
Advisory Board


Members Present: Kathy Alarie, Rod Albrecht, Jan Burdick, John Clark, Eric Feucht, Al Moss, Holly Tarner

Members Absent:Nancy Graff, Deborah Harris, Kristi Holmes,Brad Norg, Cindy Powell, Michael Warlick, Jim West

Student Guests: Michael Davis (2nd year)

Administrative Support: Kristen Bunten – Health Careers Admissions Coordinator


Members of the committee introduced themselves.

Program Update


Al Moss reported that current enrollment is: 20 first year students and 22 second year students. Kristen Bunten reported that 24 students have already been accepted into the Fall 2013 program and that 16 additional students remain on the “pending” list while they work to finish prerequisite courses and other requirements.

Al Moss also reported that new admissions criteria is being considered but no final decisions have been made.

Capital Equipment Purchase Requests

The program has submittedrequests for the following: a new spirometer, two software upgrades, a new test lung, and an arterial arm.

The Health Careers programs have jointly requested the purchase of “SimMan 3G” for simulation.

Motion to support all capital requests was approved.

Curriculum Modification

The program’s “open lab” has changed to “standard lab.” RCP 212 has been eliminated and one credit hour has been added to RCP 210 in order to streamline the curriculum.


A possible move downtown is currently being considered for all Health Careers programs to improve the simulation experience for students. New labs are in design now: 3 rooms, 2 skill labs and a central store room have been proposed. A decision will likely be made by July 1, 2013. If approved, the move could take place as soon as Fall 2014.

NBRC Update


Al Moss provided the NBRC Annual School Summary including the CRT School Score Report summary page, the WRRT School Score Report summary page and the CSE School Report summary page. The following is a summary of the key findings:

Entry-level Exam (CRT)

Al reported that all 2012 graduates who were tested passed the exam on the first attempt. The program has had 52 students attempt the CRT exam since the latest revision of the matrix on 7/10/2009. All of these graduates passed the exam on the first attempt.

The National Pass Rate on the exam for new candidates is 78.81%; the KVCC exam pass rate is 126.89% of the national mean.

Items on the CRT exam matrix that were slightly below the national average for first time advanced program graduates were:

3H – Determine the Appropriateness of the Prescribed Respiratory Care Plan and Recommend Modifications When Indicated by Data:99% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 2.90 out of 4 questions. The National Average is 2.93out of 4 questions.

3J – Act as an Assistant to the Physician Performing Special Procedures: 94% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 1.38 out of 2 questions. The National Average is 1.46 out of 2 questions.

The program is increasing emphasis in each of the above areas. We will monitor the above areas.Preliminary results of the comprehensive CRT given to students just prior to graduation are showing improvement in these content areas.

Written Registered Respiratory Therapist Exam (WRRT)

Al reported that all 2012 graduates who were tested passed the exam on the first attempt. The program has had 51 new candidates attempt the exam since the new matrix was instituted on 01/01/2010.

The National Pass Rate on the exam for new candidates is 66.29%; the KVCC exam pass rate is 124.23% of the national mean.

Items on the WRRT exam matrix that were slightly below the national average for first time advanced program graduates were:

1A – Review Data in the Patient Record: 97% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 3.29 out of 5 questions. The National Average is 3.39 out of 5 questions.

3A – Maintain Records and Communicate Information: 97% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 2.63 out of 4 questions. The National Average is 2.72 out of 4 questions.

3E – Evaluate and Monitor Patient’s Objective and Subjective Responses to Respiratory Care: 98% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 6.37 out of 9 questions. The National Average is 6.47 out of 9 questions.

3H – Determine the Appropriateness of the Prescribed Respiratory Care Plan and Recommend Modifications When Indicated by Data: 92% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 3.31 out of 6 questions. The National Average is 3.60out of 6 questions.

3J – Act as an Assistant to the Physician Performing Special Procedures: 93% of the National Mean - KVCC has an Average Score of 1.39 out of 2 questions. The National Average is 1.49out of 2 questions.

The program is increasing emphasis in each of the above areas. We will monitor the above areas. Preliminary results of the comprehensive WRRT given to students just prior to graduation are showing improvement in these content areas.

Clinical Simulation Exam (CSE)

54 new candidates have attempted the CSE exam since the most recent matrix update on 01/01/2010.

The National Pass Rate on the exam for new candidates is 60.02%; the KVCC exam pass rate is 117.24% of the national mean.

10 graduates from the year 2012 have attempted the exam;8 of those 10 graduates passed the exam on the first attempt.

NBRC Credentials


Graduation Year / CRT / RRT
2012 / 13 / 8
2011 / 18 / 14
2010 / 21 / 18
2009 / 19 / 18
2008 / 21 / 17
2007 / 23 / 20

The advisory board was given a list of graduates that have attained the RRT. Members were asked to encourage any graduate from KVCC that has not earned their RRT to pursue the RRT credential.

Exam Changes in 2015

Effective 2015 there will be only one multiple choice exam. Students who receive mid-range scores will receive the CRT credential only. Students who score high enough will receive the CRT and also be eligible to sit for the CSE. The CSE will be comprised of 20 smaller cases.

CoARC Update

Accreditation Results

The RCP program has received full accreditation.

Graduate/Personnel Summary Reports

The RCP program has been given consistently high ratings on both graduate and personnel (employer) surveys.

Now only the graduates who are employed are surveyed.

Clinical Update

Clinical Instructors

Rod Albrecht reportedthat clinical instructor evaluations continue to be strong with scores of 4’s and 5’s.

Good luck to Connie Cook in her new job.

Welcome to Jennifer Hirsch at Battle Creek and Megan Van Donselaar in the Bronson Neonatology Department.


Rod Albrecht reported that clinics continue to do well.

Rod asked if there were any suggestions for additional competencies to be added. A list of current competencies was distributed and reviewed. No suggestions were made; it was generally agreed upon that the list was thorough. High Flow Nasal Cannulas may need to be considered as a competency

Community Needs

Available Job Openings

Spectrum: 6 full-time positions

Bronson: 2 full-time positions and 1 part-time position

Bronson Battle Creek: 1 full-time position and 2 part-time positions

Borgess: 1 full-time position