AEG CommunicationsCommittee Report – 7April2017

Matt Brunengo, Ryan Marsters – Co-Directors

Description: The Communications Committee oversees the Association's publications and website, and is responsible for maintaining their continuing quality. They advise the Executive Council and the Board of ways that publications and other media may be improved; and initiate and respond to proposals for enhancing communications within the Association and with outside audiences.

Membership: see attachment

Ryan succeeded Kami Deputy as co-director, beginning September 2016.

Projects/activities summary:

  1. Committee conference calls held, usually the first Friday of October, November, December, January (2nd Fri), February, March, April (skipped September).
  2. Published E&EG journal: volume XXII, no 3 (Aug), 4 (Nov); XXIII, no 1 (Feb).
  3. Published AEG NEWS: volume 59, no 3 (Sep); volume 60, no 1 (Apr, in prep); 2016 Annual Report & 2017 Directory, volume 60.
  4. Chrissy Villeneuve and Ashley Wachhaus took over as News editors.
  5. New publication schedule: three issues (but about the same number of pages) per year, plus annual report; changes in deadlines, etc.
  6. Outreach to long-term members and former officers for stories about AEG, for the April 60th anniversary issue.
  7. Production contract is up for renewal in 2017.
  8. The great majority of journal and News issues are now distributed digitally.
  9. AEG Insiderhas been going out weekly.
  10. Applied Geology in California (Anderson & Ferriz [eds], 2016) was published by the initiative of California chapters: listed as AEG Special Paper 26.
  11. Cities of the World: Papers about San Francisco and Sacramento are in progress for the joint IAEG/AEG meeting (SF) in 2018.
  12. On-line inventory of AEG field-trip guides: Some (either digital or paper) have been sent to HQ; some still coming in. Goal is to eventually have them available digitally, for members and others (free or charge?).
  13. Loose coordination/oversight:
  14. Completion of a new table-top AEG display – premier in Kona 2016.
  15. AEG E-store now live on the website.
  16. AEG article on Wikipedia.
  17. Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn) being managed by HQ.
  18. Brad Isles managing social media posts since January 1, 2017
  19. Liaison with Advocacy Committee regarding national March for Science on March 22, 2017


  1. As directed/prioritized by EC and BOD:
  2. Continue tasks associated with Needs Assessment(media kits, other?).
  3. Support the efforts of the four Focus Groups organized in Kona, as regards their communications with the membership and others, including volunteer outreach, recognition and appreciation.
  4. Help as needed/appropriate with new or renewed production contract for News.
  5. Continue to explore ways to increase submissions of technical articles/papers for the journal and the News.
  6. Continue to monitor website operationalissues.
  7. Move toward accessibility to mobile devices: reestablish momentum.
  8. Recruit a new co-director to succeed Matt (allow time for training).


  1. Contingency: $500 in budget (not often used)