Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering


1. JOB TITLE: Early Intervention Dementia Adviser

2. HOURS: 28/35 hours per week

3. SALARY:£23,400 p.a. (pro rata)

4. REPORTS TO: Advisory Services Manager

5. LOCATION: Redbridge

6. LEAVE: 156 hours per annum (inclusive of Public and Bank Holidays) (pro rata)


To facilitate early diagnosis and provide support to people in the early stages of dementia and their carersin line with the National Dementia Strategy objectives. The post holder will be the first point of contact within the Redbridge Dementia Partnership andwill provide practical and emotional support on diagnosis, managing the impact of dementia on daily living, increasing choices and improving quality of life.This will involve agreeing the means and level of support appropriate to the needs of the client both before and after diagnosis and working closely with partner organisations.


8.1To provide pre and post diagnosis information and support to people in early stages of dementia, their carers and families. This may be provided via face-to-face appointments, home visits, drop-ins,phone calls, emails or letters.

8.2 To carry out an initial assessment of the needs ofthe person in early stages of dementiausing a person centred approach and discuss and agree a tailored support plan which will be reviewed at regular intervals.

8.3To advise on and assist people in early stages of dementia and their carers to access services provided by statutory, voluntary and private organisations in the community. This will include signposting and active referrals to relevant services as well as providing information on benefits available and assisting clients to access them where appropriate.

8.4 To liaise with professionals involved in dementia care to ensure that older people with dementia receive the best possible level of service to “live well with dementia”; to maintain their independence and well-beingand to make appropriate choices and plan for their future.

8.5To be involved in local initiatives of partner organisations aimed at supporting people in the early stages of dementia and their carers. This will include assisting with developing, facilitating and co-ordinating peer support groups, coffee mornings and consultation groups for people in early stages of dementia and their carersand running weekly drop in sessions at the Redbridge Memory Clinic and King George Hospital, in conjunction with the other Dementia Adviser

8.6 To manage a caseload of clients and carersin early stages of dementia and undertake own administration maintaining paper and electronic records, statistical data, client feedback and assist with written reports on the service, ensuring the best possible level of provision for service users.

8.7 To manage volunteers supporting people with dementia and their carers in a variety of roles

8.8 To produce quarterly monitoring reports, using Charity Log data collection system (CRM system), meeting all funder’s contractual requirements, with support from Advisory Services Manager and Associate Director (Services & Quality)

8.9 To ensure feedback is received from people with dementia and their carers, in order that effective outcomes of interventions can be evaluated, in order to achieve contractual requirements

8.10 To work with relevant agencies to provide advice and information, on a range of subjects, to service users and carers. In partnership, keep abreast of current information and thinking in the field of dementia in line with best practice.

8.11 To assist in identifying gaps in service provision for older people in the early stages of dementia and to work with other statutory and voluntary organisations within the local dementia partnership towards improving service provision where this is possible and to maximise availability of local resources.

8.12 To raise awareness and understanding of dementia in partnership withthe London Borough of Redbridge Living Well Centre, North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT), the four Health & Social Services Hubs (HASS) and other Redbridge Dementia Partnership members in order to reduce stigma and discrimination attached to dementia. The work will include involvement in the Redbridge Dementia Partnership Creativityworkstream and projects developed through this group

8.13To promote the work of the project and partner organisations. This may include taking part in partnership events such as Redbridge Memory Cafe or giving presentations on dementia and the Early Intervention Service to a range of statutory and voluntary sector organisations, including BaME groups or other community groups in a variety of settings.

8.14 To support other Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering staff and offer advice and guidance on dementia related issues that may arise in their client work

8.15 To provide awareness training to Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering staff and volunteers on issues relating to dementia.

8.16 To comply with The Care Act 2014, especially in relation to safeguarding vulnerable adults, ensuring appropriate referrals to Community Care and taking robust measures to ensure the well-being and safety of all service users, in conjunction with the Advisory Services Manager and Associate Director (Services & Quality)

8.17 To attend regular supervision sessions and annual appraisals with line manager to provide feedback and enhanced future planning and direction.

8.18 To attend staff meetings, training courses and other meetings as required.

8.19 To comply with all Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering policies and procedures with particular regard to Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety and Confidentiality.

8.20 To undertake other duties of a similar nature and level as required by the Advisory Services Manager. This may include occasional work out of hours, including weekends.

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