Featured Maker Questionnaire and Guidelines

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Thank you for your submission! We are excited to learn more about you and the awesome things you make!

To be considered for a ‘Featured Maker’ post on you will need to:

• Answer at least 8 questions from the following questionnaire.
• Include all the photos we have outlined below.

Please read the details and questions carefully.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and send your completed questionnaire and photos to:

We will review your submission and send you a reply within one week. If your submission is approved, we will add you to our editorial calendar and let you know when your feature is scheduled to publish on


1. A high quality* photo of yourself. This can be a portrait, or a shot of you working in your studio, etc.

2. At least three additional quality* photos that relate to your work. Examples include: A photo of you working on your product or craft, your studio/workspace, your favorite inspirational place, your favorite tools or supplies, your pet (ie. “helper”)

*Photo guidelines: Only high quality images will be accepted. Photos must be a minimum of 1000px wide (72dpi), compressed together in a .zip file and sent as an attachment along with your questionnaire. If your attachment is larger than 20MB let us know and we can set up a dropbox folder for you to submit to.


The following questions are divided into two categories, business and hobby. Feel free to choose the category that applies to you or pick and choose questions from both categories. Please be sure to answer at least 8 questions.

Business Questions:

1. Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What is your background?

2. What do you make and sell?

3. What made you decide to take the leap and start your own creative business?

4. How did you get started and when did you launch your business?

5. Do you have any philosophies or ideals you try to represent with your work?

6. What's your process for coming up with ideas for new products?

7. Where do you look for inspiration?

8. What does your workspace/studio look like?

9. What are some of your favorite tools or techniques?

10. Tell us about a challenge you’ve overcome in your business? Or something you tried but didn’t work the way you planned?

11. Is your business your full time job? Or do you have a day job?

12. What does a day in the life of [Your Name] look like?

Hobby Questions:

1. Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What is your background?

2. What do you make?

3. How long have you been making [your skill/craft]? Where did you first learn about it?

4. What initially sparked your interest in wanting to make [your skill/craft]?

5. How long did it take you to master it?

6. Tell us about your process. How do you go about creating [your skill/craft] from start to finish? (this could be a mini tutorial or a summarized explanation)

7. What does your workspace look like?

8. Where do you find inspiration?

9. Do you have any tips or advice for other people interested in making [your skill/craft]?

10. Do you have any favorite books or resources you'd be willing to share with someone interested in learning how to [your skill/craft]?