To apply for funding from the African American Giving Initiative for a project that directly reduces disparities in the African American community, respond to the following questions on a separate sheet in typewritten form. Applications that are handwritten cannot be accepted.

  • Briefly describe the organization, the county or counties served, and the specific project requesting funding.
  • Describe how the project directly reduces an identified disparity in the African American community.
  • Describe how the organization or project takes a leadership role in reducing the identified disparity in the African American community.
  • Describe how the project is a model for reducing the identified disparity and how that model can be replicated.
  • Describe how the project leads to systemic change needed to reduce the identified disparity in the African American community.
  • Describe how the project demonstrates collaboration with other community partners.

Applicants also should complete the two-page Organization Sheet and the one-page Budget Sheet.

The completed application should be emailed as a single PDF by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 16, 2018, to . Mailed applications should be sent to the Community Foundation, 500 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607, and postmarked by April 16.

The African American Giving Initiative is under no obligation to approve an application. Receipt of a grant, awarded in response to the application, does not suggest the possibility of repeat funding.


Name & address of applicant organization:

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


Chief Executive Name and Title:

9-digit Federal Employer ID #:

Year organization incorporated:

Is the name above the same as it appears on the IRS 501(c)(3) Letter of Determination?
___ yes ___ no If not, explain:

For current fiscal year:

Organization’s total budgeted revenue:

Organization’s total budgeted expenses:

Fiscal year: ______to ______

Revenue Sources:

___ % government (city, county, state, federal)

___ % United Way

___ % membership dues

___ % fees

___ % grants

___ % investment income

___ % fund raising (e.g. events, gifts, bequests, etc.)


Name of this program or project:

Program/project contact person:


Phone #:

Total cost of this effort:

Amount requested from this funder:



__ Construction

__ Renovation

__ Equipment



__General Support

__Other (describe)

Date funds needed by:

Date by which funds will be spent:

List other potential and actual sources of support. Put an “*” by those committed, noting any matching fund requirements.

Amount Funder

List major funders of program/project for past two years if applicable:

Amount Funder

Program or Project Budget Sheet

Provide the following information regarding the program or project for which you seek funding.If you feel elements of your budget need explaining, please do so in no more than a half page.

Total Anticipated Support/Revenue
1. Requested grant
2. Fundraising or special events revenue
3. Gifts/bequests
4. Miscellaneous contributions
5. Foundation/corporate grant support
6. United Way
7. Grants/contracts: govt. agencies
8. Program service fees
9. Membership dues
10. Investment income/transactions
11. Sales: services, products, crafts
12. Miscellaneous revenue
13. Subtotal Direct Support/Revenue
14. Proration: General & Management Income
15. Total Support/Revenue


Total Expenses / Expenses Covered By This Grant Request
16. Salaries of provider staff
17. Fringe benefits
18. Professional fees (contract, consultant)
19. Supplies (consumable)
20. Printing and postage
21. Occupancy
22. Phone and fax, information technology
23. Travel and meetings expenses
24. Training
25. Evaluation
26. Equipment purchases
27. Miscellaneous expenses
28. Subtotal Direct Expenses
29. Proration: General & Management Expenses
30. Total Expenses
31. Surplus (Deficit)