Medical Assisting ~ EKG/Phlebotomy Advisory Minutes
April 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. Room 204
Business & Industry Members Present
Name / Title / Company NamePatti Bowie / Office Manager / Occupational Medicine Centers of America
Shirlyn Beroog / CMA / South Florida Urology Centre
Robert Fleigelman / Medical Director / Occupational Medicine Centers of America
Denise Weaver / RN / South Florida Urology Center
Industry Guest(s) Present
Name / Title / Company NameCheri Bell / Student / Atlantic Technical Center
Nancy Erazo / Office Manager / South Florida Urology Center
Maury Jayson / Doctor / South Florida Urology Center
District and School-Based Support Staff
Name / Title / Work LocationEllen Albano / Assistant Director / Sheridan Technical Center
Marie Cannes / Instructor / Sheridan Technical Center
Cara Daniel / Assistant Director / McFatter Technical Center
Peter Doolin / Instructor / McFatterTechnicalCenter
Marijean Hippelheuser / Instructor / McFatterTechnicalCenter
Luz Kuilan / Instructor / AtlanticTechnicalCenter
Barbara Lefkowitz / Department Chair / AtlanticTechnicalCenter
Rachel Victor / Program Counselor / McFatter Technical Center
Meeting Notes/Minutes and Introductions
Meeting called to order at 8:41 a.m. by M. Hippelheuser with welcome and introductions. P. Bowie motioned to accept minutes from the October 30, 2009 meeting with the following corrections to facility name, 2nd by M. Hippelheuser, motion passed.
Curriculum Delivery Components
Instructional Materials
M. Hippelheuser reported that McFatter Technical Center was using an updated version of the textbook Delmar’s-Comprehensive Medical Assisting, Administrative and Clinical Competencies, 4th Edition and it is working well. M. Cannes reported that Sheridan Technical Center was using the same book and it is also working well. L. Kuilan reported that Atlantic Technical Center was using EGG Made Easy for the EKG/Phlebotomy class, and a supplemental book for Holter Monitor information. L. Kuilan stated a classroom set was kept in the library. E. Albano stated that each center is working to update requirement list. P. Doolin reported that the High School was using the 3rd Edition of Delmar textbook, but not the 4th Edition workbook due to the budget.
Methods of Evaluation
M. Hippelheuser reported no changes in student performance. P. Bowie asked about procedures in place to get students registered. M. Cannes stated her students are being prepared for the Medical Assistant exam through Elluminate. M. Cannes stated that the students also go through aclass, 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Tuesday nights with Blackboard assignments. After completion of Elluminate, the students are given a posttest. P. Bowie asked if it was mandatory that they pass the test. M. Cannes explained, before students could take the preparation test, they must be enrolled in VPI and progressing satisfactorily. Students must have 6 sessions 3 hours in Elluminate, 2 hours must be on their own time, a post test afterwards and then the real test, once the program is completed, they will then get the results of the test. E. Albano asked what the comparison of past and present students is. M. Cannes stated this was the first class. E. Albano asked if she would do a comparison study with baseline data in 6 months. M. Hippelheuser asked if 60% passing rate is used. M. Cannes stated 60% at Sheridan Technical Center, and the RMA (Registered Medical Assistant) wants 70%. E. Albano informed committee that they could suggest 70% based on the fact that transcripts would not be accepted by AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistantsand industry standards if less than 70%. M. Jayson agreed that this was an excellent idea, and in addition, list fees and cost for program. E. Albano stated that K-12 grades were 60% and this is why the grade of 60% was approved, to accommodate High School grading scale. Recommendations from the committee are as follows:
- 70 % isthe acceptable passing score for Medical Assisting.
- Preparatory testing for industry to be intergraded into the program.
- Pay for testing.
- 70% on transcript before permitted to take the RMA.
P. Doolin suggested 70% be listed as a “C” so the High School students would not get a “D”.
E. Albano explained that the High School grades could not be manipulated. E. Albano asked what was the CMA’s (Certified Medical Assistant) requirement. M. Hippelheuser stated also 70%. M. Hippelheuser is to check and make sure. Motion by industry to move the minimum passing grade from 60% to 70%. Recommendations will be made to Directors.
NHA (National Health Career Association) is the certifying agency for EKG/ Phlebotomy. L. Kuilan stated she had 63 students take the state examination and a 94% pass rate. L. Kuilan also stated that passing score increased from 60% to 70%, and industry is asking for certification. M. Cannes asked if students have clinical, L. Kuilan stated yes but limited. E. Albano asked where most evaluations from a test bank or test booklet. M. Hippelheuser stated they were from the test banks but some teacher enhancement was used. Industry agreed Textbook: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medial Assisting, Administrative, and Clinical Competencies 4th Edition was adequate. M. Jayson asked about liability of students doing blood draws. P. Doolin stated individuals consenting to blood draws would sign a waiver. E. Albano stated she would investigate a waiver. P. Doolin stated students were allowed to bring volunteers in for procedures such as drawing blood. M. Jayson stated students should not practice on immune deficient persons. R. Fleigelman added that student should not stick someone with anti-coagulants.
Facilities and Construction
C. Daniel reported due to budget limits all construction was on hold.
Equipment List/Wish List
P. Doolin stateda need of an automated CBC analyzer. Atlantic Technical Center and Sheridan Technical Center stated a need of an ECG machine. M. Hippelheuser stated a need for a PT-INR and a pulse oximeter.
E-learning Components
M. Hippelheuser stated on-line going well.
Industry Specific Certification Test and Recommended Agencies
L. Kuilan reported that many clinical areas were not allowing students to perform venous sticks which are required prior to completion of the program. L. Kuilan stated students are supposed to have at least 25 sticks prior to graduation. Committee gave names of possible places to rotate for blood draws, Blood Bank, Labcorp and Quest, all had been contacted and would not take students.
Impact of Green Initiatives
McFatter Technical Center: internet/E-Book/On-line contributes to less printing. Industry reported EMR’s (Electronic Medical Records) are used, Broward General Medical Center is distributing jump drives. M. Jayson asked about the possibility of electronic books such as Kendall. B. Lefkowitz mentioned that we need to keep in mind our audience,who are auditory and hands on learners.
Student Enrollment
M. Hippelheuser stated 16 adults to graduate. P. Doolin stated High School seniors 11 and High School juniors 7.
Sheridan Technical Center Medical Assisting students, started with 20, 15 expected to graduate.
Atlantic Technical Center Phlebotomy/EKG 21 students as of now, students left because of absenteeism, transportation, FDLE ( Florida Department of Law Enforcement).
R. Victor stated she has for 8/10 term 30 folders, immunization and physical starts early, also visiting Community Schools at night.
Clinical Rotation
P. Bowie asked if students are not going to be there please let clinical area know either late or absent.
Items Specific To Committee
N. Erazo asked if students are taught filing and language skills. M. Hippelheuser stated yes. R. Fleigelman suggested placing files in incorrect order and send students to look for it to give them the feeling of having to look for a file. M. Jayson also reiterated the importance of papers beingin the correct sections and problems with misfiled charts.
B. Lefkowitz mentioned competition with private schools was getting out of hand. M. Cannes also added that tuition fees were enormous.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Next meeting will be November 5, 2010
4-22-2010~ aw