coming soon.
5.3.3Ross McCulloch asked the group for endorsement to publicise that it was now time for employees to be thinking about their KSF outlines if they had their job descriptions.
Decision: Endorsement given.
5.3.3RMcC briefed the group that there is a national KSF group meeting on 19th September where management of long term sickness absence within KSF.
5.4Management Update
5.4.1PW reported that Rosemary Pollock would be joining the admin team at GJNH from October 3rd.
5.4.2Ann MacPherson raised the issue of the implications of decisions made at this meeting on finance and also that Finance is not an item on the agenda. Gordon Anderson responded that finance has been taken into account and that the budget exists, however he was not aware if the information is readily available.
Decision:Finance to be added to the agenda in future.
Action:Finance sub-group to produce papers to show the impact of decisions.
5.5.1RMcC stated that as he understood it responsibility for communication rests with co-chairs of each of the sub-groups and is a standing item on each sub-group agenda. A discussion ensued regarding the disbanded communication group.
Decision:Communication Group to be reinstated with Frances Lyall as a representative from staff side. ES to link up with JRB and report back to the PSG.
6.Any Other Business
No other business was discussed.
7.Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 11th November 2005 at 12 noon in Room B, Dalian House.
Agenda for Change Project Steering Group Minutes 19.08.05
Gavin Millar, Tel: 0141 951 5840