General Meeting of June 9, 2004
In attendance: Drs Peter Nunn, Chris Lam, Roger Rogers, Ron Puhky, Erdi Jacobi, Deanne Roberts, Stephen Malthouse, Claire Astley, Stephen Kleinman, Conference Coordinator - Geoff Gosson (after 5:15) and Executive Coordinator - Nicole Moen.
After introductions, Dr. Ron Puhky opened the meeting at 4:20 pm.
2)Approval of Minutes from April 14 and May 12, 2004
April 14, 2004 - The following corrections were noted: under Other Business the name Koan should be Cohen, and under Approval of Minutes – Tanya Lee McCracken should be Tanya Lee-McCracken instead.
May 12, 2004 – no corrections.
Dr. Kleinman moved both Minutes be approved with the noted corrections. Dr. Rogers seconded the motion. All were in favour.
3)Project Updates
Website – Nicole Moen ---
- public list of ACPBC doctors is now up
- need past newsletters up – Nicole to look into getting pdf’s from hardcopy
- CME - CAM symposium – see Chris’ note – put on site
Lecture Series – Nicole Moen/Ron Puhky
- We have had mail conformation from UVic re: Fall lectures
4)Business Arising from last meeting
- none
- Confirmation from UVic/
- We received our bill from the James Bay Community Project
6)Committee Reports
Education – Claire Astley
- Dr. Astley can be reached at 595-4610 or if members have ideas for guest speakers. She is also interested in talking to Drs. who would like to present a case study for the educational portion of the meetings.
Medical Student Education – Chris Lam
- Three students in July and August – holidays of docs are a bit tough for scheduling – please let Chris know ASAP when you know you are going away. Chris has had to say “no” to a few students for the summer.
Newsletter – Stephen Faulkner/Nicole Moen
- Potential Fall 2004 Articles:
Ron Puhky – article re: conference
Claire Astley – Natural Approaches to Menopause and Peri-menopause
Stephen Faulkner – article on his potential topic for the conference
Jim Tucker – Buddhism and Healing
Chris Lam – ??
- Dr. Kleinman will assist with process closer to publishing day
- Nicole to ensure all runs on time
- Ron – agrees to write article
- Chris – agrees to write article // Why people want to get better but don’t want to change
7)New Business
- How to help foreign MD's who are in Victoria - possible memberships with the ACP? - other kinds of support? – from Sydney Sparling
- We could provide provisional membership for those who have similar interests – same level as students/residents/retired – support for them in ways that come up // though perhaps not political // members could feel free to invite them
- Dr. Jacobi – would be interested in forming a sub-group – Syndey can call her if she thinks it’s appropriate
- The group would like to hear more from Sydney
- Summer Social – information on dinner cruises through the Land Conservancy of BC and well as regular commercial cruises – Nicole Moen – decision was made to pursue the Cruises offered through the Land Conservancy for our summer social
- Health Action Network e-mail – from Stephen Malthouse
- thought they needed to repeat Bill B212 – used to be had to have an ACPBC member on boards
- Is anyone being investigated by the college? - Not that anyone knows of.
- Potential chat room or listserve on our website – Chris Lam
- something that some members would like to have - could pose questions and get responses from other members, with certain degree of confidentiality -originally suggested by Dr. Warren Bell – Confidentiality is important // Yahoo group? Security important ///price? pilot on Yahoo to see how could be done? medicalacupunture.org has a good one we could use as a model
- Steven Aung retreat – Chris Lam
- November 26 – 28 Fri noon, Sat, Sun noon – location not yet known – one of islands between Vancouver and Vancouver Island – 14 members have already expressed interest – children 12 years and up are welcome
8)2005 Conference – Ron Puhky, Conference Committee, Geoff Gosson
- Review of minutes from executive/conference meeting // general discussion
-Dr. Malthouse spoke of conference in France with children’s choir and humourists and suggested that we be sure to take temperature of audience to determine what is appropriate
-Geoff told the group that May 14, 15, 16 2005 dates are not available now at the University Centre auditorium
-Dr. Puhky – Joe Pisarrno, an MD, ND from Bastyr is a good speaker and could be a keynote
-if don’t get Andrew Weil – Dr. Puhky will meet with Joe over lunch and get his ideas etc.
