AEIRS Mid-Year Meeting

Strategic Planning Jan 14, 2010

“Sense Making Meeting”

9:00 Meeting brought to order

Source: Sanaghan: Collaborative Strategic Planning in Higher Ed

Members Attending:

P Barger, J Menser, P Pate-Schloder, M King, D Leighty, P Cartright

Meeting called to order by P Pate-Schloder at 9:00 am.


Morning: Data review of member and communities of interest responses on Zoomerang Survey

Board members were pleased with the number and quality of the responses. Each board member was previously assigned a question to review the data from and bring a report to the meeting. Responses are categorized below.

Afternoon: Identify Strategic Themes

After data review is complete, common themes need to be identified.

Question #1: Meeting locations; to be moved to board meeting

Question #2:What do you consider the characteristics of a high quality meeting? N=121

Reported on by Pete Barger

The majority of the responses cited topics and speakers as most important. Also highly rated was networking opportunities and basic educational instruction. Several members cited wanting take aways from the meeting, like rubrics and other assessment techniques. The board discussed implications for planning annual meetings and workshops.

Major areas:

Interesting topics N = 44

Good speakers needed (interesting, national) N = 42

Networking N =24

Basic educational instruction N = 25

Pay attention to new people


Take aways

i.e. rubrics, assessment techniques


Question #3 What services/resources would you like to see made available to support your career? N=89

Reported on by Joy Menser:

Improvements to the website were requested by many of the respondents. Suggestions for meeting topics and networking opportunities were also made. Data is categorized below.


Data base for information/Resource banks

Web Classes

Videos of meeting

PowerPoint’s to download for new teachers/Examples of teaching material

List of PhD/EdD programs available

Links for registry review

Several responses regarding meeting topics suggested the following

Techniques and tips for teaching

How to topics

Lessons learned from experienced educators

What are others doing?

Handbooks, rubrics, moving course to online etc.

How to teach digital

How to teach CT


Network more with peers

Discuss with people how to do interim, site visits (problematic)

Have a person from JRCERT spot trouble areas within the standards

Breakout sessions

Q/A with ASRT, JRCERT, ARRT (General Sessions)

How to publish and do research

Question #4What would make AEIRS more attractive to new members? N= 89

Reported on by Debby Leighty:

Marketing and name recognition were discussed at length. The board discussed possibilities for a new logo and establishment of a marketing committee. Data is listed below.

Webinars and Podcasters

Real-time presentations

Networking/ Meeting/ Locations

Regional meeting far from the annual meeting

Getting the information out to the members

Introduce the board

At the start at the meeting

Poster display to identify faces/ offices

Introduce the board both days

Partner with state meetings

Payment plans for annual membership dues

Budgetary problems

Affordability of dues

50% discount on first year dues was suggested

Other creative ways to reduce fees were discussed. A fee schedule for one year, two years, three years membership was suggested.

Question #5: What advantages does AEIRS have, what does AEIRS do well? N = 92

Reported on by Pam Cartright

There were many favorable responses on this question. Members who responded indicated satisfaction with annual meetings and networking opportunities. Topics mentioned are listed below.


Meeting the needs of educators

Strong leadership

Well organized meeting

Approve the CEUs for our own meeting

Publications explore original research

Question #6: How can AEIRS improve as a professional organization? What does AEIRS do badly? What should AEIRS avoid? N = 80

Reported on by Paula Pate-Schloder

Much discussion ensued regarding the responses to this question. While the board does need to get together at the annual meeting for problem solving issues, we need to make a concerted effort to socialize with members.

Lack of Collegiality/Hospitality

1/3 focused on cliquishness of members

Idea: Identify new members with a identification on badge (J Menser)

Lack of Marketing

Get the word out

Be more inclusive of modalities

Reach out to all educational programs

Meeting local

Move away from west coast

Need other forms of CE

Website is hard to navigate

Question #7: What are the opportunities facing AEIRS? What are trends in the profession AEIRS should be aware of? N = 81

Reported on by Mari King:

Responses to this question are categorized below. Discussion regarding establishing a face book page resulted in appointing Pete Barger for the development of this task.

Professional development/CE

Offer educational resources and sessions for educators of all levels, novice through veteran

Ideas: New “Foundational education sessions? (James)

Ideas: ½ day workshops; run consecutive meeting; use mentoring committee

Online CE

Active recruitment in attracting new members


Reduce paper/cut cost by doing more on the web/electronically

Explore social networking/twitter/Facebook

Ask for a choice of electronic publication vs. paper

Inform educators of new trends


Question #8 What threats does AEIRS face?

