Grant Agreement number: 325172

Project acronym: ENGAGED

Project title: Community building on active and healthy ageing

Funding scheme: Thematic Network (TN)

Call identifier: CIP-ICT-PSP-2012-6

Challenge: 3 – ICT for Health, Ageing Well, Inclusion and Governance

Objective: CIP-ICT-PSP.2012.3.7: Community building on active and healthy ageing

Project website address:


Report on relevant

stakeholders in North America and Asia

Due date of deliverable: [31/10/2013]

Actual submission date: [31/10/2013]

Start date of project: 01/02/2013 Duration: 24 months

Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: TECNALIA

Deliverable main author: Carmen Pastor

Version: 1.0

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013)
Dissemination Level
PU / Public / X
PP / Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Service)
RE / Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Service)
CO / Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Service)
/ D2.1 – Quick Scan Report on relevant Stakeholders and list of potential Innovation Initiatives

Document History

Version / Date / Author / Summary of Main Changes
1.0 / 09-09-2013 / Carmen Pastor (TECNALIA) / First version of the template
1.1 / 17-10-2013 / Elisa Prada (TECNALIA) / Starting the elaboration of the deliverable: introduction of data into the results section
1.2 / 24-10-2013 / Carmen Pastor (TECNALIA) / First Draft version of the deliverable: revision of the results section; formatting; and first drafting of sections on executive summary, introduction and conclusions
1.3 / 30-10-2013 / All partners / Revision of content: …
2.0 / 10-09-2013 / Elisa Prada, Carmen Pastor (TECNALIA) / Final version including all remarks and comments received from ENGAGED partners. Final edition of two sections: Executive summary and Conclusions

Table of Contents


0 Abbreviations 4

1 Executive summary 5

2 Introduction 6

2.1 Aims and goals 6

2.2 Other activities to be carried out 7

3 Results 7

3.1 USA 8

3.2 Canada 17

3.3 South America 19

3.4 Asia 20

3.4.1 Israel 22

3.4.2 Japan 23

3.4.3 Russia 24

3.4.4 China 25

3.5 Africa 25

3.6 Australia 27

3.7 Worldwide 28

3.8 Events and conferences 31

3.9 Stakeholders’ Profile 31

0  Abbreviations

AAL Ambient Assisted Living

CORAL Community of Regions for Assisted Living

EIP AHA European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing

ENGAGED Community building on active and healthy ageing

FP7 Framework Programme 7

JP Joint Programme

JPI Joint Programming Initiatives

ICT Information and Communication Technologies

MS Member State

R&D&I Research, Development and Innovation

SME Small and Medium Enterprise

1  Executive summary

Deliverable D2.2 of the work package WP2 of the ENGAGED project identifies international contacts for relevant stakeholders in North America and Asia with the final aim of identifying their potential contribution for R&D cooperation and raising joint business opportunities.

The aim of task 2.2, “International Networking in the AHA environment”, in which this deliverable D2.2 is framed, is to build-up contacts and establish interfaces with relevant US and other worldwide organizations which will allow to study R&D cooperation and business opportunities. Some already identified organizations in this context before the starting of the ENGAGED project are the US organisations CAST (Centre for Aging Services Technologies), AAHSA (American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging) and Continua Health Alliance (which has already been included in the quick scan of European stakeholders reported in the deliverable D2.1); the Canadian Centre for Global e-Health Innovation of Toronto University; and the Japanese centre JARG (Japan Aging Research Centre). This way, operative alliances with potential partners could be established so that to achieve a broader impact and awareness of the objectives and the work being done in this ENGAGED thematic network.


For each organisation cited on the enclosed list, a short description indicates briefly why it is considered to be a relevant stakeholder. A contact e-mail and a link to the respective web page is provided wherever available, in order that the ENGAGED consortium can contact the organisation and establish a close working relationship.

Finally, we provide some figures presenting these stakeholders classified by type of organisation and by geographical zone so that anyone can easily see which worldwide area has more identified stakeholders and also which type of organisation has more identified stakeholders.

2  Introduction

This work package 2 on “Community Building” has several aims (which will be later explained), being its main objective to build a European community hub for innovative AHA solutions in age friendly environments. Its starting point is the CORAL (Community of Regions for Assisted Living) network which will provide the relevant stakeholders to start the ENGAGED activities with. It will extend its knowledge of other stakeholders about the EIP on AHA and about ENGAGED through a variety of means, such as match making events, mutual learning workshops, newsletters, web site and international conferences; and it will then use the expanded network to carry out at least two main tasks:

·  Establishing common actions with other networks and initiatives so as to involve them into the strategic processes of ENGAGED.

·  Facilitating joint innovative initiatives in order to develop new products and services within the AHA area.

2.1  Aims and goals

The aim of work package (WP) 2 on “Community Building” is to build a European community hub: a thematic network of networks and new coalitions across Europe for innovative AHA solutions in age friendly environments. It will support:

·  the engagement of networks and set up of new coalitions between stakeholders across the whole value chain in regions, interregional areas, inside Member States, and on the European and global levels in the field of AHA and the implementation of the activities of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on AHA;

·  the further development and follow up of identified EU projects funded or co-funded by the European Commission in a next stage;

·  networks and new coalitions to profile and promote themselves and to enhance the existing and sustainable Thematic Network involving the major actors for the set-up of such regional clusters in other EU regions, such as public administrations, companies as technology providers and systems integrators, service providers, research organisations and user associations; from all European members and associated states.

Deliverable D2.1 of this WP2 of the ENGAGED project, which has already been delivered, identifies the relevant stakeholders, experts and list of potential innovation clusters and initiatives in Europe which share an interest in common learning topics related to the three pillars of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA).