-Geoff reviewed how do a call for papers – on website/newsletter/other networks for e-mail/fax/mail stating our various requirements etc.
-government – making medicine sustainable
-Larry Dossy is a potential keynote speaker
- Conference Mind Map
-moved to next item
- Report on meeting with Cont Studies:
-would publish conference in calendar (15,000) people – though not targeted
-could also do a separate brochure to other lists (including nurses) as part of a package
-access to mailing lists
-registration service – all aspects – Note: we can purchase this separately too
-managing the budget – at first glance sounds good // would they have discretion over the spending of the funds?
-would have no cost for small rooms // though U Centre Auditorium would still have a fee – it is only available on June 4 potentially
-catering / audio-visual
-doesn’t preclude us from doing our own thing
-Dr. Lam – greatest pro is a connection with UVic – that institutional recognition
-Dr. Malthouse – would differ, he thinks that the College of Family Physicians or perhaps the nursing faculty at UVic would be the best institutional recognition
-Geoff pointed out that we could still have a sponsoring faculty and hold the conference downtown – the Conference Centre has a courtyard that could be used for things like Qi Gong etc.
-difficult for GG to be objective cause he approaches conferences differently
-biggest strength is the mailing list stuff ( 10’s of 1000’s) – though give resp to UVic // may detract from ACPBC opportunity to have connection with these organizations itself --- and we still pay for the mailing
-is being sponsored by continuing studies/UVic that important? Can we still raise the profile of ACPBC if we do this?
-Dr. Malthouse told the group from his past experience that it is quite easy to get co-sponsors
-get a reference from UVic Continuing Studies – talk to someone else who has done a conference with them (they seem to balk at the idea of providing a reference to us)
-UVic now very focused on costs – we are an opportunity to make some money
-Dr. Kleinman -if it is difficult to communicate with them on this project, this seems to be a con, why would we work with them?
- Update on Andrew Weil
-Dr. Puhky will be trying to call him/e-mail him more directly - to get a firm “yes” or a “no” from him
-if we get him can get all kinds of coverage from various media if we have him as a keynote
- Report from meeting with Continuing Studies
-There are still a number of questions about the nature of the potential involvement of the Division of Continuing Studies at the University of Victoria.
- Venue and dates
-Geoff is getting a bit anxious about the timing and would like to be able to book a venue ASAP (he also noted that it is possible to pull conferences together in a very short timeframe when this is necessary, though at least one year lead time is best)
-we may need to consider a fall conference if we are not able to determine the key note speaker very soon
-the preference is still to have it in May/spring as spring comes early in Victoria and this is part of the draw.
-conference centre – slick and professional, downtown, destination oriented, could put a bus on to bring delegates from UVic to get to venue
-UVic – economic and accommodation, pedestrian oriented campus, little city and catering from UVic is the only option, create own community during the conference, sit on grass and talk, tai chi on grounds
- Critical Path
-Geoff reviewed in detail the various steps to developing and delivering this conference with the group and provided us with the document.
-the sequence of the events is more important than the actual dates on the document
-on the current timeline, before the end of June it is very important (!!!!) to accomplish items 1 – 5:
1)Create preliminary budget and project registration revenue, fundraising objective and cash flow
2)Commit to conference dates, program outline and work plan
3)Define web site url and conference e-mail address
4)Book venue, on-campus accommodation and downtown alternate hotel
5)Select and confirm keynote speakers
Accomplishing these 5 items will give the conference life, presence and physicality necessary for promoting the event.
- Budget
-There was no time to address this item at the meeting.
It will be tabled for the next meeting – Executive/Conference meeting of June 21, 2004.
If you know of any other doctors who are interested in becoming a member of the ACPBC please let us know, we can send them some information and an application form. They may send their cheque and application form to the following and a receipt will be issued. Annual fees of $100.00 are due in January of each year.
Box 526, 185 - 911 Yates St.
Victoria, BC V8V 4Y9
NOTE: Fees are due now. Thank you to everyone who has already paid fees for 2004.
To reach the ACPBC the phone number is 250-382-6356, e-mail is .
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm.
Next meeting is to be held on Wednesday, September 8, 2004 at the James Bay Community Project Boardroom at 4:00 pm. It will conclude with Guest Speaker: Ernalee Alde - GeoTran
No guest speaker in order to accommodate a meeting regarding the conference.