BANNER Finance Technical Pre and Post Go-live Check List
Go-live Prep Steps:
(1) PROD Database Verification: need to verify the production database is ready for Finance go-live using the following check list:
(a) Check if the table spaces are correct for the Finance database (FIMSMGR, FIMSARCH and TRNH/TRND).
(b) Check if the proper indexing chosen for the TRND/TRNH (consult the Finance Technical Reference Manual in the Bookshelf).
(c) Determine if you may want to put FGBTRNH and FGBTRND tables into their own tablespace and also consider the same for their indexes.
(d) Check if security roles are set-up and utilized for ODBC database access and third party reporting tools access via ODBC.
(e) Check if all custom tables (needed for interfaces) were created correctly, synonyms, comments on tables/columns and grants were created with each table.
(f) Check if Banner Security was set-up for Finance. You need to design and implement Finance Security classes (based on functional area), create users and assign users to those security classes. You also need to design a general class to include the general objects needed for public users (objects such as general menu objects GUAMENU, GUBINST, GUAINIT and job submissions objects).
(g) Check if all the passwords for FIMSUSR, FIMSMGR and TRAIN users were reset for the Finance production database.
(h) Check if online help turned on for the missing 20 forms in Finance on GUAOBJS (use FRAGRNT to be your test).
(i) Make sure Database Extract Feature turned on for those forms you wish to use this function.
(j) Make sure paths are set correctly to use online Help, Database Extracts, Job Submission output, Bookshelf.
(2) Run customized scrub scripts to clean transactions tables from production if there was any testing conducted in the PROD database. Any testing via transaction will create documents and insert data in the ledger tables. These tables need to be cleaned up before go-live, thus we might need to scrub them again. However, the regular scrub scripts will remove all data from the database including set-up data that we need to keep for go-live. Therefore, you need to customize the scrub scripts so they will only remove documents, transactions and ledger data and at the meantime preserve the set-up and validation data in the Finance database.
(3) Load your COAS elements from EXCEL sheets if they are not already loaded in your PROD database. Make sure you have all required data for COAS in your database at this time which include the following tables: FTVCOAS, FTVATYP, FTVFTYP, FTVACTL, FTVFUND, FTVORGN, FTVACCT, FTVPROG, FTVACTV, FTVLOCN, GXVBANK, FRBGRNT (when going live with Research Accounting and ensure you use correct project start and end dates), FTVFSYR, FTVFSPD and FTVSDAT with regards to Internal Fund Type, Internal Account Types, Control Accounts, and Hierarchy Levels.
(4) Examine the validation tables to ensure they are set-up correctly with regards to (1) effective date; (2) COAS specific data; (3) When examining the data via the forms, the form does not generate errors due to violated integrity constraints. The following tables need to be examined:
FOBSYSC: Finance System Control Setup Table. Make sure you have a record set up in this table for you overall Finance system set-up.
FFBSYSC: Fixed Assets System Control Setup Table. Make sure you have a record set up in this table for you if using Fixed Assets.
FSBSYSC: Stores Inventory System Control Setup Table. Make sure you have a record set up in this table for you if using Stores Inventory.
FRRSYSC: Sponsored Research System Control Setup Table. Make sure you have a record set up in this table for you if using Sponsored Research Grants.
FTVSDAT: System Data table need to contain data with regards to COAS specific set-up for FTVFTYP, FTVATYP and FTVACTL, and Hierarchy titles for FTVFUND, FTVORGN, FTVACCT, FTVPROG.
