1. / BRIEF RESUME OF THE INTENDED WORK / All patients with maxillofacial fractures admitted in SDM Craniofacial unit will be analysed based on the following factors: Age, gender predilection, etiology, commonest site, associated dental injuries and related complications within the duration of 2003-2013.
Then all the data will be statistically analyzed and calculated.
2. / MATERIALS AND METHODS / Retrospective study
Sample Size: All patients with facial fractures within the duration of 2003-2013.
Patient Inclusion criteria:
All patients with facial fractures will be included in the study.
Patient Exclusion criteria:
There is no exclusion criterion.
  1. Age and gender predilection will be analyzed and incidence will be calculated
  2. Cause of injury will be analyzed under following classifications: Traffic accidents, Assaults, Falls, Sports related accidents, Industrial accidents.
  3. Patients with mandibular fractures will be analyzed and the commonest pattern will be identified. They will be classified as: Symphysis, Parasymphysis, Canine region, Body, Angle, Ramus, Condylar process and Coronoid process.
  4. Patients with midface fractures will be analyzed and also the commonest pattern will be identified. They will be classified into: Bilateral midface fractures, Unilateralmidface fractures, Isolated nasal bone fractures.
  5. Bilateral midface fractures will be classified into: Le Fort I, II & III and unilateral midface fracture will be classified into: Isolated zygomatic arch fracture, Zygomatic arch fracture, Isolated infra orbital rim fracture, Fracture of anterior wall of maxillary sinus.
  6. Different types of dental injuries associated with facial fractures will be analyzed.
  7. All the complications associated with the fracture will also be analyzed.
  8. Treatment modalities and the rate of moribity and mortality will also be noted and analyzed.
  9. Data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical analysis that is Chi-square test.

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