July 13, 2011, 7:00 P.M.



The Chisholm Board of Education may discuss, make motions, and/or vote upon any matter appearing on this agenda. Such motions and votes may be to adopt, reject, table, reaffirm, rescind or take no action on any agenda matter.

1.  Call to order of members present

2.  Hearing of the Public

3. Consent Agenda.

All of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature

normally approved at board meetings will be approved by one vote unless

any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items.

The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items:

A.  Minutes of the regular meeting of June 15, 2011.

B.  Review Activity Fund Reports.

C.  Invest Idle Funds.

D.  Agenda Posted as prescribed by law.

E.  Purchase Orders General Fund FY 11.

Purchase Orders Building Fund FY 11.

Purchase Orders Child Nutrition FY 11.

Purchase Orders Municipal Tax Fund FY 1.

Purchase Orders 2006 Bond Fund (33) (31) FY 11.

Purchase Orders 2009 Bond Fund (33) FY 11.

Purchase Orders General Fund July 2011 (FY 12).

Purchase Orders Building Fund July 2011 (FY 12).

Purchase Orders Child Nutrition July 2011 (FY 12).

4. Business items:

A. Open Milk Quotes. Discussion, consideration, and possible vote to approve a milk quote from the vendors submitting quotes. Board may accept a quote or reject all quotes.

B. Vote to approve contract with Enid Public Schools to provide Physical Therapy

services for the 2011-2012 school year.

CE. Vote to approve changes in elementary, middle school, and high school handbooks for 2011-2012 school year.

D. Vote to approve a contract with The Center for Education Law to provide a basic legal services program for the 2011-2012 school year.

E. Vote to approve Safe School/Healthy and Fit School Committee Reports.

HF. Vote to approve activity fund sub-accounts revenue and expenditures as submitted for the 2011-2012 school year.

G. Vote to approve the following activity fund changes for the 2011-2012 school year:

1. Transfer $89.90 from Kindergarten B (818) to 2nd Grade A (865).

2. Open account for new Pre-K class: Pre-Kindergarten (851).

3. Transfer $458.42 from Freshmen (875) to Sophomores (930).

4. Transfer $785.65 from Sophomore (930) to Juniors (885).

H. I Vote to increase the student meal prices by the following (rationale attached):

1. Elementary $.25 to $2.50

2. Middle School .10 to $ 2.60

3. High School .10 to $ 2.60

4. Adults $ .10 to $ 3.10).

IKI. Discussion, consideration, and possible vote to approve changes to the

following policies:

1. Student Record - FERPA Policy

2. Student Behavior Policy

3. Wellness Policy

4. Felony Records Search Policy

5. Homeless Education Policy and Procedure: McKinney-Vento Homeless

Education Assistance Act Policy

MJ. Vote to approve school fundraisers for 2011-2012. (Lists attached)

NK. Vote to approve agreement for non-payable warrants.

OL. Vote to approve a resolution authorizing and directing the district

treasurer to invest district funds in accordance with the investment policy

of the district and to re-invest when funds are available.

PM. Vote to approve destroying FY05 Financial Records.

N. Vote to approve destroying previous year (after audit) clerical papers that are duplicate documents retained at sites for which copies are maintained in the central administration office for the required statutory timeframe.

QO. Vote to approve Roydon Tilley as Purchasing/Legal agent.

RP. Vote to approve Jo Ann Buxton as Encumbrance clerk/Payroll clerk.

S Q. Vote to approve Carla McCary as the Minutes clerk and Deputy treasurer.

T R. Vote to approve Rhonda Howerton as Treasurer and District Activity

Fund Custodian.

SU. Vote to approve Surety bonds for the following:

1. Superintendent - Roydon Tilley

2. Encumbrance Clerk - Jo Ann Buxton

3. Treasurer - Rhonda Howerton

4. Deputy Treasurer - Carla McCary

5. District Activity Fund Custodian - Rhonda Howerton

6. Child Nutrition Activity Fund Custodian - Carla McCary

7. Minutes Clerk - Carla McCary

VT. Vote to approve Roydon Tilley to accept resignations for the district.

WU. Vote to approveappoint Roydon Tilley, Jaymie Morley, and John Boeckman to

the Internal Activities Committee.

XV. Vote to approve the attached lists as surplus property.

WY. Financial Report

X. Principals’ Report Principals’ Report

Z Y. Proposed executive session to discuss: (B)(1) the employment, hiring,

appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of any individual,

B(2) to discuss negotiations concerning employees from the Chisholm Education Association. (25 OKLA. STAT. Sec. 307)Proposed executive session to discuss: (B)(1) the employment, hiring, appointment, promotion, demotion, disciplining or resignation of discussion of the following matters is proposed:

1. Discuss the employment contracts of Jo Ann Buxton, Rhonda Howerton, Gary Lyon, Jaymie Morley, Shane

Dent, Darla Smith, Rhonda Robinett .

2. Discuss proposed negotiated agreement with the Chisholm Education


AA.Z.. Vote to convene in executive session.

BBAA. Vote to acknowledge the Board has returned to open session.

CCBB. President’s statement of executive session.

CC. Vote to ratify negotiated agreement with the Chisholm Education


DDD. Notification of resignations as approved by the superintendent:

1. Ginger Choate – District Technology Director

2. Robbie Goldstein – MS Special Education Teacher

3. Van Hodges – MS Social Studies Teacher

4. Julie Lareau – MS Computer Teacher

DDEE. Vote to offer employment on the basis of a temporary contract to the following:

1. Douglas Hamm – High School Custodian

2. Cheryl Sales – Middle School Special Education

3. Jennifer Miller – High School Special Education

4. Sonja Jackson – Elementary Music Teacher

5. James Irwin – Middle School Social Studies/Computer/ Coach

6. Robin Eckert – Middle School Social Studies/Computer

7. Shelli Moore – 2nd Grade Teacher

8. Nikki Whitman – Kindergarten

9. Rhonda Robinett – Child Nutrition Director

EEFF. Vote to approve contracts for the following:

1. Jo Ann Buxton - Encumbrance Clerk/Payroll

2. Rhonda Howerton - Treasurer/District Activity Fund Custodian

3. Jaymie Morley - High School Principal

4. Shane Dent - Middle School Principal

5. Gary Lyon – Plant Manager / Transportation Director

6. Darla Smith – Elementary Principal

7. Rhonda Robinett – Child Nutrition Director

5. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Teachers report August 12, students first day August 17.

B. BB/SB/Weightroom Update

6. New Business

7. Adjourn Meeting

Name of person posting this notice: Roydon Tilley


Signature Title

Posted this 11th day of July 2011, 57:00 P.M. at Chisholm Elementary,

located at 300 Colorado, Enid, Oklahoma 73701.