The selection criteria being used for selecting the various international stakeholders is explained following and it has the final aim of becoming a more practical and effective criteria than criteria using a theoretical or academic base. We have used the knowledge provided by the different partners of the ENGAGED project in this international context and we have completed it with extensive desktop research targeted to the identification of relevant organisations active in the Active and Healthy ageing area at a worldwide level. Hence, the underlying selection of the different stakeholders has been based on the added value they could provide for our ENGAGED project at the international level, through their engagement in various international activities, such as the participation or attendance to EU and/or international conferences, the participation in the mid-term and/or final conference of the ENGAGED project, etc. This way, we will reinforce the ENGAGED network of EU collaborators with international presence, which could lead to the start of a collaboration leading to efficiency and exchange of knowledge, and successfully results in the generation of market business opportunities. The final aim is to achieve operative alliances with potential international partners which could be established so that to achieve a broader impact and awareness of the objectives and work being done in this ENGAGED thematic network.

Though the initial objective of this international stakeholders’ identification was to identify relevant stakeholders from USA, Canada and Japan, we have decided to extend the international geographical coverage to worldwide stakeholders. This way we attempt to identify the relevant stakeholders in the international arena willing to be involved and participate in the different activities of the ENGAGED project.

2.2  Other activities to be carried out

Here the idea would be to explain the main activities we’ve planned to carry out with these international stakeholders. This has not been identified in the DoW of the ENGAGED project, so I’d appreciate if any of you could point out some relevant interesting activities so that these identification of international stakeholders have real sense within the project. Some general ideas have already been mentioned in the previous paragraph.


3  Results

This section includes all the organisations, networks, alliances, associations, partnerships and other kind of international stakeholders that have been identified by the ENGAGED consortium as relevant contacts in order to be involved in the different activities of ENGAGED. These identified stakeholders can provide either valuable input to ENGAGED and/or can benefit from the ENGAGED activities to be carried out.

These stakeholders have been classified according to the usual classification of organisations used within the R&D programmes, such as the FP7, the CIP ICT-PCP or the AAL JP. This classification differentiates among end-user organisations, industry, universities, research centres, regions, etc. Within this classification, the several stakeholders are ordered by the country they belong to; and within the same country, they are ordered using the alphabetical order.


3.1  USA

Alzheimer's Association: The Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's care, support and research. Their mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. The Alzheimer’s Association works on a global, national and local level to enhance care and support for all those affected by Alzheimer’s and related dementias. As the largest non-profit funder of Alzheimer's research, the Association is committed to accelerating progress of new treatments, preventions and ultimately, a cure.



Type: Association

AMD Global Telemedicine (AMD): AMD is the world's leading supplier of complete telemedicine solutions including specialized medical devices, encounter management software and clinical telemedicine systems that are used to connect a patient with a clinical healthcare provider. AMD has served the telemedicine global community since 1991. From their inception, their mission has been to eliminate the time and distance between those who need healthcare and those who provide it. Their company began as a provider of specialty medical devices for telemedicine applications, but with over 20 years of delivering products and developing solutions that addressed unique telemedicine requirements, they have evolved. Today, AMD Global Telemedicine provides innovative telemedicine solutions for the entire remote patient encounter. They support clinical telemedicine solutions to over 7,200 patient end-points around the world.



Type: Industry

American Telemedicine Association (ATA): The American Telemedicine Association is the leading international resource and advocate promoting the use of advanced remote medical technologies. ATA and its diverse membership, works to fully integrate telemedicine into transformed healthcare systems to improve quality, equity and affordability of healthcare throughout the world. Established in 1993 as a non-profit organization and headquartered in Washington, DC, membership in the Association is open to individuals, healthcare institutions, companies and other organizations with an interest in promoting the deployment of telemedicine throughout the world. ATA is governed by a Board of Directors, which is elected by the association's membership. The mission of ATA is to promote professional, ethical and equitable improvement in health care delivery through telecommunications and information technology.



Type: Association

Bosch: Bosch Healthcare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bosch Group. The Bosch Group was founded in 1886 by Robert Bosch and is a leading global supplier of technology and services. It is comprised of Robert Bosch GmbH and its more than 350 subsidiaries and regional companies in some 60 countries. With all its products and services, Bosch enhances the quality of life by providing solutions which are both innovative and beneficial. Bosch Healthcare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bosch Group. Bosch Healthcare is composed of two business segments: Telehealth and Telecare. The combination of these two areas allows them to offer a broad portfolio of products, systems and services that support patients with chronic conditions and older persons in their homes.



Type: Industry

California Telehealth Network: Initially funded through the FCC's Rural Health Care Pilot Program, with the goal of significantly increasing access to acute, primary and preventive health care in rural and medically underserved areas of California, the FCC awarded CTN with up to US$22.1 million, the largest single state award of its kind with US$3.6 million in matching funds from the California Emerging Technology Fund. Additional funding has been provided from the California HealthCare Foundation, the California Teleconnect Fund, the National Coalition for Health Integration, the Blue Shield Foundation and the University of California and United Healthcare.



Type: Association

Carnegie Mellon University – UBICOMP Lab, USA: It’s a research group working in the field intelligibility and control in ubiquitous computing, context-aware computing, toolkits and end-user programming environments, sensor-rich environments, information overload, ambient displays, privacy, human-computer interaction, machine learning.


Contact person: Prof. Anind K. Dey,

Type: University

Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST): The LeadingAge Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) is leading the charge to expedite the development, evaluation and adoption of emerging technologies that can improve the aging experience. CAST has become an international coalition of more than 400 technology companies, aging services organizations, research universities, and government representatives.