AP Physics C

Video Notes

AP Physics Calculus Lessons

Watch the following video and takes notes

Intro to Derivatives/Quick Calculus 1 of 6/Doc Physics

What does Calculus mean?

What are the two major topics of calculus and what do they mean?

Draw the corresponding graphs of the pig being launched.

What is it called when you make the following graphs?

What is the formula for average velocity?

What is the formula for instantons velocity. What does the “d” mean?

Draw the corresponding graphs for the following

Fill out the following table

f / (slope)

Draw y = sin (x) and its derivative

Fill out the following table

f / (slope)

Watch the following video and takes notes

Why Derivatives are Awesome/Quick Calculus 2 of 6/Doc Physics

Find if y = 3x3 + 12x

Fill out what this meas

Find the first and second derivative of the function f(x) = y = ½ x2. Include the proper notation for the function.

Fill out the following derivatives

Position →______→______→______→______→______→______

Draw the derivative of ex

Fill out the following table

f / (slope)

How do you find the local maximums and local minimums?

Show the work for the platypus problem.

If the second derivative is negative then it’s a local ______

If the second derivative is positivity then it’s a local ______

If the derivative of some function is 1( ) what will the antiderivative look like?

What does the constant mean?

Watch the following video and takes notes

Intro to Integrals/Quick Calculus 3 of 6/Doc Physics

What is an integral?

Find the area under the cruve

Find the displacement both the physics and the calculus way.

Find the displacement both the physics and calculus way.

The area under a v vs. t graph is ______

The area under an a vs. t graph is ______

Draw the graphs from the turnip again….

What does this terminology mean?

Identify each part of this equation.

Find the missing graph

Fill out the following chart

f(x) /

What does that c mean in terms of math and physics?

Physics Language

Fill out the following chart

f(x) /

What are Reiemann’s sums and what do they represent?

Watch the following video and takes notes

Applications to Physics/Quick Calculus 4 of 6/Doc Physics

What is Δx equal to?

Show the math behind the baboon problem.

What do we not know? What do we know?

What is Δv equal to?

Show the math for the rocket problem.

What is the formula for Work?

What is the calculus formula for Work?

Show the formula derivation for the work done by lifting a boom box.

Show the formula derivation for the work done moving two large planets apart.

She for formula derivation for the work done moving two charged particles apart.

Show the derivation of the formula for the work needed to compress a spring,

Definite Integrals/Quick Calculus 5 of 6/Doc Physics

What is different about definite integrals?

Show how to solve the definite integral

Show how to solve the definite integral

Averages and Other Nice Things/Quick Calculus 6 of 6/Doc Physics

How do you determine the average of an integral?

Show the derivation of how to determine the average velocity of the function v = 3t2 + 4 from 0 to 3 sec.