September 2016


Excellent quality, high tool life and primarily a reliable threading process and finish are the main criteria for tools in the AEROSPACE industry especially when it comes to components of high value such as turbines.

This industry segment is always facing new challenges, in particular to the wide material range from aluminium to difficult to machine nickel alloys where all manner of problems can be found. For this reason and in close cooperation with customers and distribution partners, the company REIME NORIS GmbH has expanded its product portfolio and summarised the new taps in the AEROSPACE brochure. The main attention was paid to the common threads MJ / UNJ as well as to threads with wire insert.

The new brochure contains the following thread standards:


The main focus in the processing of high-temperature superalloys like Inconel 718 required further development of the NORIS SL 15 NI tap due to the powder metallurgy substrate and the extra special TICN coating. The tap allows a reliable chip removal and keeps a stable cutting edge with this reflected in the quality of the thread.

To offer a complete solution to the customer, a selection of tap holders and thread mills has been added to the brochure in addition to the taps. This enables a concentrated product range in a compressed form.

With the help of the extensive technical assistance for selection and application, the user can quickly find the best and most economical solution for the machining task.

Caption: Focus leaflet threading tools for aeronautic industry

Please contact us for further information:


Gewindetechnologie - Threading Technology

Gugelhammerweg 11, 90537 Feucht, Germany

Phone: +49 9128 / 91 16 – 0, Fax: +49 9128 / 91 16 – 10


About the company:

REIME NORIS GmbH, Feucht near Nuremberg, was founded in 1915 and now focuses on the production, development, application and sale of precision thread tools such as tap drills, thread formers and thread milling cutters. In addition to the name REIME, among the experts also the NORIS brand is very well known.

REIME is currently represented by selected dealers in over 40 countries around the world.

REIME NORIS GmbHTelefon +49 9128/9116–0 Geschäftsführer: Martin Bieber

Gugelhammerweg 11Telefax +49 9128 9116–10E-Mail:

90537 FeuchtRegistergericht Nürnberg; HRB 18451Internet: