Get Students Off Probation through Proactive Independent Study

Advising and Academic Services

California State University, San Bernardino

Through a combination of proactive advising and motivational interviewing interventions, California State University, San Bernardino's Office of Advising and Academic Services utilizes their own independent University Studies course for students on academic probation. This course utilizes one-on-one advising, follow through on both the student and academic advisor, progress reports, intake/exit assessment surveys, etc. to assist not only with improving students' academic standing, but also their personal lives. The advisor becomes an active participant and works collaboratively with the student in assisting students' academic performance.

What is it?

University Studies (USTD) 27B- Designed for the student who needs to work on an independent basis under the direction of a study specialist in order to improve skills. May be repeated. Units awarded are not applicable to a baccalaureate degree. Graded credit/no credit. 2 Units (Non-degree applicable)

Other University Studies courses:

  • USTD-37 Introduction to College Study Skills
  • USTD-40 Topics in Advances Notetaking and Organization
  • General Study Skills
  • Approaches to College Writing
  • Expository Writing
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Statistics.
  • USTD-45 College Reading
  • USTD-77 Adjunct for Specific Subjects
  • USTD-99 Reading Enhancement
  • USTD-200 Sophomore Success

Referred Campus Resources:

  • Career Center
  • MBTI
  • Strong Interest Inventory
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Health Center
  • Financial Wellness
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • Stress Management
  • Test Anxiety
  • Peer Mentor Program
  • Student Engagement
  • Testing and Tutoring
  • Study Skills
  • Note Taking
  • Reading
  • Time Management
  • Tutoring
  • Major/Department Advising

USTD-027 – 2 units

Individualized Study Contract

UndergraduateStudies * Advising & Academic Services

University Hall, Room 380 * 909.537.5034 * Fax 909.537.7073 * Email:

Student Name: ______Coyote ID #: ______

Telephone Number: ( ) ______Major: ______

Term: ______CSUSB GPA: ______Cumulative GPA: ______

USTD-027 Requirements:

Sign anAdministrative Contract with Advising & Academic Services.

Date contract signed: ______

Complete a Pre and Post Student Academic Assessment Survey.

Date Pre Survey completed: ______Date Post Survey completed: ______

Meet with the Academic Success Coordinator bi-weekly during the quarter.


Yes or No______Yes or No______Yes or No______Yes or No______Yes or No______

SubmitMid-Quarter Evaluation formfor eachcourse.

Date submitted: ______

Meet with advisor in major and submit Advising Worksheet.

Date submitted: ______

Attend 1 on-campus workshop to overcome a personal or academic barrier:

Workshop Title: ______Date of workshop: ______


Signing below indicates you have read and understand the above requirements.


Student Signature Date


Academic Success Coordinator Signature Date

DISTRIBUTION: White) Advising & Academic Services; Yellow) Student;