Reported by Mari King for James Murrell

The current economic climate was the most often mentioned threat in the survey. Cut backs on travel funds for educators may limit attendance at annual meetings.


Ability to maintain/grow membership

A suggestion was made to provide more seminars/regional meeting or meetings in conjunction with other professional meetings.

Competition from other professional organizations.


Retirements/fewer educators

Need to encourage member participation

Need to improve marketing

Break for Lunch

Review of June 9, 2009 Strategic Planning meeting summary

Lessons to take forward…

Investigate opportunities for members who cannot attend meeting

Identify how we will proceed with online recourses

Questions on the survey of members were based on input from June focus group meetings. A comparison of responses from the focus group was performed. Responses from both groups were similar.

It was noted that the 2006 5 year plan has been completed.

Strategic Planning Map: Building Themes for 5 year plan

Based on survey responses, June focus group responses and Board of Director input six themes were identified.

1. Membership/Marketing

(create new committee; include a member from each modality)

2. Collegiality

3. Mentoring/Networking

4. Meetings

5. Web presence/online resources (online committee; include a member from each modality)

6. Publications

Strategic Planning Map


1. Membership

Increase visibility of AIERS to programs/faculty in all modalities

Much discussion on ways to increase membership over a 5 year period(2% each year). A suggestion was made by Menser to send a congratulatory note to newly accredited programs/reaccreditation to put our name out there. Also send out flyer on annual meeting/upcoming workshops. (Marketing committee)

2. Collegiality

Createmore opportunitiesfor members to be involved in AEIRS.

3. Mentoring/Networking

Provide continuing support in the development and implementation of the mentoring program.

Increase networking opportunities for new members

Encourage board members to network with membership at annual meetings and workshops.

4. Meetings

Continue to produce quality continuing education opportunities for educators at both the national and regional level

5. Web presence/online resources

Enhance user friendly web resources

6. Publications

Establish a consistent timeline for publications

Meeting adjourned

Jan. 15, 2009

Day 2 of Strategic Planning

9:00 am Meeting brought to order by P Pate-Schloder

Attending: P Barger, J Menser, P Pate-Schloder, M King, D Leighty, P Cartright, J Murrell

Review of Jan. 14, 2010 minutes

Identify Strategies to Accomplish Goals

1. Membership/Marketing

Goal: Increase visibility of AIERS to programs/faculty in all modalities


1. Establish a marketing committee composed of all modalities

2. Redesign logo

3. Investigate a multi-year fee schedule (1-3-5 year)

4. Increase membership over a 5 year range (2% each year)


1. Marketing committee: 2011

2. Logo: 2010

3. Fee schedule: 2012

2. Collegiality

Goal: Provide the members more opportunitiesfor involvement in AEIRS through committee structures.


1. Increase opportunities for members to become active in AEIRS

2. Incoming president will assess committee activity and call for volunteers to serve.

3. Populate committees annually with qualified members


#1 2010 (ongoing)

#2 2010 (ongoing)

#3 2010 (ongoing)

3. Mentoring/Networking

Goal: Provide continuing support in the development and implementation of the mentoring program


1. Launch the mentoring committee at the 2010 annual meeting

2. Identify mentoring committee members through ribbons on badges at annual meeting


#1 2010

#2 2010 (ongoing)

4. Meetings

Goal: Produce quality continuing education opportunities for educators at both the national and regional level


1. Select an appropriate mix of seasoned and new speakers for meeting

2. Continuing to partner with state and regional organizations to provide mini conferences/workshops

3. Investigate ways to include electronic technologies in the form of a workshop during RSNA or min-conference in a venue to be determined

4. Investigate the possibility of becoming our own RCEEM (M. King will check cost)


#1 2011 (ongoing)

#2 2010 (ongoing)

#3 2011

#4 2010

5. Web presence/online resources

Goal: Enhance user friendly web resources


1. Improve the look and feel of the AEIRS website

2. Determine the organization of the “members only” and “online resources” sections of the web site

3. Investigate alternate forms of CE offerings


#1 2010 (ongoing)

#2 2010 (ongoing)

#3 2014

6. Publications

Goal: Establish a consistent timeline for publications

Strategy: Adhere to timeline for Spectrum and Journal.


2010 (ongoing)