AFPWeb Dot Com, Inc.
Installing AFP on Windows 98 with DCOM and PWS
I have made a second document FiguresWin98.doc where all the figures are
Document prepared by John P. Chambers, LMSW-ACP, LMFT, LPC, and LCDC on March 3, 2000
DCOM and PWS are a part of the MS product we will help you as much as we can. If not using AFP, please don’t ask us for help with this.
Basically when installing it is easier to accept the defaults.
Use this document with the FiguresWin98.doc
First, get the files
The PWS is on your Win98 installation disk in add-ons
PWS why versions
Which version
Download for Win95 and NT notice don’t use this program on Win 98
There are Patches for all of these files.
DCOM – These are places to go and include downloads of DCOM. Generally you would install with VFP and it would be updated with VFP6 SP3
For Windows 98
For Windows for Windows 95
Windows 95 note the mention of user level security. However, I use share level.
Detecting Installation Win95/98 NT
A zip File version and First Steps Document and the VFP 6 SP3 DLL are available here.
The US site all files
The German site has afpus23.exe a non zip version available afp23us.exe
Notes about DCOM and PWS installations
- You may get an error about MTS during installation it will still work. I believe this is because when I install I don’t have all the necessary products.
- If you use the default settings, PWS will install to directories C:\inetpub I would accept this. Once you have it all done you will use PWS to control the directory access etc. While they say you need user level access, I don’t have trouble with share level access. User level, however, may be more secure. I figure MS operating system you want security turn it off lock in safe. Don’t put Credit Card numbers on it unless you are using a good 3rd. party product.
OK now let’s move on to the AFP installation I will assume that DCOM and PWS are properly installed. Sometimes the screens and examples will take a lot of room. Please check the screens against yours to make sure all is well. I have bolded so you can see the section, however this is a step by step document. If you have trouble with any of the procedures get them fixed, don’t just keep doing things. If all goes well you should be running in a couple of minutes.
Install AFP. If any step doesn’t work contact tech support before messing up your machine. Remember patience is a virtue.
1.If you have VFP6 SP3 Installed on the machine open VFP
1.Run the following code in the command window type: See Figure 1
2.You should get something like this. If you do AFP is working Doesn’t need to be exactly like it, but if it shows the “HTML” word you are OK. See Figure 2
2.Ok, I assume everything is working so far. Now lets do DCOM
1.Run DCOMCnfg.Exe from Start menu run
1.Front screen should have AFP listed see Figure 3
2.Next click default properties tab.
1.The Following should be:
1.Enable distributed com on this computer(check if it isn’t)
2.Default authentication level should be Connect
3.Default Impersonation Level should be Identity
4.I have provide additional Security for Reference Tracking checked
3.Next click on the default security tab.
1.Enable remote connection at bottom of screen should be checked
2.If you are running user level security the edit the default access permissions may need your attention.
4.Click OK then reboot may not be necessary
3.OK, now lets do PWS see Figure 5
1.First, of course, start the program
2.Then click start or close tips then start
3.Check that it is working
1.Bring up your internet browse and connect one of these ways
1. you should get the IIS 4 or something about Microsoft. As long as it is not an error you are OK
2.Go to start run. Then type in winipcfg click ok. The click more info and see what your IP is. Make sure that you have the correct adapter checked, such as PPP or NIC (Network Interface card) for however you are connected to the net. See figure 6
4.Now in the left Frame click advanced. Figure 7 is what you should see although there may be differences because of the options I checked.
1.I have unchecked which you might do at this point enable default document.
2.If you use a default document be sure to put the one you want here such as, default.afp, index.afp. You may want to just add these so that if people go to directories they will have the default documents in them. Like one directory could be default.afp another default.htm, etc.
3.Directory browsing is of course optional, but it allows someone coming with a browser to see the directory and click on the document they want or navigate the directory structure.
4.I also have set the things to put in the site activity log. Having this checked or no log at all is of course optional.
5.Next let’s set permissions – Stay in the Advanced Window:
1.I have scrolled down to a directory that isn’t in the actually in inetpup called HALFOXSIG see Figure 8
2.Next I have clicked on edit properties notice that read, execute and scripts are all checked. Won’t work without this. See Figure 9
3.If you click add you can name a new directory, use browse to locate it then click the permissions and it will not show up in your local host directory unless it resides in that directory on the machine. Like if I had HALFOXSIG under C:\inetpub\wwwroot it would then show in the listing. So in order to get there and see a directory listing you would go or with your IP address.
4.OK, now let’s see if AFP is working. I would recommend rebooting then
1.Restart PWS
2.Open Notepad and paste the material from Figure 10 into c:\inetpub\wwwroot directory saving as test.afp
3.Go to c:\intepub\wwwroot and change the filename from test.afp.txt to just plain test.afp.
4.Now open your browser go to click on allparameter.afp should look something like Figure 11
5.If that doesn’t work, make sure permissions are set correctly Read, Execute and Scripts on inetpup in the advanced screen of PWS.
6.If that works now test with test.afp You should get something like Figure 12
5.If it is not working contact support look for me on ICQ # 15332384 Please be sure to tell me you are asking for help with AFP or I might ignore you.
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