FTVCOAS: Chart of Accounts table
FTVFTYP: External Fund Type Table
FTVATYP: External Account Type Table
FTVFUND: Fund Code Table
FTVORGN: Orgn Code Table
FTVACCT: Account Code Table
FTVPROG: Program Code Table
FTVACTV: Activity Code Table
FTVLOCN: Location Code Table
FTVACTL: Control Accounts Table
FTVSHIP: Purchasing Ship Codes Table
GXVBANK: General Bank Codes Setup Table
GXVDIRD: Bank Routings
GXRDIRD: Vendor Bank Routings for ACH
GTVCURR: General Currency Codes Setup Table
GURCURR: General Currency Exchange Rate Setup Table
FTVDISC: Discount Code Set-up Table
FTVASTY: Fixed Assets Type Setup Table
FTVDEPR: Fixed Assets Depreciation Codes Setup Table
FOBPROF: User Profiles Setup Table
FORUSFN: User Fund Security Setup Table
FORUSOR: User Orgn Security Setup Table
FTVAPPQ: Approval Queues Setup Table
FORAQRC: Approval Queues Routing Criteria Setup Table
FORAQUS: Approval Queues User Approvers Table
FORUSRG: Rule Group Security Users Setup Table
FORPRRG: Rule Group Security Programs Setup Table
(5) Rules, Validation and Setup Tables Clean up: Since most of the tables setup process involves trial and errors type of setup and testing via the forms (e.g. approval queues setup), you might end up having unwanted data in any of these tables. Thus, the following is a recommendation on a clean up efforts:
Approvals Tables:
(2) FORAQRC: For each of the queue removed from the FTVAPPQ table, you need to remove the established routing criteria in the FORAQRC table (if there is any). Since this table is dependent on the COAS tables, make sure you load you COAS table before copying or loading this table.
(3) FORAQUS: This is an effective data table that needs to be cleaned up before go live. This is due to trial and error setup process that may create many unwanted records in this table. Thus, you can remove any record that contain a value in the NCHG_DATE field and reset the effective date in the record that contain NULL in the NCHG_DATE field to your COAS effective date.
(4) FTVBUYR: This is Purchasing Buyer setup table that you might want to remove unwanted records or seed data from it (baseline buyers such is “BIO”) and reset the start data to your COAS effective date.
(5) FTVCRSN: This is the Purchasing Cancellation Reason setup table which you might want to remove unwanted records and reset the start data to your COAS effective date.
(6) FTVEQUL: This is Unit of Measurement Equivalency setup table that you might want to remove unwanted records and reset the start data to your COAS effective date.
(7) FTVPCLS: This is Purchasing Classification setup table, which you might want to remove unwanted records and reset the start data to your COAS effective date.
(8) FTVSHIP: This is Purchasing Ship Codes setup table which you might want to remove unwanted records and reset the effective data to your COAS effective date.
(9) FTVDISC: This is Purchasing Discount Codes setup table, which you might want to remove unwanted records and reset the effective data to your COAS effective date.
(10) Chart of Accounts Tables (FTVSDAT, FTVCOAS, FTVFTYP, FTVATYP, FTVACTL, FTVFUND, FTVORGN, FTVACCT, FTVPROG, FTVACTV, FTVLOCN): Ensure that there are no other COAS elements exist in any of these tables beside your own Chart of Account(s)
(11) System Setup Tables (FOBSYSC, FFBSYSC, FSBSYSC, FRRSYSC): These are the system control tables. There should be only one record in each. Thus ensure that there is one record in each table with the appropriate effective date
(12) Bank Codes and Currency Setup Table (GXVBANK, GTVCURR, GURCURR): These are the tables required for Bank Codes and Currency setup in Banner Finance. Ensure that only desired records exist in these tables with the appropriate effective date or start date.
(13) Finance Security and Approvals Tables (FOBPROF, FORUSFN, FORUSOR, FTVAPPQ, FORAQRC, FORAQUS, FORUSRG, FORPRRG): These are the tables required for Banner Finance Security and Approvals Setup. Ensure that only desired records exist in these tables with the appropriate effective date.
(14) Fixed Assets, Stores Inventory and Research Accounting Validation Tables (The list is long to include in this document): You need to ensure (if going live with any of these modules) that the setup tables contain only desired setup and validation data.
