Good afternoon. I am the principal of a very small rural school (student population of 230) and we do offer an after school program.

To answer your questions:

1.) Yes, we do charge a fee for the program. The fee schedule is as follows:

Registration fee = $25 per school year, per family

5 days - 1 child = $46 per week; 2 children = $69 per week

4 days - 1 child = $39 per week; 2 children = $58 per week

3 days - 1 child = $31 per week; 2 children = $46.50 per week

1 or 2 days = $14 per day

2.) We have a classroom assistant and other parents in the community staff the program. They are paid an hourly wage.

3.) We have not had HS students help.

4.) It runs from school dismissal at 2:30 until 6:00 p.m.

Hope this helps.

I am in a very small district in west central part of the state. Our after school program is from 3:35 - 6:00 PM. We do not charge a fee as we receive money from the 21st century grant. We have a teacher that teaches half time and then is paid hourly for the after school program. We have teachers that work for the first hour, which is our instructional part of the day. Then we have community members that are also on staff that finish the day with art, music, computer, homework help and recreation. This is our 5th and final year of the grant. We are trying for an extension but will not know till later in the year. This has been a big help to my district.

Having retired from District #49 in Illinois I know we had an excellent after school program. Well established and VERY successful. Please contact Superintendent for specifics of our program. We have a handbook with all related information. Hope this helps. Contact number 618- xxx-xxxx.

We have an after school program that we started about 10 years ago. We also have students that come before school. I have an adult who is certified (other years they have been aide qualified). She works 6 hours a day or longer on SIP days and non-school attendance days. She has all major holidays off as well as the summer. We are open during winter and spring break. She is paid to supervise the students for 5 hours and then paid for 1 hour of plan/prep time a day. I do have a HS student who comes after school to help for about 1-2 hrs depending on the number of students we have a day. We make money on this over the cost of expenses but really try to keep the cost down to help parents out. I have attached a copy of the BAS program. Let me know if you have more questions.

Here at ______we have "After School Help” 3 days a week from 3:30 until 4:30. Teachers volunteer their time, no one is compensated and no fees are charged.

Our after school program is run by the Boys and Girls Club of America. Although the Club does everything the staff is entirely made up of people from the school; aides, high school students, and occasionally teachers. Everyone is a volunteer except two adults are given paid positions to be the director and assistant director. The charge is only 10 dollars a week unless they are on free or reduced lunch and then there is no charge. No matter what time of day we get out of school the program runs until 5:30 each night. I lend my support, do some occasional discipline, and give advice but the majority is run by an outside agency which is one less thing for me. Hope this is helpful.

We have an after school tutoring program to 4:30 for 3rd through 8th grade. We try to start around the first of October and end right after the ISAT. We have teachers staff the program and no charge for students. We have used title money in the past. We will have it again this year if funding flows. If you have any questions please let me know.

We have an after school program that is run by the YMCA. We simply provide the place; they provide the people and materials. We use the Champaign County YMCA After School Program. It is all ran through them. Try your local YMCA.

We run an after school program until 6:00 p.m. It is funded through 21ST Century grant funds. We do not charge. We have used AmeriCorps workers and students from the local university, but not high school students. We also have two teachers who have chosen to work there. We are a district of around 500 students.

We have been running an after school "enrichment" program for several years. Kids sign up for enrichment classes. It is not offered everyday, just Mon-Thurs, and we have six 8-week sessions throughout the year. However, I will answer your questions as they pertain to us:

Yes we charge $6 a day and that includes the enrichment class, a snack, and homework and tutoring help until 5:00.

Our faculty and we pay $25 per hour. It is optional for them however.

Yes. We recruit HS kids to assist with the supervision, homework help, tutoring, etc. and we do this...they get $5 for every hour they work...but that $5 goes to the school organization of their choice. So if a band kid works 10 hours this month in the program we cut a check to the band for $50. This can be clubs, sports teams, organizations, etc.

