Approved by the UWO Board

April 11, 2007

Re-titled 3/30/10

Community Investment

United Way of the Ozarks

Policies Related to Partner Agencies

Over a period of years, the United Way of the Ozarks has developed policies and practices related to its relationship to partner agencies. The following is a compilation and refinement of those major policy statements:


a. Partner agencies are approved for establishment of a three-month operatingreserve.

Upon specific request and approval by United Way,up to twelve monthsoperating

reserve may be established. United Way does expect a rationale forreserves based on

sound business practices. Reserves for capital expenses will be considered on an

individual basis.

b. United Way will not consider the funding of reserves during the allocation process andis not obligated to allow unused United Way dollars to be used to establish a


c. All reserve accounts under the auspices of the agency board are expected to be reported to United Way of the Ozarks.


a. United Way funds may not be used for purposes other than those described in the agency budget presentation without the expressed consent of United Way. Funds

not used must be returned to United Way at the end of the calendar year.

b. Agencies are expected to declare all anticipated revenue including grants, contracts,

and contributions.

c. In the event that other funds are received for which United Way dollars were intended

as described in the agency budget, United Way dollars must be (1) returned to United

Way or (2) reallocated to other programs proposed by the agency and approved by

United Way.

d. Agencies are expected to aggressively pursue all appropriate financial resources for

agencies’ programs. While not always the “last dollars in”, United Way does expect ts

limited resources to be used to leverage and/or complement other resources.

e. United Way dollars cannot be used to supplant efforts from other sources.

f. United Way cannot be responsible for replacing lost governmental or grant funds to an agency. Agencies should not assume that United Way’s endorsement of a building

project means that United Way is also committing to increased funding either for

operations or programs. Neither should endorsement of a need or program by United

Way be assumed as a commitment of resources.


a. The agency budget presented to United Way is considered operable for the year described unless revised and reported to United Way. If an agency receives less

than requested in the budget, that agency should revise its budget and submit it to

United Way by January 1 of the budget year.

b. Agencies are expected to operate with a balanced budget. A balanced budget is

defined as a fiscal plan that projects revenue equal to expense.


Funding restrictions and requirements may be required by United Way.


The United Way Board report regarding the annual allocation shall be reported to the chief professional officer and the chief volunteer officer of the corporation.


a. Agency boards are expected to ensure compliance with United Way standards and

the standards of its own national affiliation unless specifically exempted by United


b. Agency board members are held legally responsible for the agency.

c. Agencies are expected to provide orientation and training to board members.

d. Board member presentation of the agency budget and program is expected at the

allocation panel meeting.