2017 National Urban League- NFMC R10 Supp. Funds/R11
Affiliate Grant Application
Affiliate Certification Form (A)
The following form contains eligibility requirements all Affiliates must meet in order to receive NFMC program funding. The affiliate must check off all the check boxes and have the CEO sign off in the bottom, indicating that the affiliate agrees and certifies that each criterion has been met.
The [INSERT AFFILIATE NAME HERE] certifies that it:
1. o Has current certificates of good standing in all states in which it operates;
2. o Currently authorized to do business in all states where it proposes to provide counseling services;
3. o Meets or exceeds HUD’s minimal standards for approval as a HUD housing counseling agency (https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/housing-counseling/agency-application);
4. o Has counseling offices and services that are accessible to people with disabilities;
5. o Has counselors that are fluent in the languages that customers speak, or will use interpreter services to ensure non-English speaking customers can obtain foreclosure intervention counseling. If a successful Applicant does not offer translation services, it will be required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding or other documentation detailing a relationship with a translation agency;
6. o Will not permit discrimination against customers on the basis of their gender, race, religion, color, familial status, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability;
7. o Will adhere to and adopt the National Industry Standards Code of Ethics and Conduct and offer (as appropriate) the Minimum Standard Activities for Foreclosure Intervention and Default Counseling (http://www.homeownershipstandards.org/Home/Standards.aspx);
8. o Will adhere to the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling guidelines on disposing of personally-identifiable information, which state, “Homeownership educators/counselors will dispose of clients’ records in a manner that protects clients’ confidentiality and is consistent with state statutes governing records and social work licensure.”
9. o Currently uses a Client Management System that will supply, electronically, the necessary client-level and aggregate reporting. NeighborWorks will make available a template for data modification and submission.
10. o Will comply with the NFMC Program record retention policy throughout the record retention period under this funding opportunity.
In accordance with applicable law, the Grantee shall establish and comply with a records retention policy that states:
Financial records, supporting documentation, statistical records, and all records pertinent to the grant shall be retained for a period of three (3) years from the date of submission of the final report for the grant round. The only exceptions are the following:
− If any litigation, claim or audit is started before expiration of the three (3) year period, the records shall be retained until the litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action taken.
− Records for real property and equipment acquired with the grant funds shall be retained for three (3) years after final disposition.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, or any other provision in the NFMC Supplemental or R11 Grant Agreement, NeighborWorks America’s and its authorized representatives’, agents’ and third-party contractors’ rights to site, document and personnel access for evaluation purposes are not limited to the required retention period, but shall last as long as records are retained.
11. o Will comply with quality control, compliance and evaluation of the NFMC program throughout the record retention period under this funding opportunity.
12. o Staff and volunteers who will provide foreclosure intervention counseling under NFMC have no conflict(s) of interest due to other relationships with servicers, real estate agencies, mortgage lenders and/or other entities that may stand to benefit from particular counseling outcomes.
13. o Has documented counseling capacity, outreach capacity, past successful performance and positive outcomes with documented counseling plans, including foreclosure mitigation counseling.
14. o All NFMC clients will be owner-occupants of single-family (one- to four-unit) properties at the time they receive counseling.
15. o Has the capacity to furnish client level data and aggregate reports on NFMC program activity in electronic file format.
16. o Will have policies and procedures in place for the discovery of the destruction of NFMC Program-related records as a result of a natural or man-made disaster for itself and any Branches.
17. o I hereby certify that all of the information in this grant application are complete and accurate.
CEO Authorized Signature Date