Age No Barrier to becoming a Water Babe

Last weekend 14 swimmers from RTW Masters Swimming Club ventured north to compete in the British Gas ASA National Masters Championships.

Masters Swimming has gained enormously in popularity and quality over the last few years; some swimmers return years after their international career has declined, some have continued to swim through from junior competition and others take to the water later in life. What all these swimmers have in common is a love for the sport and a desire to retain that competitive edge – either by pursuing personal goals or striving for a place on the podium or in the record books.

The RTW Masters swimmers, aged 26 to 66, punched well above their weight against strong opposition from around the British Isles. Guided by their coach, Ted Valder, the group established 17 new Kent records (to be ratified) and achieved 36 “top ten” placings.

Of particular note were the two more senior members, Brian Hunt who took four golds (100 IM, 50 & 100 Back and 50 Fly) and Jim Pearson who took one gold and two silvers and also established four Navy records (100, 200, 400, 800 Freestyle). Relative youngster Jonathan Exall took his first medal, a bronze, in the 100 Individual Medley.The men’s 4x50 IM team aged 200+ also took the bronze.

Amongst the men’s team were a number of “youngsters” who were out to get their first taste of competing on a national stage. Simon Horler, Karl Beresford, Rob Dickson and John Children exceeded expectations as they set personal best times but were outside the medals against very strong opposition.

The six women established 8 Kent Records. Particular credit goes to Kim Fenner who not only swam but medalled in the 200 Fly and followed this with a Kent Record in the 400 IM, two of the toughest races. Lizzie Price was an unlucky fourth in both her sprint events (50 Free and 50 Breaststroke) despite records in each. Becci Harvey had great swims in the 100 and 200 IM whilst Del Jenkins and Debby Park were again amongst the medals in the 100 Breast and 200 Backstroke respectively. Alice Houghton-Rose produced swims of her life and made a magnificent contribution to the ladies’ and mixed relay teams.

RTW Masters thank Fusion at St. John’s Leisure Centre, where they train on Tuesdays (20:00h) and Thursdays (20:30h), for their support. New recruits are always welcome. Whatever standard you are currently at there is a lane for you; either come along to a Thursday session and talk to the coach or find out more at or call the club secretary on 07968 306069.