These rates are applicable from 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015.
Home Care Package Level / Subsidy RateLevel 1 / $21.43
Level 2 / $38.99
Level 3 / $85.73
Level 4 / $130.32
1. Dementia and Cognition and Veterans’ Supplement
Home Care Package Level / Amount of SupplementLevel 1 / $2.14
Level 2 / $3.90
Level 3 / $8.57
Level 4 / $13.03
2. Oxygen and Enteral Feeding Supplements
/Amount of Supplement
Oxygen Supplement
Enteral Feeding Supplement – Bolus
Enteral Feeding Supplement – Non-bolus
3. EACHD Top Up Supplement
From 1 August 2013, the Extended Aged Care at Home Dementia (EACHD) package level converted to a Home Care Level 4 with a Dementia and Cognition Supplement or Veterans’ Supplement. To ensure that people receiving an EACHD package continued to receive the same level of funding plus indexation, an additional Top Up Supplement is available for these consumers. This supplement is paid automatically to the home care provider.
This rate is $2.58 per day.
4. Home Care Viability Supplement
ARIA Score / Amount of SupplementARIA Score 0 to 3.51 inclusive / $0.00
ARIA Score 3.52 to 4.66 inclusive / $5.15
ARIA Score 4.67 to 5.80 inclusive / $6.19
ARIA Score 5.81 to 7.44 inclusive / $8.66
ARIA Score 7.45 to 9.08 inclusive / $10.39
ARIA Score 9.09 to 10.54 inclusive / $14.54
ARIA Score 10.55 to 12.00 inclusive / $17.45
These rates are applicable from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
1. Daily ACFI subsidy rates
/Activities of daily living (ADL)
/Behaviour (BEH)
/Complex Health Care (CHC)
Nil / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00Low / $35.65 / $8.14 / $16.04
Medium / $77.61 / $16.88 / $45.68
High / $107.52 / $35.20 / $65.96
2. Default rate for a new resident with an ACAT approval
For a new resident with an ACAT approval, the payments system will pay a care subsidy rate of $54.68 per day until an Application for Classification is received by Medicare Australia. Payments will be backdated as appropriate when the application is received.
3. Late receipt of appraisal or reappraisal
Where an appraisal or reappraisal is received within 3 months after the end of the appraisal or reappraisal period, if the daily amount for a resident is at least $25 the basic subsidy for the period up until the appraisal or reappraisal is received (the late claim period) is that amount less $25. If the daily amount for a resident is less than $25 the basic subsidy for the late claim period is $0.
Where an appraisal or reappraisal is received more than 3 months after the end of the appraisal or reappraisal period, the basic subsidy is $0 for the late claim period.
4. Daily RCS Rates for Grandparented Residents
RCS classification level
/Full amount
/Reduced amount for late applications
Classification level 1 / $158.70 / $123.70Classification level 2 / $143.90 / $108.90
Classification level 3 / $123.97 / $88.97
Classification level 4 / $87.63 / $52.63
Classification level 5 / $53.39 / $33.39
Classification level 6 / $44.21 / $24.21
Classification level 7 / $33.96 / $13.96
Classification level 8 / $0.00 / $0.00
5. Daily Residential Respite Subsidy Rates
(a) low level residential respite care —$44.21
(b) high level residential respite care — $123.97
These rates are applicable from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
/Amount of Supplement
Oxygen Supplement
Enteral Feeding Supplement – Bolus
Enteral Feeding Supplement – Non-bolus
Adjusted Subsidy Reduction
Conditional Adjustment Payment
/Rolled into subsidy rates
Residential Aged Care Veterans’ Supplement
Approved Providers who provide residential care for Veterans accepted by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs as having a mental health condition associated with their service will receive the Veterans’ Supplement.
This rate is $6.69 per day.
Residential Aged Care Homeless Supplement
Approved Providers registered for the homeless component of the Viability Supplement with greater than 50 per cent of all residents meeting the homeless criterion automatically receive the Homeless Supplement.
This rate is $15.29 per day.
Residential Aged Care Dementia and Severe Behaviours Supplement
This rate applies from 1 July 2014 to 31 July 2014.
The Dementia and Severe Behaviours Supplement gives recognition of the additional costs of providing care to these residents.
This rate is $16.46 per day.
Residential Aged Care Viability Supplement
These rates are applicable from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015.
2005 Scheme Services*
Score / Amount of Supplement /Eligibility score of 100 / $49.30
Eligibility score of 95 / $43.69
Eligibility score of 90 / $39.22
Eligibility score of 85 / $33.63
Eligibility score of 80 / $27.99
Eligibility score of 75 / $22.40
Eligibility score of 70 / $17.98
Eligibility score of 65 / $12.31
Eligibility score of 60 / $10.08
Eligibility score of 55 / $6.73
Eligibility score of 50 / $4.49
Eligibility score of 45 # / $0.00
Eligibility score of 40 # / $0.00
Less than a score of 40 / $0.00
# Safety net – former 1997 or 2001 scheme services: viability supplement is $1.85.
2001 Scheme Services*
Score / Amount of SupplementEligibility score of 100 / $29.95
Eligibility score of 90 / $18.42
Eligibility score of 80 / $14.29
Eligibility score of 70 / $10.16
Eligibility score of 60 / $6.02
Eligibility score of 50 / $2.08
Eligibility score of 40 / $1.85
1997 Scheme Services*
Degree of Isolation^ / Number of Places / Amount of SupplementIsolated Remote Area / 1-15 / $29.95
Isolated Remote Area / 16-29 / $18.42
Isolated Remote Area / 30 or more / $1.85
Remote Centre / 1-15 / $14.29
Remote Centre / 16-29 / $10.16
Remote Centre / 30 or more / $1.85
Rural Outside Large Centre / 1-15 / $6.02
Rural Outside Large Centre / 16-29 / $1.85
Rural Outside Large Centre / 30 or more / $1.85
All Other Areas / Any / $1.85
^ The degree of isolation refers to the classification given to Statistical Local Areas in the “Rural Remote and Metropolitan Area Classification, 1991 Census Edition.” AGPS 1994.
* “2005 scheme services”, “2001 scheme services” and “1997 scheme services” have the meanings given to them in the Aged Care Act 1997.
These rates are applicable from 1 July 2014 – 19 September 2014.
/Amount of Supplement
Concessional Supplement
/Assisted residents /
More than 40% concessional residents /$20.91
40% or fewer concessional residentsConcessional or Assisted if a service is significantly refurbished or newly built /
Pensioner Supplement
Accommodation Supplement (maximum)
If a service is significantly refurbished or newly builtOR
If on the day the service meets building requirements
If on the day of service does not meet those requirements. /
Transitional Accommodation Supplementfor the day when the care recipient entered residential care less the amount of accommodation supplement payable for the care recipient.
/Item 1
After 19 March 2008 and before 20 September 2010 / $7.84Item 2
After 19 September 2010 and before 20 March 2011 / $5.23Item 3
After 19 March 2011 and before 20 September 2011 / $2.61Transitional Supplement
/Aged care services where residents meet the requirements under the Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997. /
Basic Daily Fee Supplement
/Where residents meet the requirements under the
Aged Care (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997. /
Respite Supplement
/ Certified / Non certifiedRespite Care – High Level is equal to or greater than 70% of the specified proportion of respite care for the approved provider. / $85.76 / $77.82
Respite Care – High Level is less than 70% of the specified proportion of respite care for the approved provider. / $50.40 / $42.46
Respite Care – Low Level / $35.95 / $28.02