after adding these files to the directory, a call like:
will give us the results we want. Of course, you have to do the following things also:
rename LocalSettings.php to LocalSettings_original.php, re-run the installation script (install.php), and specify a prefix when creating the tables
== add to LocalSettings.php
# The system determines which wiki to display based on either:
# W parameter passed to INDEX.PHP, or
# the cookie "wikiCode"
# First, test for the W parameter. Was it passed?
$sr_WikiCode = $_REQUEST['w'];
# Tip: this new variable is prefixed with my initials "sr_" in order
# to distinguish it from the variables that are standard within MediaWiki
if ($sr_WikiCode > "") {
# Yes, W parameter was passed, so save it in a cookie until it gets changed.
# 2008-04-18 Note: MediaWiki sets its cookies using variables, like the following:
# setcookie($name,$value,$expire, $wgCookiePath, $wgCookieDomain, $wgCookieSecure);
# I haven't yet tested it using their variables, so I've hard-coded it:
setcookie('wikiCode', $sr_WikiCode, time()+60*60*24*365, '/', '');
# We know which wiki to display. Set the configuration variables specific
# to the individual wiki
require_once ('LocalSettings_' . $sr_WikiCode . '.php');
} elseif ($_COOKIE['wikiCode'] > "") {
# the parameter "W" wasn't passed but the cookie wikiCode does have a value, so use it
$sr_WikiCode = $_COOKIE['wikiCode'];
# We know which wiki to display. Set the configuration variables specific
# to the individual wiki
require_once ('LocalSettings_' . $sr_WikiCode . '.php');
} else {
# neither the W parameter was passed nor does the cookie wikiCode have a value, so
# we use the standard wiki and don't need to look into any special one
# called by: LocalSettings.php
# purpose: sets variables for a specific wiki: "pSHIELD Wiki"
# MySQL specific settings. This is the prefix for the data tables for this wiki
$wgDBprefix = "pSHIELD_";
# name of the wiki
$wgSitename = "pSHIELD";
# set path to logo file
$wgLogo = "$wgStylePath/common/images/pSHIELD_logo.png";
# End of file
# called by: LocalSettings.php
# purpose: sets variables for a specific wiki: "JBV"
# MySQL specific settings. This is the prefix for the data tables for this wiki
$wgDBprefix = "JBV_";
# name of the wiki
$wgSitename = "JBV";
# set path to logo file
$wgLogo = "$wgStylePath/common/images/jbv_logo.png";
# End of file