Minutes of the 2011 AGM, held at the Annual Conference, on Saturday, 2nd April 2011 at 12.30pm in Langton Suite, Hilton Hotel, Leicester


Present / Sian Goddard / Chair
Julia Bott (JB) / President
Mat Cox / Website Manager
Lynn McDonnell (LMcD) / Public Relations Officer
Eleanor Main (EM) / Paediatric Champion
David McWilliams (DMcW) / Critical Care Champion
Bhavin Mehta (BM) / Chronic Disease Champion
Louisa Nunez (LN) / Surgery Champion
Jenny Plummer (JP) / Newsletter Editor
Cathy Sandsund (CS) / Research Officer
Catherine Thompson (CT) / Vice Chair
There were also a further 65 ACPRC members present
In Attendance
Angela Hurlstone (AH)
Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Sarah Keilty, Lizzie Flude, Treasurer, Leigh Mansfield, Journal Co-Editor and Ann Banks, Publications Chair.
Sian Goddard, current Chair, invited members of the ACPRC to join her on the platform and introduce themselves to members present, asking them to give an overview of the duties they undertook in their specific roles.
3. / Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting had been published in the Newsletter and circulated with the Journal. For convenience, minutes were projected on screen and the Chair highlighted points of particular note. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as accurate record of the proceedings.
4. / Statement of Association’s Accounts
4.1 / In the Treasurer’s absence, the Vice Chair gave an overview of the current financial position based on the Treasurer’s Report for the year ended 31st December 2010.
From the financial results for the year ended 31st December, the accounts for the year report a deficit of £283.78; this is in contrast to a surplus of £6013.53 in 2009. This perceived absence in surplus compared to 2009 can be explained through two significant transactions. These 2010 audited accounts do not include the expected income from CSP capitation fees as they were delayed in being paid and will appear in the 2011 finances. As well as this £4,540 printing costs due from 2009 were actually paid in 2010 period as well as the printing charges for this (2010) financial period. Without these discrepancies, the surplus/ (deficit) for the 2009 and 2010 periods would have looked more similar. Therefore the accounts from 2009 and 2010 are very stable.
Subscription income remained stable however extra membership was created from our Annual conference where we found approximately 15 new members.
The annual conference was a great success and despite the aim to break even, the conference did manage to create an income of £3,669.95. This surplus was used to help fund the one off cost to upgrade our website (£1,527.90) and also cover an increased cost of printing and designing our publications. Our printing costs in 2010 have risen from £8685.16 in 2009 to £10,066.88. As well as this the graphic design expenses for our annual publications have also risen from £3520.15 to £4215.90.
Committee costs have remained quite stable at £5849.19 this financial year compared to £5314.84 in 2009. This is despite significant activity of ACPRC committee members within working parties, meetings and groups discussing the strategic and governmental changes within the NHS that are currently occurring. This activity is ensuring that the ACPRC membership are being represented during such important times of changes within the health service.
Due to the current financial climate the ACPRC has decided to freeze subscriptions for another year in line with other societies. However due to the increased costs of travel and in particular services including printing and publications, it is important to recognise this may impact on the ACPRC finances in the coming years, therefore this will be reviewed for 2012 AGM.
4.2 / The balance sheets as at 31st December 2010 reflect the assets, liabilities and sources of funding, on the last day of the financial year. The accounts show that there was £20,367.28 compared to £20,677.09 in the same period in 2009.
The accounts from both 2009 and 2010 have now been audited and suggestions made for improvements in the continued breakdown of income and expenditure for future audit reports. This will enable an increased understanding of ACPRC finances.
4.3 / The Chair highlighted the fact the Association had managed to achieve a cost saving by cutting printing and postage costs of producing Newsletters, and these were now produced in e-format. She added that in future the Association aimed to improve how it demonstrated to its members the breakdown of costs.
4.4 / The Chair invited members to suggest possible projects which the Association might consider for further development. She reflected that the Association ‘s income is not large and therefore Committee would be mindful that any projects should not leave the association in a vulnerable position.
5. / Re-election of officers
5.1 / The Chair reported that the Association would continue to use the on-line voting system adopted last year, as this had proved to be a more inclusive way of engaging members in the voting process. However a quorum would still be required in order to validate votes.
5.2 / Voting will open in September for the Research Officer and Chronic Care Champion posts. In addition given that Lizzie Flude would be taking over as Vice Chair, the post of Treasurer was also open for nominations. Sian Goddard would be coming to the end of her term in office as Chair, and the current Vice Chair, Catherine Thompson would be taking over as Chair at the end of the year.
6. / Appointment of new Honorary President
6.1 / The Chair reported that Sarah Keilty had agreed to take over from Julia Bott in the role of President of ACPRC. Unfortunately, she had been unable to attend the conference and in her absence the Chair presented an overview of Sarah’s career.
6.2 / Sarah Keilty is a Consultant Physiotherapist (Critical Care) at Guys and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Her work since being a Band 7 includes:
•Research Physio NIV working with Julia Bott
•Published seminal research
•MSc (Physiology)
•Physiotherapy Lecturer
•Clinical Specialist
•Consultant Physiotherapist
Her areas of clinical interest are:
•Acute respiratory care Medical, Surgical, Cardio-thoracic & Critical Care
•Level 2 / ward interface
•Acute NIV
•Principles of physiology applied to patient Care
•Evidence Based Practice
Her areas of interest in R & D are:
•Simulation training for MDT:
1) Acute skills ILS/NIV/assessment of critical illness
2) Non technical skills (communication, team working,
decision making etc.)
Her areas of strategic interest are:
•Influencing national policy so that the voice of Respiratory Physiotherapy is heard and valued
The Chair reflected on the views of Committee and many colleagues in respiratory physiotherapy that Sarah would make an excellent Honorary President, and she felt sure she would continue with the excellent work undertaken by Julia Bott.
7. / Any other business
7.1 / Julia Bott urged members to encourage colleauges who were not members to join ACPRC. She added that the input and contribution of physiotherapy colleagues at all levels was imperative, particular during in current climate of change and reform in the NHS.
8. / Date of next meeting
To be agreed. The Chair reported that an on-line AGM may be instigated for 2012, as the next annual conference was planned for 2013, and champion study days would be held in 2012.

