The Discipline (¶247) describes Charge Conference as the “connecting link between the local church and the general Church. The primary responsibilities of the charge conference [is to] review and evaluate the total mission and ministry of the church, receive reports, and adopt objectives and goals recommended by the church council. . . .”

Remember, the annual meeting of the Charge Conference is a time to celebrate, review, and reflect upon our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ. It’s also a time to look forward to new opportunities and ways to build and strengthen the disciple-making ministry the Lord has entrusted to us.

With this in mind, there are a couple of things we ask of you.First, review the Charge Conference dates (attached) and contact Amy to confirm your date.Second, if you want to convene as a Church Conference (I highly encourage this), please make a request in writing.Third,I‘d like to suggest the following format for Charge (or Church) Conference this year:

  • Gathering and Welcome
  • The Business of the Conference(election of secretary, approval of pastoral compensation, nominations, Lay Speakers/Servants, and Candidates for Ordained Ministry)
  • Celebrating and Advancing the Mission (testimonies, presentations, witnesses to the church’s ministry, worship, learning.)
  • Also, we’re anxious to hear about

Your church’s work with its discipleship path, and

One ministry your church offers to the community for which you neither ask nor expect anything in return.

I do have one favor to ask of you during your preparation of Charge Conference. For our Cluster Charge Conferences, we do not have enough time for each church to stand and share their "one ministry" story so we are asking them to do this:

Respond to the question: "What is one ministry, in the life of your local church that you are doing for your community for which you neither ask, nor expect, anything in return?"

Then submit a 1(one) paragraph response to the question along with 3 to 4 Jpeg image pictures (higher resolution is better) plus a short description of what the picture show to the District Office NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 15, 2016 to Amy.

We will be putting together a presentation to show at the Cluster Charge Conferences and we would love to include ALL South District Churches. Well not required, if you are so inspired, please contribute as well. This would be above and beyond what you do for your Individual Charge Conference.

Also, in preparation for your Individual Charge (Church) Conference, you will need to do the following:

Prepare all of the reports listed on the 2016 Charge Conference Form Checklist

Review all of the reports listed on the 2016 Charge Conference Form Checklist

Make sure that the Signature Page and the Checklist form are signed by the appropriate people in the appropriate places;

Submit all completed on-line Charge Conference Forms and forward to the District Office any required material that cannot be submitted on-line, such as the budget, PSCF, signature page and checklist NO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS PRIOR to your assigned Cluster Charge Conference Celebration.

My hope and prayer is for the Conferences to be more than just one more required meeting. Indeed, I hope we will view them as a means in themselves to cultivate continued excitement about doing the work of making disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ. Shalom.