(6) Create Fiscal Years: Depending on how far you need to reset you COAS for, you need to create Fiscal Years in the system for them. The effective date of your COAS will depend on the earliest transactions you might be performing on the system. This will probably depend (in most cases for USA clients) on the earliest depreciation date you need to do with regards to Catch-up depreciation for fixed assets load. You can utilize the supplied scripts (given with the tool box provided after the Fin Tech session) to create the fiscal years. You need to modify the script to fit your organization specific data (e.g. COAS code). Never set up records prior to 1950 as depreciation will not work prior to 1950. If necessary, you can change your depreciation start date to 1950 as the asset should be fully depreciated as of today.
(7) Clean Effective Dates Tables: COAS tables might be in need to be cleaned up before go-live. These tables are effective date driven tables, which means that during setup, we might need to change records utilizing the insert/duplicate function. The given COAS cleanup scripts (included in the tool box sent after Fin Tech session) can be utilized for COAS tables cleanup and effective date reset. These scripts will remove all old and unwanted records from the tables and only keep the most effective one with resetting the effective date as appropriately chosen.
(8) SOBSEQN Reset: The PIDM and ID sequencer table need to be reset before go-live and any Vendor conversion. The values in this sequencer table (PIDM and ID sequences) can be reset to zeros only if Finance is the first Banner Product scheduled to go live. Before resetting these values to zero, you need to ensure that the SPRIDEN table contains no data which contain any of the sequencer values to be re-set thus preventing an integrity constraint violation in the future.
(9) Ensure that the FOBSEQN and FOBFSEQ tables have been reset appropriately.
(10) If Finance was not first on go-live, the seed data tables may not be populated. Check the seed data tables for population against the names of the tables at the beginning of the Finance Scrub script to ensure that all seed data tables exist.
Before Go-live Conversion Runs:
(1) General Tables Clean up: Some of the general tables need to be cleaned up before go live. This includes Job Submission Output tables (GUBOUTP and GUROUTP). Also there are other tables you need to consider that would go along with this. Examples are the GJBRSLT (results) and the GURTKLR for messages,
(2) Vendor Load (if required): Run your vendor load conversion scripts to load your vendors (FTVVEND, SPRIDEN, SPRADDR, SPRTELE). Ensure the proper usage of the sequencing values for PIDM and ID in the SOBSEQN table. Also ensure your correct start date for vendors.
(3) Commodity Load (if required) (FTVCOMM, FTRCOMM): Run your commodity codes conversion scripts to load your commodity codes. Also ensure you use proper start date for you commodities.
(4) Fixed Assets Load (if required) (FFBMAST, FFRMASA): Run your Fixed Assets conversion scripts to load your Fixed Assets.
(5) Research Accounting Grants Data Load (if required): Run your RA Grants data conversion scripts to load your Research Accounting Grants (FRBGRNT, FRRGRPI, FTVAGCY, FRVGRST). If you have previously loaded your grants setup data (FRBGRNT) as it is required to be part of your COAS load, then do not reload it again. After verification of grants load, you can load grants balance data via GURFEED and post them.
After Go-live Conversion Runs:
(1) Payroll, A/R and other Ledger Interfaces: it is recommended that you run your first Payroll, A/R and any other Ledger interface you have implemented manually to ensure the process works properly in your production environment. It is also recommended you suspend the first load transactions in the JV and review them for accuracy on form FGAJVCQ (or FGAJVCD) after loading the data via GURFEED and running FURFEED, FGRTRNI and FGRTRNR. You can do this by setting the GURFEED header record manually to zero with SQL before running FURFEED and after loading the data in GURFEED. The FGRTRNR error report will indicate an error where the header record does not equal to the sum of all the details. After posting, you can then verify the results by running your financial reports and check accounts balances on the particular accounts used for payroll liabilities and A/R revenues. You can also run GL control, exception and trail balance reports to verify data integrity.
(2) Beginning Balance and Budget Load: at this time and after a comprehensive testing in the test/training environment, you can run the Beginning Balance and Budget load data.
(3) Sleep Wake Setup: Turn on Sleep Wake for the posting process (FGRACTG) and the approval process (FORAPPL). You might also choose to turn on Sleep Wake for other processes in Banner Finance (please consult the Finance Technical Reference Manual).