Goes from after school until 5:00.

We are a small district in Belleville, IL - we have an ESP (Extended School

Program) that runs M-F from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - it is a fee-based program staffed by college-aged students. There is a coordinator who is a college grad. Fees are the following:

1-3 days (a.m. only)


1-3 days (p.m. only)


1-3 days (a.m. & p.m.)


4-5 days (a.m. only)


4-5 days (p.m. only)


4-5 days (a.m. & p.m.)


If you need any further information, feel free to call!

The YMCA from the next town over comes in and runs the program. We provide the facility and they take care of the enrollment, any fees and staffing needs. I appreciate the fact that it is one less thing on my plate.

Our local YMCA runs a program called Y-Kids in our school. They staff and charge at their rate.

Our district has less than 1500 students and we run an after-school program in ______.

Parents are charged a fee; the job of watching the children is someone from the community who is paid by our district. The kids stay at one of the schools in ______and the program ends at 6:00 p.m. each night.

We do an after school program we call Homework Headquarters; no charge to parents as it is funded with local dollars. Faculty apply and the person employed is paid $25 per hour. We are also setting up another companion program focused upon shoring up reading skills. Same parameters as other program but will be more selective in employing teacher (other is more a babysitter). Both programs will be for one hour after school.

We are a K-8 building of 450 students.

We provide after school day care from 3:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. A teacher's aide supervises the students and oversees the program - keeping attendance, who picks students up, payment, etc... The teacher's aide is paid her hourly rate.

A high school student assists the aide in supervision.

The hourly rate we charge parents is $2.00 per hour and must be paid every week. No pay - no daycare. Staff kids can go to daycare for free.

A maximum of 20 students is allowed due to supervision. K-4 students are taken first.

Please let me know if you need any additional info.

- Do you charge a fee for the program or is it funded through another source? We have charged $2 per hour. This year we are providing the service free. Using $5000 from a grant which covers about 1/4 of the cost.

Students still must register, be picked up by a parent (or parent permission to walk home after if old enough) etc.

- Who staffs the program? We have a coordinator. This person makes or breaks the program.

- Do you use high school students to supervise for class credit? Not for credit. We pay minimum wage to these students. We pick Sr./Jr. going into a related field (including education).

- How late does it run each day? After school, no matter what the dismissal time, until 5:30.

The program is set up as follows: Snack, homework/tutor time, organized activities. Good Luck

We have a program called "Extras" This is an after school tutoring program that we begin about 6 weeks into the year. We do this on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. and it is staffed by two of our teachers that receive an hour of pay for tutoring. It is open to any student in our high school that wants a quiet study place or help. The list of teachers is posted so students know what teachers and subject areas are represented in the tutoring session.

We use a local program...Project is funded through a grant from the state. The downside of the program is an outsider from Project Success runs the program...this has been a 4 year venture...we have had someone different in charge many times over the course of those years...we are in the last year...When we have had good people in charge the program works...bad people - the program is not worth having...we have no control over who they hire...
We have an excellent lady running the program now...we have tutoring after school...the program pays our teachers an hourly rate...good money...the tutoring is for the 1st hour and then students can elect to stay the second hour for a predetermined fun activity or a different kind of class...for in the Home Ec class, auto mechanics, guitar lessons, etc...this is of no cost to the district...Project Success pays for everything...Project Success 443-3200 - they will be able to give you more information about your area.

We have a program with the help of our University of Illinois Extension Program

They provide Food and Nutrition Personnel and a snack. Also (depending on the governor's cuts) matching funding. This has been a wonderful collaboration. Since one individual is completely paid for through the U of I. I have 2 AmeriCorps workers also staff the program - again cheap labor. My site coordinator is paid (but through the questionable matching funding).

If you go to the site you will see different programs charge different fees depending upon their communities. Actually, ours is free to most because we are 90% free and reduced lunch.